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Getting info from SQL databse


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Hello.  I have seen quite a few answers to this question, but wanted to know your opinion on the best method.


I have a registration form and an mysql database with our subscribers in it.  I need to check if their last name is in the subscription mysql database for them to register free for the event?  Any suggestions.  I am looking at the mysql functions on php.net and wanted to know the best method.  Thanks

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Do you mean you're not going to let people with the same surname register to your site?


I think he means, if their last name is in the DB, they get to register for free for that event and not have to pay....but I could be wrong.

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This is what I got now.  I guess I don't know how to say if their name matches the field "last" in the mysql database then print the error code?



// Set the database access information as constants.
define('DB_USER', '****');
define ('DB_PASSWORD', '****');
define ('DB_HOST', '****');
define ('DB_NAME', '****');

// Make the connnection and then select the database.
$dbc = mysql_connect (DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); //or die ("Could not connect to DB");
mysql_select_db (DB_NAME); //or die ("Could not find DB");

// Select all rows with last name
$query = "SELECT * FROM **** WHERE last='$last'";
$result = mysql_query($query) 
    or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
    //check results
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
    	$match = $match+1;

	if($error >= "1"){
		echo"<table width='700'><tr><td><br><br><br>The information you have provided does not match our database of CBC Magazine paid subscribers.<br><br>If you paid to receive the CBC® Magazine regularly and should be in our database, please call Holly at 216.831.9557 or email her at ****, and she will process your $35 registration manually.<br><br>If you did not pay to receive the magazine, you can click back to continue your registration for Amplify at the $45 non-subscriber rate.<br><br>If your event registration is not processed and confirmed within 48 hours, A CDG representative will contact you. Thank you.</td></tr></table>";


$con = mysql_connect("****","****","****"); //Replace with your actual MySQL DB Username and Password
if (!$con)
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("****", $con); //Replace with your MySQL DB Name
$first=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['first']); //This value has to be the same as in the HTML form file
$last=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['last']); //This value has to be the same as in the HTML form file

$sql="INSERT INTO CCA_Registration_a (first,last,company,address,city,state,zip,email,phone) VALUES ('$first','$last','$company','$address','$city','$state','$zip','$email','$phone')"; /*form_data is the name of the MySQL table where the form data will be saved.
name and email are the respective table fields*/
if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) {
die('Error: ' . mysql_error());


// Configuration Settings  Holly gets email
$SendFrom =    "Paid Subscriber and CCA Award Registration <****@****.com>";
$SendTo =      "****@****.com";
$SubjectLine = "Paid Subscriber and CCA Award Registration";
$Divider =     "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~";

// Build Message Body from Web Form Input
$MsgBody = @gethostbyaddr($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) . "\n$Divider\n";
foreach ($_POST as $Field=>$Value)
   $MsgBody .= "$Field: $Value\n";
$MsgBody .= "$Divider\n" . $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] . "\n";
$MsgBody = htmlspecialchars($MsgBody);  //make content safe

// Send E-Mail and Direct Browser to Confirmation Page
mail($SendTo, $SubjectLine, $MsgBody, "From: $SendFrom");
header("Location: $ThanksURL");

$msg_cbc = "Thank you for your registration to the Connectors' Choice Awards";


echo"<table width='535'><tr><td><b>Registration Information:</b></td><td></td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>First Name: </td><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>".$first."</td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>Last Name: </td><td>".$last."</td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>Email: </td><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>".$email."</td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>Company: </td><td>".$company."</td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>Phone: </td><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>".$phone."</td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>Address: </td><td>".$address."</td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>City: </td><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>".$city."</td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>State: </td><td>".$state."</td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>Zip: </td><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>".$zip."</td></tr>";

echo"<table width='535'><tr><td> </td><td></td></tr><br/><br/>";


//customer gets email
mail($_POST['email'],"Connectors' Choice Awards Registration",$msg_cbc,"FROM: ****@****"); //Send email to them


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Sorry gevans.  A little frusturated with this forum, my donations don't see seem to go far here.  If I am not a novice, then my questions go unanswered.  I thought that was the point of this forum.


Anyways, yes I am switching the database.  The first call to the database is to check if they are a subscriber (their is a table that has 715 subscribers all with unique last names)  and the second one is the populate the other database with their registration.  Thank you.

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OK, remember the forum isn't a sure thing, you can't get annoyed at people for not posting straight away. Also I'm not saying you haven't, but you usually get tagged if you've donated!!


Give me a few mins I'll have a look through your code..

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We don't get paid to answer people's questions.  Has nothing to do if you are a "novice" or not.  Everyone comes here on their own time.


Sorry gevans.  A little frusturated with this forum, my donations don't see seem to go far here.  If I am not a novice, then my questions go unanswered.  I thought that was the point of this forum.



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Sorry gevans.  A little frusturated with this forum, my donations don't see seem to go far here.  If I am not a novice, then my questions go unanswered.  I thought that was the point of this forum.


Anyways, yes I am switching the database.  The first call to the database is to check if they are a subscriber (their is a table that has 715 subscribers all with unique last names)  and the second one is the populate the other database with their registration.  Thank you.


Acting like a 2 yearold and throwing a tantrum will not help your cause. I challenge you to go somewhere else and find even nearly the same support as you find here.


    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
       $match = $match+1;
      if($error >= "1"){
         echo"<table width='700'><tr><td><br><br><br>The information you have provided does not match our database of CBC Magazine paid subscribers.<br><br>If you paid to receive the CBC® Magazine regularly and should be in our database, please call Holly at 216.831.9557 or email her at ****, and she will process your $35 registration manually.<br><br>If you did not pay to receive the magazine, you can click back to continue your registration for Amplify at the $45 non-subscriber rate.<br><br>If your event registration is not processed and confirmed within 48 hours, A CDG representative will contact you. Thank you.</td></tr></table>";


Why even bother doing a while? Why not use mysql_num_rows


    $rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
      if($rows > 0){
         echo"<table width='700'><tr><td><br><br><br>The information you have provided does not match our database of CBC Magazine paid subscribers.<br><br>If you paid to receive the CBC® Magazine regularly and should be in our database, please call Holly at 216.831.9557 or email her at ****, and she will process your $35 registration manually.<br><br>If you did not pay to receive the magazine, you can click back to continue your registration for Amplify at the $45 non-subscriber rate.<br><br>If your event registration is not processed and confirmed within 48 hours, A CDG representative will contact you. Thank you.</td></tr></table>";


And what you expect people to be waiting at your becking needs, it was not even an hour since you posted the problem then you threw a "tantrum" and started bashing the forums.

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!!!!!!! var $lost is not set !!!!!!!!!!!!!

// Set the database access information as constants.
define('DB_USER', '****');
define ('DB_PASSWORD', '****');
define ('DB_HOST', '****');
define ('DB_NAME', '****');

// Make the connnection and then select the database.
$dbc = mysql_connect (DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD) or die ("Could not connect to DB");
mysql_select_db (DB_NAME) or die ("Could not find DB");

// Select all rows with last name
$query = "SELECT * FROM **** WHERE last='$last'";
$result = mysql_query($query) 
    or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
//check results
if($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$con = mysql_connect("****","****","****"); //Replace with your actual MySQL DB Username and Password
if (!$con) die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("****", $con); //Replace with your MySQL DB Name

$first=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['first']); //This value has to be the same as in the HTML form file
$last=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['last']); //This value has to be the same as in the HTML form file

$sql="INSERT INTO CCA_Registration_a (first,last,company,address,city,state,zip,email,phone) VALUES ('$first','$last','$company','$address','$city','$state','$zip','$email','$phone')"; /*form_data is the name of the MySQL table where the form data will be saved.
name and email are the respective table fields*/
if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) die('Error: ' . mysql_error());


// Configuration Settings  Holly gets email
$SendFrom =    "Paid Subscriber and CCA Award Registration <****@****.com>";
$SendTo =      "****@****.com";
$SubjectLine = "Paid Subscriber and CCA Award Registration";
$Divider =     "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~";

// Build Message Body from Web Form Input
$MsgBody = @gethostbyaddr($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) . "\n$Divider\n";
foreach ($_POST as $Field=>$Value)
   $MsgBody .= "$Field: $Value\n";
$MsgBody .= "$Divider\n" . $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] . "\n";
$MsgBody = htmlspecialchars($MsgBody);  //make content safe

// Send E-Mail and Direct Browser to Confirmation Page
mail($SendTo, $SubjectLine, $MsgBody, "From: $SendFrom");
header("Location: $ThanksURL");
$msg_cbc = "Thank you for your registration to the Connectors' Choice Awards";


echo"<table width='535'><tr><td><b>Registration Information:</b></td><td></td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>First Name: </td><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>".$first."</td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>Last Name: </td><td>".$last."</td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>Email: </td><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>".$email."</td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>Company: </td><td>".$company."</td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>Phone: </td><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>".$phone."</td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>Address: </td><td>".$address."</td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>City: </td><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>".$city."</td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td>State: </td><td>".$state."</td></tr>";
echo"<tr><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>Zip: </td><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>".$zip."</td></tr>";

echo"<table width='535'><tr><td> </td><td></td></tr><br/><br/>";


//customer gets email
mail($_POST['email'],"Connectors' Choice Awards Registration",$msg_cbc,"FROM: ****@****"); //Send email to them

} else {
echo "<table width='700'><tr><td><br><br><br>The information you have provided does not match our database of CBC Magazine paid subscribers.<br><br>If you paid to receive the CBC® Magazine regularly and should be in our database, please call Holly at 216.831.9557 or email her at ****, and she will process your $35 registration manually.<br><br>If you did not pay to receive the magazine, you can click back to continue your registration for Amplify at the $45 non-subscriber rate.<br><br>If your event registration is not processed and confirmed within 48 hours, A CDG representative will contact you. Thank you.</td></tr></table>";




I've had a re-write of your code.




- $last isn't set at the start of your code;

- there was a lot of code after a redirect header(Location etc..) I commented this out


I've re-written it to work in a way that made sense from your posts.


If it's doing something different to what you expected let me know!

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Sorry people, I didn't mean that to come off like that.  I was frusturated with previous posts like "pick up a book".  Not this post, I should of been clearer on that, my bad.  Didn't mean it for the people who really help like you guys.  I know you do this on your free time and really do appreciate it.


Any help would be appreciated.

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Hey gevans.  I think I'm mixed up.  I don't think it's correct.  I see what you did and is starting to sink in.


1.  I would need it to check the subscriber data and if they are not in the data it would show "you are not a member.."


2.  If their last name does match the data it will display in a table (you commented this out) to make sure it is correct.


3.  After they read over their information, they hit submit, then it sends it to the other database.



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OK, let me re-write what you just said to make sure I understand


1) User puts in details

1.1) If last name is not in database show "you are not a member" - end

1.2) If it is in database show their details - go to 2)


2) get them to read over their details and submit


3) once submitted the details get added to a new database

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ok, first problem.


In the first query you're doing this;


$query = "SELECT * FROM **** WHERE last='$last'";


The var $last has not been set in the script. Is this coming from a form and what is it called in the form??


<input type-"text" name="last" />  - is it like that?

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// Set the database access information as constants.
define('DB_USER', '****'); #add details
define ('DB_PASSWORD', '****'); #add details
define ('DB_HOST', '****'); #add details
define ('DB_NAME', '****'); #add details

// Make the connnection and then select the database.
$dbc = mysql_connect (DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD) or die ("Could not connect to DB");
mysql_select_db (DB_NAME) or die ("Could not find DB");

$last = (isset($_REQUEST['last'])) ? mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['last']) : NULL;

// Select all rows with last name
$query = "SELECT * FROM **** WHERE last='$last'"; #add details
$result = mysql_query($query) 
    or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error());
//check results
if($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
   $con = mysql_connect("****","****","****"); #add details
   if (!$con) die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
   mysql_select_db("****", $con); #add details

   $first=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['first']); //This value has to be the same as in the HTML form file
   $last=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['last']); //This value has to be the same as in the HTML form file

   $sql="INSERT INTO CCA_Registration_a (first,last,company,address,city,state,zip,email,phone) VALUES ('$first','$last','$company','$address','$city','$state','$zip','$email','$phone')"; /*form_data is the name of the MySQL table where the form data will be saved.
   name and email are the respective table fields*/
   if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) die('Error: ' . mysql_error());


   // Configuration Settings  Holly gets email
   $SendFrom =    "Paid Subscriber and CCA Award Registration <****@****.com>";
   $SendTo =      "****@****.com";
   $SubjectLine = "Paid Subscriber and CCA Award Registration";
   $Divider =     "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~";

   // Build Message Body from Web Form Input
   $MsgBody = @gethostbyaddr($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) . "\n$Divider\n";
   foreach ($_POST as $Field=>$Value)
      $MsgBody .= "$Field: $Value\n";
   $MsgBody .= "$Divider\n" . $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] . "\n";
   $MsgBody = htmlspecialchars($MsgBody);  //make content safe

   // Send E-Mail and Direct Browser to Confirmation Page
   mail($SendTo, $SubjectLine, $MsgBody, "From: $SendFrom");
   header("Location: $ThanksURL");

   $msg_cbc = "Thank you for your registration to the Connectors' Choice Awards";


   echo"<table width='535'><tr><td><b>Registration Information:</b></td><td></td></tr>";
   echo"<tr><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>First Name: </td><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>".$first."</td></tr>";
   echo"<tr><td>Last Name: </td><td>".$last."</td></tr>";
   echo"<tr><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>Email: </td><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>".$email."</td></tr>";
   echo"<tr><td>Company: </td><td>".$company."</td></tr>";
   echo"<tr><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>Phone: </td><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>".$phone."</td></tr>";
   echo"<tr><td>Address: </td><td>".$address."</td></tr>";
   echo"<tr><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>City: </td><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>".$city."</td></tr>";
   echo"<tr><td>State: </td><td>".$state."</td></tr>";
   echo"<tr><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>Zip: </td><td bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>".$zip."</td></tr>";

   echo"<table width='535'><tr><td> </td><td></td></tr><br/><br/>";


   //customer gets email
   mail($_POST['email'],"Connectors' Choice Awards Registration",$msg_cbc,"FROM: ****@****"); //Send email to them

} else {
   echo "<table width='700'><tr><td><br><br><br>The information you have provided does not match our database of CBC Magazine paid subscribers.<br><br>If you paid to receive the CBC® Magazine regularly and should be in our database, please call Holly at 216.831.9557 or email her at ****, and she will process your $35 registration manually.<br><br>If you did not pay to receive the magazine, you can click back to continue your registration for Amplify at the $45 non-subscriber rate.<br><br>If your event registration is not processed and confirmed within 48 hours, A CDG representative will contact you. Thank you.</td></tr></table>";

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