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Your opinion on UFOs?


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Lately, I've grown to become interested in the way that people treat the subject of UFOs. When I was reading the local newspaper I came across an article that said that the UK Government have just released a number of documents (that were previously Top Secret) detailing UFO sightings  between 1986 and 1992.


Now, I'm not the type that believes Cleetus when he says that Martians anally probed him and gave him a selection of moon cakes afterwards. I do however believe that the subject of UFOs isn't taken seriously enough by the majority of people. For instance, in the newspaper article; the Journalist made it his business to quote the most ridiculous testimonials. Ones such as "Old man seen green aliens wearing beige uniforms inside aircraft" etc. It often makes me wonder why the subject of UFOs goes untouched by mainstream Science; even though there are thousands upon thousands of testimonials from pilots, Navy officials, army personel, top-ranking officials and others who have a lot of experience / knowledge relating to aviation. I read a while back, a testimonial from an army jet pilot who witnessed an object fly at a speed that he had never witnessed before. He and his co-pilot told how it flew in a manner (zig-zag) that no modern aircraft could. Back at the base, their claims were backed up by the watch tower manning the radar. Apparently, a blip appeared on the radar, changed direction quickly, moved in a fashion that  a modern jet couldn't and then was lost. There are thousands of testimonials like this one; yet still, many laugh about green Martians etc when they here about UFOs and mock those who say that they've seen something. I remember reading that one pilot had said that he knew many military pilots who had seen things but would not tell anyone for fear of being mocked. Also, if UFOs are really that big a ridiculous topic; why has there been legitimate (proven) attempts by US/UK/Russian governments to cover sightings up? I find it hard to believe that we could just cast all of this evidence aside because of a fear of being mocked?

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The more people seriously involved with the science of UFOs would more than likely just increase how many are involved in the argument of UFOs.  Also, UFO doesn't necessarily mean extra terrestrial, which a lot of people mistake.  A UFO could be a 'public' top secret experiment by a government knowing that any unintentional civilian sighting could just go in the pile of people seeing things and the majority of the public won't care much about.  It could also be a spacecraft from across the Universe used by aliens to plot the takeover of earth.


Personally, I find some of the more convincing stories neat to read about, but I'm not going to quit my job and go UFO hunting.  It's like the Loch Ness Monster and bigfoot.  Many people having reported seeing them, taken pictures, etc but as far as hard clear evidence they exist, there's nothing solid.


As far as attempts of governments covering stuff up, why would they want to cover it up so bad if they didn't have something to do with it?  Unless the Russians are having tea with the leaders of some unknown planet once a week discussing the takeover of earth I don't see why they'd want it covered up if they weren't in on it.  My bet would be that they don't want their enemies knowing they having something that advanced in the making.


I could keep going, but in short I don't believe it's something that needs any more attention than it has.  There are more useful things in the world that could use the extra attention.



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UFO expert and journalism lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University, Dr David Clarke, said the documents would shed new light on relatively little-known sightings.


He said some conspiracy theorists would already have decided that the release of the papers was a "whitewash".


He added: "Because the subject is bedevilled by charlatans and lunatics, it is career suicide to have your name associated with UFOs, which is a real pity.

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The only plausible explanation for thousands and thousands of sightings being indiscriminately swept under the rug is that there really are UFOs.  As far as whether it's alien, or just advanced top secret technology?  That's a much bigger gray line.  But one would think that if it was man-made and just top secret tech, they wouldn't be so careless about being sighted. 

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Rosswell would have never gotten the publicity it did if it weren't for the obvious lies that the US military spun in the aftermath.


One excuse by a military official was that it was a hot air balloon. He later admitted that the military didn't really know what it was. Also, I doubt that a hot air balloon would have been given an armed escort under the utmost veil of secrecy. Seems that the materials that they found just went... poof.

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