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server showing old versions, tough phisically on server there is new versions


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I`m running Hardy heron with all the stuff. I`m getting the server back up after a crash, so all the server software is installed new, but the /var/www/ directory, which survived crash, because was mounted on another hdd, is not new, but with small changes comes from the old installation. Now, when I change a text in .html file, which appears in the website, it doesn`t changes. I correct it, I check the file with text editor over and over again. The text is in file, but it`s not changed in website, when i visit it with firefox...

I`m completely sure, that it`s the right file. I reloaded several times apache, restarted it, then I restarted whole box. Still no luck. When i stopped the server, i checked the apache processes - there was none. So, the apache restarts completely, there is no processes, that don`t exit. The only thing i dont`t understand much, is the log files. There is a lot of stuff, which doesn`t helps me.

if it helps, here is the website - www.freeriderz.lv/strazdi  the text in the middle is the problem.


I think server takes some files from some strange cache, or temp place, and i need it to read the files from the right place.


any ideas?

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DarkWater: "grep DocumentRoot /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default" would do too :)


edge_lv: Can you do "df -h"

Did you try accessing the website on a different computer? As for a server crash and all new software....not sure what went on there. Did you reinstall ubuntu?

Can you copy and paste an extract of:





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DarkWater: "grep DocumentRoot /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default" would do too :)


edge_lv: Can you do "df -h"

Did you try accessing the website on a different computer? As for a server crash and all new software....not sure what went on there. Did you reinstall ubuntu?

Can you copy and paste an extract of:






Yeah, I know, but I originally was going to tell him to just post the whole file, so I wrote cat and then decided to make him just get that one line. >_<

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