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Video Tutorial Layout


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Okay this is not a website I am launching or anything, I am in the process of making a php video on how to make a blog, and then I am going to sell it. I have plenty of other videos sold, but I would just like to know if this simple layout is okay for the tutorial.


This is a simple design made for the purpose of the video tutorial, its not ment to be super awsome, but do you think its okay for a tutorial? Consider it a Sample Layout



Copy paste this HTML code to this website http://www.jmarshall.com/easy/html/testbed.html and click Display


<style type="text/css">
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font-size: 10px;
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Bland is my first thought. Way too simple!


The header image is broken by the way - do you not have a proper URL you can give us?


He didn't want it complex, it's a tutorial, I assume for beginners.  The URL is fine it's just the image that's broken, no big deal. 


This is a simple design made for the purpose of the video tutorial, its not ment to be super awsome, but do you think its okay for a tutorial? Consider it a Sample Layout


I think it's fine because in this case you're only teaching them how to create a blog with some basic CSS.

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Bland is my first thought. Way too simple!


The header image is broken by the way - do you not have a proper URL you can give us?




Simple is what I am aiming for, the coding is what I am concentrating on though, its simply for the purpose of learning and the tutorial.


sorry though lol, I'm way to lazy to upload a file to my FTP. WampServer FTW!

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Fair dos!


And I appreciate that you're trying to keep it simple, just I personally think it's too simple; it's not achieving the 'effective simplicity' look! Wouldn't take much though.. a couple of nice soft colors here and there to highlight key areas, get the logo up, etc. Probably look better when the content is finished as well..


Apologies if you thought I was being a lil' harsh..



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