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why name pages with different extensions


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why name pages with different extensions when it comes to php,html,htm,shtml


i mean if you have a php page youve stilll gotta use <?php ?> tags within php coding as you would with shtml pages


whats the point!


I can understand renaming html to shtml considering shtml pages are text based, meaning better indexing, but php still boggles my fragile little mind..?!!?



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Apache is generally configured to only run files with the .php extension through the PHP interpreter. You can configure it to parse .html files too, but why waste system resources on files that aren't going to require it?


I guess there are a number of reasons, efficiency (as outlined above), ease of identifying a files content without opening it, files can automatically be opened in an application that supports it without a "middleman" checking the file first to find a suitable app based on its content, et cetera.

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