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im having a baby :)


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Why would you think she's telling you the truth? Why would you think she wouldn't tell you if it weren't yours?  No offense, but that's a stupid assumption to make.  She already claims to have gotten knocked up a month before you guys split up, and waited 2 months after your breakup to say anything to you.  So what makes you think she's telling you the truth now? And you are right.  it makes no sense for her to be getting engaged to another guy but suddenly pulling this "I'm pregnant with your kid" card.


Here's what I think:


She's known this other dude for most her life, childhood friends, etc.. blahblahblah.  I bet this dude has probably had a crush on her for who knows how long now, because that's the way it goes.  It's probably eaten at his insides that she's shown no interest in him in "that way." He probably cringes and cries and makes voodoo dolls of every new guy she gets with.  So you two break up, and he finally decides to grow some balls and confess his undying love to her.  In a moment of 'on-the-rebound' weakness,  she decides to give it a shot, because girls are sappy like that.  Really easy to dazzle them with fancy love words, such and all. 


So one thing leads to another, and they end up sleeping together, and boom, she gets knocked up.  But she doesn't know this yet, because chicks usually don't find out until they miss their cycle and start getting suspicious and go take a test.  That's why you hear about people not really knowing their pregnant until 4-6 weeks after the fact...conveniently about as long as you two have been broken up, and enough time for this dude to woo her while she's on the rebound.


So the guy gets proverbial (and literal, apparently) shot at her, and now she's had time to evaluate the situation and decide she really doesn't like him in that way.  Sure, he's a good guy, always been there for her, etc.. but he just doesn't do it for him.  She then starts reminiscing on past times with you, and decides she still loves you, and wants to get back together with you.  She wonders how best to approach the situation of dumping her friend in a friendly enough manner to keep him on friend status, while getting back with you.


It is about this time that she starts wondering why her friend Dot hasn't showed up for her monthly visit yet, so she runs down to the local medicine man, pees on a stick, and promptly gives the "O" face.  No, not the mythical "O" face of legend, which all guys strive to see: the "Oh Shit" face.  Fuck. She got knocked up by this good guy who's always been there but doesn't do it for her, and now she feels an obligation to marry him.  She probably told him that she's pregnant, and let him assume that it's his.  Which the odds of that being true are about the same as the odds of a condom's success, had he actually worn one. 


She doesn't want to be with this guy, she wants to be with you.  But now she feels obligated to be with this guy, even marry him, because that's what you're supposed to do when you get knocked up, right?  But she's a girl and girls are silly sometimes.  They try to grasp at straws and reach for stars to get their fairy tale story to work out the way it's supposed to, as written in their head.  Well, maybe being pregnant and having to marry someone isn't part of her plans, yet, but since she can't take it back, may as well try and choose her Prince Charming, right? 


So she figures it's only been about 2 months since you two broke up.  I've got a sneaking suspicion the last time you two had sex was about a month before your breakup, amiright? Or if it's been more recent, maybe she wants to push the conception date a bit further back, maybe to a time just before you two started arguing a lot, so that you will be spending less time saying  "Dammit, I knew I shouldn't have had fucked her, we were fighting, wtf..." and more time saying "Oh well, at least it happened before the fights."  Chicks do that sort of thing.  Sneaky witches. 


It's perfect.  She gets engaged to this dude because she feels obligated, and he thinks the kid is his (which again, it more than likely is).  If you somehow shoot her down, she's got that to fall back on.  But if she can go to you and claim it's your kid and say she loves you and you take her, she can ditch this guy and not feel too terribly bad about it, because she can take the "high ground," saying "I'm sorry, I really do care for you, but it's the right thing to do to try and work it out with the father of my child," sort of thing.  He'll understand. 


So...here you are, sweating about a kid that the odds of it actually not being yours are vastly in your favor.  First off, have you seen a pee-stick for yourself, or are you just taking her word for it?  I think the first thing I would do is go out and buy a pregnancy test and make her take it in front of you (well, you don't have to stand there and watch her pee, but have her take it so you can watch the results show up), to confirm that she's even pregnant. 


Assuming that she is, and the fact that she's getting engaged to this dude but wanting to be with you increases the odds that she is indeed pregnant,  I would look into getting a dna test as soon as it's medically possible.  I'm not sure if they can do that sort of thing until the kid is born, but maybe they can.  If they can't, then I guess you'll just have to wait. 


Tricky situation though.  You obviously have no issue with abortion.  It sounds like she does.  In the end, it's her choice, of course.  But you may very likely be worrying over something that's not your problem (not your kid). 

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Damn CV your posts are huge.


[daniel@phpfreaks ~]$ cat > cv_chars.php && php cv_chars.php
$db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=', '', '');

$stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT body FROM smf_messages WHERE id_member=22533');

$chars = 0;
while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
$chars += strlen($row['body']);

echo $chars . PHP_EOL;
If we say there are 2,600 characters on one page then you've written a total of 1,229 pages... I guess you have enough material for your quote generator in your sig. Oh yeah, and if anyone bothers, all users have written 202.566 pages (or 526,672,253 chars).




Edit: Inserting missing word.

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yeah WOW lol.



thats some good advice.


thanks for the chat :)


P.S... for all those who might read this and who are against Abortion and may jdge me or whatever...lol


I was very very much against abortion because i think its in effect killing someone, however you just dont realise the pressure your put under when you get this kind of news... and realise that this could in effect (change / Ruin) ur life...


thats why now i am very very much for abortions.



EDIT: and sorry for spoiling this celebration thread with my issues lol

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I've never understood those who claim they're "pro-life". You are ending life constantly. The food you eat has all been alive. The water you drink likely contains living organisms that will die due to the acid in your stomach. Sperm cells are also alive so that makes it impossible to reproduce because only one of the many millions of sperm cells will reach the egg which, by the way, is also alive meaning that each time a woman has her period she is taking a live. It's quite simply just not possible to live without ending other life. It's the way of nature...


If you think what I said is stupid and that it's not "human life", then guess what? Legally speaking, abortions can only take place when it's not yet legally considered human life... This effectively means that it is not a human you are killing when you perform an abortion. Seeing as prohibition of abortion is a legislative thing then it must conform to the other definitions in the law.


I've yet to see a good reason why abortion should not be allowed.

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That's why they make condoms.


my girlfriend told me she is pregnant... like 2 months after we split up and apparently she been pregnant for 3 months.


this is the first i heard of it!!!



im now trying everything under the moon to get her to abort.


i know its harsh but she is only 17!! and im only 19.


its all soo stupid.

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my girlfriend told me she is pregnant... like 2 months after we split up and apparently she been pregnant for 3 months.


this is the first i heard of it!!!



im now trying everything under the moon to get her to abort.


i know its harsh but she is only 17!! and im only 19.


its all soo stupid.


Em... I'd ask for a paternity test buddy. Also, if you persuade her to abort, she will hate you for the rest of her life.

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However, I still wouldn't condone the use of abortion as if it were contraception!


No of course not, and to be honest, I would imagine that any girl would prefer conventional means of contraception to abortion. I wouldn't imagine it being a very nice thing having to go through.

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my girlfriend told me she is pregnant... like 2 months after we split up and apparently she been pregnant for 3 months.


this is the first i heard of it!!!



im now trying everything under the moon to get her to abort.


i know its harsh but she is only 17!! and im only 19.


its all soo stupid.


Em... I'd ask for a paternity test buddy. Also, if you persuade her to abort, she will hate you for the rest of her life.



Not particularly the case.  It would depend on her hindsight of the issue.  If she regretted aborting the baby, then yes, she made hate him for pressuring him to abort, but if she decided it were the right (or her perception of right*) thing to do, then she would probably not hate him [for that reason].



*That sounded 'pro-life', but I consider my self 'pro-choice'

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my girlfriend told me she is pregnant... like 2 months after we split up and apparently she been pregnant for 3 months.


this is the first i heard of it!!!



im now trying everything under the moon to get her to abort.


i know its harsh but she is only 17!! and im only 19.


its all soo stupid.


Em... I'd ask for a paternity test buddy. Also, if you persuade her to abort, she will hate you for the rest of her life.



Not particularly the case.  It would depend on her hindsight of the issue.  If she regretted aborting the baby, then yes, she made hate him for pressuring him to abort, but if she decided it were the right (or her perception of right*) thing to do, then she would probably not hate him [for that reason].



*That sounded 'pro-life', but I consider my self 'pro-choice'


She may decide that it's the right thing to do. However; that won't stop her from hating him in the future.

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She may decide that it's the right thing to do. However; that won't stop her from hating him in the future.




Dude you could be completely 100% pro-life telling her not to abort it, and she could decide to get an abortion, and she could still hate you.  She could hate you because despite you wanting to keep it, she decided to get an abortion because she felt you couldn't take care of it.  Or even if you could clearly support a kid, maybe she felt she wasn't ready so she had to do it, but she'll still hate you because you got her knocked up in the first place, forcing her to make that decision.  Or a million other reasons. 


I know I paint chicks out to be these evil turn-everything-around-on-you creatures, and even though they do do that, I wouldn't really call them evil.  That's just the difference between girls and guys.  Guys are predominately ruled by their heads.  Girls are predominately ruled by their hearts.  The smartest thing a guy can possibly do when it comes to a chick  is prepare for the worst, hope for the best.

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She may decide that it's the right thing to do. However; that won't stop her from hating him in the future.




Dude you could be completely 100% pro-life telling her not to abort it, and she could decide to get an abortion, and she could still hate you.   She could hate you because despite you wanting to keep it, she decided to get an abortion because she felt you couldn't take care of it.  Or even if you could clearly support a kid, maybe she felt she wasn't ready so she had to do it, but she'll still hate you because you got her knocked up in the first place, forcing her to make that decision.  Or a million other reasons. 


I know I paint chicks out to be these evil turn-everything-around-on-you creatures, and even though they do do that, I wouldn't really call them evil.  That's just the difference between girls and guys.  Guys are predominately ruled by their heads.  Girls are predominately ruled by their hearts.  The smartest thing a guy can possibly do when it comes to a chick  is prepare for the worst, hope for the best.


But that's what I was basically getting at. She might agree that abortion is the right choice to make, yet still end up hating his guts for it. The smartest thing to do is to let her make the decision and support her either way. But even then; she could end up hating you for not stopping her.

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if your still talking about me...


i dont know why she would tell me she would get rid of it (if i got back with her)


if she thought that when aborting it, she would hate me...


tbh everything this girl does just makes me think id much rather be gay! lol


(but im not i am 1 Billion% straight)


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if your still talking about me...


i dont know why she would tell me she would get rid of it (if i got back with her)


if she thought that when aborting it, she would hate me...


tbh everything this girl does just makes me think id much rather be gay! lol


(but im not i am 1 Billion% straight)





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my girlfriend told me she is pregnant... like 2 months after we split up and apparently she been pregnant for 3 months.


this is the first i heard of it!!!



im now trying everything under the moon to get her to abort.


i know its harsh but she is only 17!! and im only 19.


its all soo stupid.


Em... I'd ask for a paternity test buddy. Also, if you persuade her to abort, she will hate you for the rest of her life.



Not particularly the case.  It would depend on her hindsight of the issue.  If she regretted aborting the baby, then yes, she made hate him for pressuring him to abort, but if she decided it were the right (or her perception of right*) thing to do, then she would probably not hate him [for that reason].



*That sounded 'pro-life', but I consider my self 'pro-choice'


She may decide that it's the right thing to do. However; that won't stop her from hating him in the future.



If she regretted aborting the baby, then yes, she made hate him for pressuring him to abort, but if she decided it were the right (or her perception of right*) thing to do, then she would probably not hate him [for that reason]




Omg people.....  Did no one see the "for that reason" that I pegged on there?



Or maybe I misunderstood y'all misunderstanding me.

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(but im not i am 1 Billion% straight)



methinks thou dost protest too much!


when i saw that i laughed because that was the first thing that popped into my head!


and cv....NERD!


i loved it though!


(but im not i am 1 Billion% straight)


$you = 1000000000;
$straight = $x; // inverse ratio of undisclosed amount of times she makes you think you'd much rather be gay
$gay = money_format("$%i", ($you % $straight));
echo "You are this much gay: $gay";



You are this much gay: $3.00


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