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session_start() help


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I am trying to display different content for the user on the homepage if they are logged in. After they logged in I set $_SESSION['valid_user'] , $_SESSION['zip'], etc.


On the homepage I have session_start(); at the top and I have sections on the page that checked to see if you are logged in.... if you are, then it displays info based on you account.


My problem is that I do not want session_id's appended onto all of my links.


How can I do what I need to do on the homepage and not have session id's in my links?





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PHP Version 5.2.2


Directive Local Value Master Value

session.auto_start Off Off

session.bug_compat_42 Off Off

session.bug_compat_warn On On

session.cache_expire 180 180

session.cache_limiter nocache nocache

session.cookie_domain no value no value

session.cookie_httponly Off Off

session.cookie_lifetime 0 0

session.cookie_path / /

session.cookie_secure Off Off

session.entropy_file no value no value

session.entropy_length 0 0

session.gc_divisor 1000 1000

session.gc_maxlifetime 1440 1440

session.gc_probability 1 1

session.hash_bits_per_character 5 5

session.hash_function 0 0


session.referer_check no value no value

session.save_handler files files

session.save_path no value no value

session.serialize_handler php php

session.use_cookies On On

session.use_only_cookies Off Off

session.use_trans_sid 1 1


Would it be ok if I use the following below before SESSION_START(); ?

ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', false);


Is this going to hurt me in any way?

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It would have to be placed on every script.  Do what I said and put the config into a php.ini file which would apply to the whole folder.


session.use_trans_sid 0  , I'm pretty sure will help

url_rewriter.tags  , I have no clue


Or if your host allows .htaccess put it in that instead.

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