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Keyword Research - Confusion


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Iv done over 2 years of research on how to do SEO. Though im still confused at a few things. If i were optimising for say "chocolate" as in most examples around, it would be quite easy.


But say im doing research for keywords that sell "web design" . Im lost! Because the phrases that come up from searching that phrase are usually completely irrelevant to where the services are located, too competative or they are just not geared up to sell a service but to simply provide information.


Related searches such as "css" , "flash" etc again are the same...

So like, web design, web page design, web site design are far too competative, but with Nichebot the next phrase is "church web design" which is again irreleavant!


It appears in this topic you have to be so specific about the services, where as a web design company usually offers everything generally as a whole

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web design is not a good search term to promote for a company's services. You should target niche phrases such as Web Design Services London,

Flash Development London,

Low cost web design,



You have no chance using generic phrases and the probability that a user is looking for web design services from a generic search term is low.


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Well im not sure really.


If all the phrases containing web design, are either far too competative, or they just are completely irrelevant like "michigan web design", "florida web design", "church web design"  etc ( the company is Uk based and does not focus on anything like churches, its more of take whatever clients they can get ) what the hell are you supposed to use? It just seems a near impossible topic to be able to gain rankings for. I could go for topics like "css", "flash", "xhtml" but from what iv seen the majority of people are looking for information, not services.


I must be missing something?


neil.johnson - the company again is not based anywhere near London, and the town it is based in is hardly searched for. Plus looking at the relevant results for "web design"  even "web design services" has quite high competition with barely any searches performed.


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It doesnt matter where the company is based! If that company can provide services for anywhere in the UK then use UK placenames within your keywords.


More phrases:

Low cost web design

Profession web development services, UK


I could go on for days


These phrases should be used as link anchor text to gain backlinks to you target site.


I though you said you have 2 years exp of SEO.

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no i didnt say i have 2 years experience, i said i have researched SEO for 2 years....that doesnt mean iv actually been doing it for 2 years. I have done 2 sites  ( still working on ) that i have got nice positions for but this web design one is doing my head in.


ok, so lets say i target "web design london"...what am I supposed to write about in content? The services are not based in London so it would be completely telling fibs? What would i put "Our web design services are based in central London" ?? LOL, there isnt anything else that could be written really

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no i didnt say i have 2 years experience, i said i have researched SEO for 2 years....


What is there to research for 2 years?  SEO isn't some mystery...  It's if you're willing to spend the time, money and effort to get it there.


What would i put "Our web design services are based in central London" ?? LOL


Who cares where it's based out of.  You don't have to be in London to do web design there...  Isn't that the point of the internet?


This isn't a 1 question/answer solution.  You've spent over 2 years in web SEO so you know that it takes time, money, promotion, etc...  to be even the least bit competitive in the search engine rankings.  Especially if you want these highly competitive keywords like "web design".

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You are talking about on-site optimisation, basically writing the copy for your website pages. This is a miniscule part of SEO. The web design page on your website should obviously contain information about the web design services they provide.


What you need to look into is off-site optimisation. This is what gets you up the Google rankings. Do you know how to use the link: command on Google? This displays the number of backlinks. You should be writing copy to go into article directories, blog sites, pligg sites, social bookmarking sites, etc that contain links using your keywords as anchor text and pointing them at the pages on your site that you want to promote.


Some reading for you




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well its taken me 2 years to actually get my head around how this stuff works.... mainly because im a web developer and i spent "spare" time looking into SEO, not 100% of my time


but I still dont get how Im supposed to write about web design services for a city the company is no where near. Appart from describing the services being offered in all major cities like London, Leeds, and so on...hmmmm maybe im just being a complete dumb pratt on this one


I mean for example if you search "Kennel Management Software" in google.co.uk I have inpedigree.com  in position 4 i think within 6 weeks, but that is very specific and not a broad term like "web design"

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I can see why its taken 2 years (no offense)


Lets say we post an article somewhere. The copy may read:


Web design is a subject that requires.... balh, blah, blah. Next sentence. If your require web design services in London you may want to take a look at My Comapny Services, etc, etc, etc


Now the phrase 'web design services in London' should link to your web design page.

The My Comapny Services should link to your home page.


You may even have an authors section on whatever article website that you could add more links using even more search terms.


You could post hundreds of articles, blogs that all contain different keywords in the anchor text links that you include.


The articles, blogs can be written about bloody anything, i.e. Microsoft Internet Explorer Security Flaw. You could even get a link using "secure web development services" in an article like that. It doesnt matter if its slightly off topic. Google is not human in the way it reads content.

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hi, on the inped site, im not responsible for link building. i only did keyword research and page copy...probably why the site hasnt shifted from the top 50 for all phrases because they are not building their links correctly.


ok i understand all about articles and such, but what got me confused is writing articles that have nothing to do with service offerings but talk about the subject...now if someone is looking for information thats fair enough, but they wont be looking for a bunch of long winded text if they want to buy a service?


Or is your point there the actual links into the site that build the ranks? Then the actual site itself will contain the main phrases like "web design" "web page design" and so on...using the articles for the inbound linking?


I think i make these things more complicated than they are. Maybe i should stick to my php, css, xhtml and flash as those are what im good at! I mainly started looking at SEO out of interest



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