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[SOLVED] whats wrong with this string???


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This is the string in question


$query.=" and page ='".$_GET["Page"]."'"," and userCode ='".$_GET["userCode"]."'", 'and time =.$_GET["time"].""';


this is the error I recieve.



Parse error: parse error, unexpected ',' in c:\program files\Apache\htdocs\loggin1.php on line 36


A little help please



(edited by kenrbnsn to add

tags for readability)

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if this is any help this is the complete code...




<title>Loggin DB</title>



<body bgcolor="#82CAFA">

<form method="get" action="loggin1.php">


<select name="Page">

<option value="approve.php" >Approve</option>

<option value="custquery" >CustQuery</option>

<option value="slpnlogin">SlpnLogin</option>


User Code:

<select name="User Code">

<option >T3</option>

<option >J9</option>


<option >SC</option>

<option >MN</option>

<option >CA</option>


<option >TJ</option>

<option >E2</option>



<input type="text" name="Date">

<p><input type="submit" value="send"/></p></form>


echo $_GET['Page'];

$db = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/../data/log.db"; //connect to sql

$handle = sqlite_open($db);

$query = "SELECT * FROM  log where id > 85076";

if ($_GET["Page"] !="")


$query.=" 'and page" =.$_GET["Page"]. "and userCode" =.$_GET["userCode"]."and time" =.$_GET["time"]."";


echo $query;

$result = sqlite_query($handle, $query);

$row = sqlite_fetch_array( $result );

echo "<table>";

while($row = sqlite_fetch_array($result)){

echo "  <tr>\n";

echo "    <td> $row[id]</td><td> $row

</td> <td>  $row[desc]  </td><td>  $row[userCode]  </td><td>  $row[codeType]  </td><td>". date( "Y-m-d", $row['time'])."</td><td>  $row[ipaddr]</td>\n";

echo "  </tr>\n";


echo "</table>";




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I did not see where you modified the code to go with PFMa's. So here is another version, that would work also.


$query .= "and page='" . $_GET["Page"] . "' and userCode='" . $_GET["userCode"] . "' and time='" . $_GET["time"] . "'";


That is the proper way to use concatenation. In your code about it would have been sql error galore due to no equals sign, no ' and no space between the last statement and "and". As seen above is the correct way to write the sql and use concatenation between variables.

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after inserting the string provided I received this


Notice: Undefined index: userCode in c:\program files\Apache\htdocs\loggin1.php on line 36


Notice: Undefined index: time in c:\program files\Apache\htdocs\loggin1.php on line 36

SELECT * FROM log where id > 85076and page='approve.php' and userCode='' and time=''


holy wow... I'm confused hahaha.

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And the query in the full posted code is not even the same as in the first post in this thread.


To program you must first learn the syntax and meaning of the language(s) you are using. You are making a quoted string and assigning it to a php variable. The quoted string happens to be an SQL query statement. To this to work, you must both make the syntax of the quoted string correct and the SQL syntax in that string must be correct.

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Basically your GET data is not getting populated due to not checking if the form has been submitted. Sure you have the form output on that page but it has to be submitted first and you are not checking if it was submitted. To do this I added a hidden input with a name of "submitted" and a value of "yes" to the HTML.


<title>Loggin DB</title>
<body bgcolor="#82CAFA">
<form method="get" action="loggin1.php">
<input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="yes" />
<select name="Page">
<option value="approve.php" >Approve</option>
<option value="custquery" >CustQuery</option>
<option value="slpnlogin">SlpnLogin</option>
User Code:
<select name="User Code">
<option >T3</option>
<option >J9</option>
<option >SC</option>
<option >MN</option>
<option >CA</option>
<option >TJ</option>
<option >E2</option>
<input type="text" name="Date">
<p><input type="submit" value="send"/></p></form>
echo $_GET['Page'];
if (isset($_GET['submitted']) && $_GET["submitted"] == "yes")
    $db = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/../data/log.db"; //connect to sql 
    $handle = sqlite_open($db);
    $query = "SELECT * FROM  log where id > 85076";

   $query .= " and page='" . $_GET["Page"] . "' and userCode='" . $_GET["userCode"] . "' and time='" . $_GET["time"] . "'";

    echo $query;
    $result = sqlite_query($handle, $query);
    $row = sqlite_fetch_array( $result );
    echo "<table>";
    while($row = sqlite_fetch_array($result)){
       echo "  <tr>\n";
       echo "    <td> " . $row['id'] . "</td><td>" . $row['page'] . "</td> <td>" .  $row['desc'] . "  </td><td>" .  $row['userCode'] . "  </td><td>" .  $row['codeType'] . "  </td><td>". date( "Y-m-d", $row['time'])."</td><td>  " . $row['ipaddr'] . "</td>\n";
       echo "  </tr>\n";
    echo "</table>";


That way the code that requires the query will only run if the form has been submitted. Also modified the while loop, as how you were pulling the data/calling the data inside the echo statements was wrong. I would read up more on the syntax of PHP and variable usage in echos/strings.

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i am sorry because i am f*cking LOST!!!!!



<title>Loggin DB</title>



<h1 align=left>Please enter search Fields</h1>

<body bgcolor="#82CAFA">

<form method="get" action="loggin1.php">


<select name="Page">

<option value="approve.php" >Approve</option>

<option value="custquery" >CustQuery</option>

<option value="slpnlogin">SlpnLogin</option>


User Code:

<select name="UserCode">

<option >T3</option>

<option >J9</option>


<option >SC</option>

<option >MN</option>

<option >CA</option>


<option >TJ</option>

<option >E2</option>



<input type="text" name="Date">

<p><input type="submit" value="send"/></p></form>


echo $_GET['Page'];

$db = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/../data/log.db"; //connect to sql

$handle = sqlite_open($db);

$query = "SELECT * FROM  log where id > 85076";

if ($_GET["Page"] !="")


$query.=" and page='" .$_GET["Page"];


if ($_GET["UserCode"] !="")


$query.=" and userCode='" .$_GET["UserCode"];


if ($_GET["time"] !="")


$query.=" and time='" .$_GET["Time"]."";


echo $query;

$result = sqlite_query($handle, $query);

$row = sqlite_fetch_array( $result );

echo "<table>";

while($row = sqlite_fetch_array($result)){

echo "  <tr>\n";

echo "    <td> $row[id]</td><td> $row

</td> <td>  $row[desc]  </td><td>  $row[userCode]  </td><td>  $row[codeType]  </td><td>". date( "Y-m-d", $row['time'])."</td><td>  $row[ipaddr]</td>\n";

echo "  </tr>\n";


echo "</table>";





this is what I have done and i am getting errors no matter what adjustments you have all suggested and im getting very frusturated.....


these are my errors


Notice: Undefined index: Page in c:\program files\Apache\htdocs\loggin1.php on line 31


Notice: Undefined index: Page in c:\program files\Apache\htdocs\loggin1.php on line 35


Notice: Undefined index: UserCode in c:\program files\Apache\htdocs\loggin1.php on line 39


Notice: Undefined index: time in c:\program files\Apache\htdocs\loggin1.php on line 43

SELECT * FROM log where id > 85076


I am about to throw this damn computer across the room lol even tho its not the computers fault at all lmao

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Tried helping, it looks like you are not even reading what was written before hand. I suggest you re-read the entire posts in this thread and take out the information that was supplied by the users.


I know I posted a clean version of this code and I see non of that code being implemented or used in this version, it looks like you just reverted back to your original bad code.

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actually i attempted to use the code you provided and it also came out with errors and after consulting with my boss i reverted to the old code to attempt to figure out what the problem was.. i am very appreciative of all your guys assistance, TRUST ME!!

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when implementing you clean code i received the following error


Notice: Undefined index: Page in c:\program files\Apache\htdocs\loggin2.php on line 31




PLEASE everyone keep in mind that i started learning coding 2wks ago and its the first time i have touched anything like this, be tolerant of my lack of knowledge  :)

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Either way if you revert back to the old code...FIX IT like suggested. If you get an error, look up on what the error is.


An undefined index means that you are trying to use a variable that has not been defined. You can check if a variable has been defined with isset


Also as suggested earlier, read up on variables/proper usage in echo and print as your code will never work because you are including variables completely wrong. Look at the code posted and see how the usage is done there.


Doing your own research is half the battle with coding. You find a problem research it. Why does that cause a problem, what is the issue. I cannot tell you how many hours I have spent at php.net and google researching all my problems I come across and it never seems to fail me as I almost always get the answer I need or something close to it.


As stated the version of the code I posted is a lot closer to what you want to achieve, but if you want to do it yourself and find out why do the leg work and research it.

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I have figured it out guys this should look right huh?




<title>Loggin DB</title>



<h1 align=left>Please enter search feilds</h1>

<body bgcolor="#82CAFA">

<form method="get" action="loggin1.php">


<select name="Page">

<option value="approve.php" >Approve</option>

<option value="custquery" >CustQuery</option>

<option value="slpnlogin">SlpnLogin</option>


User Code:

<select name="UserCode">

<option >T3</option>

<option >J9</option>


<option >SC</option>

<option >MN</option>

<option >CA</option>


<option >TJ</option>

<option >E2</option>



<input type="text" name="Date">

<p><input name="submitted" type="submit" value="send"/></p></form>


$db = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/../data/log.db"; //connect to sql

$handle = sqlite_open($db);

$query = "SELECT * FROM  log where id > 85076";

if(isset($_GET['submitted']) && $_GET["submitted"] == "send")


if ($_GET["Page"] !="")


$query.=" and page='" .$_GET["Page"]."'";


if ($_GET["UserCode"] !="")


$query.=" and userCode=\"" .$_GET["UserCode"]."\"";




$query.=" and time='" .$_GET["Time"]."";



echo $query;

$result = sqlite_query($handle, $query);

$row = sqlite_fetch_array( $result );

echo "<table style='border-style: solid; border-width:1px;border-color:red;'>";

while($row = sqlite_fetch_array($result)){

echo "  <tr>\n";

echo "    <td> $row[id]</td><td> $row

</td> <td>  $row[desc]  </td><td>  $row[userCode]  </td><td>  $row[codeType]  </td><td>". date( "Y-m-d", $row['time'])."</td><td>  $row[ipaddr]</td>\n";

echo "  </tr>\n";


echo "</table>";




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