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bug using fsockopen in for loop


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I'm not sure where the exact problem is here.  I'm trying to make a script to compare expiration dates of domains in our database against the dates on the actual WHOIS servers, it takes an array (which appears to be fine in print_r) and does the following


function array_whois($array) 
if (!is_array($array)) { die('WHOIS script was not passed an array.'); }
$count = count($array);
$i = 0;

	for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
		$domain[$i] = $array[$i];
		$tempdomain = $domain[$i];
		$q = "SELECT tld, exp_date FROM Domain WHERE domain_name = '$tempdomain'";
			$query = mssql_query($q) or die(mssql_get_last_message());
				$info = mssql_fetch_array($query);
		$topleveldomain[$i] = strtolower($info["tld"]); // necessary to avoid conflict with $tld for whoisservers.php
		$tld = $topleveldomain[$i]; // $tld gets used to find the right WHOIS server
		$exp_date[$i] = $info["exp_date"];

		include('whoisservers.php'); // there's a case-switch with TLDs and their corresponding registries.

		if($comnet == 1) //$comnet is defined as 0 in whoisservers.php and set to 1 in the instances of com and net.
			{ // .COM and .NET domains operate differently, Network Solutions will redirect you to another registrar.
				$fp = fsockopen($server,43);
				fputs($fp, "$tempdomain\r\n");
				$num = 10; // Retrieving the line that specifies the correct whois server, in this case line 10.
				for ($i=0; $i<$num; $i++)
				$line = fgets($fp);

				if (strlen($line) > 1) 
					{ // Actual Network Solutions-owned names have a blank line 10 so comparing string length works.
					$server = substr($line,17); // Snip everything before the start of the correct whois server.
					$server = substr($server,0,-1); // Snip the trailing linebreak and this is now the server we'll check against, and the user never sees any of this.

		/*echo '$array'; print_r($array);
		echo '$domain'; print_r($domain[$i]);
		echo '$tld'; print_r($tld);
		echo '$exp_date'; print_r($exp_date[$i]);
		echo '$server'; print_r($server);		

		$fp = fsockopen($server,43); // we define $server in whoisservers.php and later refine it if comnet = 1
		fputs($fp, "$tempdomain\r\n");
			echo stristr(fgets($fp),"expir");


	} //end for loop
} //end else
}//end function


This works fine with an array with 1 element but any more than that and the script times out.  Any ideas?

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One, put the include inside the for loop outside of it, including it multiple times could probably be causing it, I am guessing it just defines some variables, so yea no need to have it included each loop.


Second you are re-using $i for the inside for loop, change this to be $x or something like that.


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Good catch on the second $i, I completely overlooked it.


I've turned the case-switch in whoisservers.php into a function and call it now, and I'm having the same error.



Notice: Undefined variable: server in expwhois.php on line 49


Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to :43 (A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. ) in expwhois.php on line 49


Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in expwhois.php on line 49


EDIT:  It's now not working for even one element.

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1. Show us the new script.


2. I'd suggest a foreach loop rather than a for loop for iterating an array...


2. I tried foreach but I've never used it before and made a mess of it.  :P  Guess I didn't do much better here but I at least got a result with 1 element.





function array_whois($array) 
if (!is_array($array)) { die('WHOIS script was not passed an array.'); }
$count = count($array);
$i = 0;
			include('whoisservers2.php'); // there's a case-switch with TLDs and their corresponding registries.

	for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
		$domain[$i] = $array[$i];
		$tempdomain = $domain[$i];
		$q = "SELECT tld, exp_date FROM Domain WHERE domain_name = '$tempdomain'";
			$query = mssql_query($q) or die(mssql_get_last_message());
				$info = mssql_fetch_array($query);
		$topleveldomain[$i] = strtolower($info["tld"]); // necessary to avoid conflict with $tld for whoisservers.php
		$tld = $topleveldomain[$i]; // $tld gets used to find the right WHOIS server
		$exp_date[$i] = $info["exp_date"];
		$comnet = 0;
		$server = getserver();

		if($comnet == 1) 
			{ // .COM and .NET domains operate differently, Network Solutions will redirect you to another registrar.
				$j = 0;
				$fp = fsockopen($server,43);
				fputs($fp, "$tempdomain\r\n");
				$num = 10; // Retrieving the line that specifies the correct whois server, in this case line 10.
				for ($j=0; $j<$num; $j++)
				$line = fgets($fp);

				if (strlen($line) > 1) 
					{ // Actual Network Solutions-owned names have a blank line 10 so comparing string length works.
					$server = substr($line,17); // Snip everything before the start of the correct whois server.
					$server = substr($server,0,-1); // Snip the trailing linebreak and this is now the server we'll check against, and the user never sees any of this.

		/*echo '$array'; print_r($array);
		echo '$domain'; print_r($domain[$i]);
		echo '$tld'; print_r($tld);
		echo '$exp_date'; print_r($exp_date[$i]);
		echo '$server'; print_r($server);		

		$fp = fsockopen($server,43); // we define $server in whoisservers.php and later refine it if comnet = 1
		fputs($fp, "$tempdomain\r\n");
			echo stristr(fgets($fp),"expir");

	} //end for loop
} //end else
}//end function


And a relevant snippet of whoisservers2.php:


function getserver() {
//nothing in here should need modifying unless you find a particular whois server is either missing or incorrect.
global $comnet;
global $tld;
switch($tld) {
case 'ac':
$server = 'whois.nic.ac';
return $server;

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Made some additional changes and the fact that it's still not working is surprising.





function array_whois($array) 
if (!is_array($array)) { die('WHOIS script was not passed an array.'); }
	$count = count($array);
	$i = 0;
	include('whoisservers2.php'); // there's a case-switch with TLDs and their corresponding registries.

	for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
		$domain[$i] = $array[$i];
		$tempdomain = $domain[$i];
		$q = "SELECT tld, exp_date FROM Domain WHERE domain_name = '$tempdomain'";
			$query = mssql_query($q) or die(mssql_get_last_message());
				$info = mssql_fetch_array($query);
		$topleveldomain[$i] = strtolower($info["tld"]); // necessary to avoid conflict with $tld for whoisservers.php
		$tld = $topleveldomain[$i]; // $tld gets used to find the right WHOIS server
		$exp_date[$i] = $info["exp_date"];
		$comnet = 0;

		if($comnet == 1) 
			{ // .COM and .NET domains operate differently, Network Solutions will redirect you to another registrar.
				$j = 0;
				$fp = fsockopen($server,43);
				fputs($fp, "$tempdomain\r\n");
				$num = 10; // Retrieving the line that specifies the correct whois server, in this case line 10.
				for ($j=0; $j<$num; $j++)
				$line = fgets($fp);

				if (strlen($line) > 1) 
					{ // Actual Network Solutions-owned names have a blank line 10 so comparing string length works.
					$server = substr($line,17); // Snip everything before the start of the correct whois server.
					$server = substr($server,0,-1); // Snip the trailing linebreak and this is now the server we'll check against, and the user never sees any of this.

		echo '$array: '; print_r($array);
		echo '<br>$domain: '; print_r($domain[$i]);
		echo '<br>$tld: '; print_r($tld);
		echo '<br>$exp_date: '; print_r($exp_date[$i]);
		echo '<br>$server: '; print_r($server);		

		$fp = fsockopen($server,43); // we define $server in whoisservers.php and later refine it if comnet = 1
		fputs($fp, "$tempdomain\r\n");
			echo stristr(fgets($fp),"expir");

	} //end for loop
} //end else
}//end function



function getserver() {
//nothing in here should need modifying unless you find a particular whois server is either missing or incorrect.
echo "function called";
global $comnet;
global $tld;
global $server;
switch($tld) {
case 'ac':
$server = 'whois.nic.ac';
case 'com':
echo "hi";
$server = 'whois.internic.net';
$comnet = 1;
echo "default";
$server = 'whois.internic.net';
$comnet = 1;


A submission of an array containing level-up.com yields this:


function called


$array: Array ( [0] => level-up.com )

$domain: level-up.com

$tld: com

$exp_date: Aug 2 2009 12:00AM


Notice: Undefined variable: server in expwhois.php on line 45


Notice: Undefined variable: server in expwhois.php on line 49


Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to :43 (A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. ) in expwhois.php on line 49


Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in expwhois.php on line 49




So it seems like it's getting stuck somewhere in the case switch.

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unable to connect to :43


$server is not being defined, hence the :43.


Right, which makes the logical question WHY is it not being defined when the switch uses the default case which assigns it a $server.  It's gotta be a scope problem but I just don't see where.

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You hit the nail on the head.


$server is defined in a function and is not considered a global. Any item defined in a function for it to be used elsewhere needs to be defined a global variable, or assigned to a session variable.


Which ever you choose, I would use the session, globals are just messy. But that is just me. The same will be true for tld and comnet inside the function.

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