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[SOLVED] my normalized databse - help :)


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so i moved into a new thread because the old one was getting confusing and partially irrelevant. i have a database called gear, in it are the following tables;








the stuff i need help with;


i am trying to build dynamic select boxes for querying the database


here is my form thus far

  @mysql_select_db($database) or die( 'unable to select database, please refresh');
  $query = 'SELECT Type, Rate, Func, Cost, Author FROM items.Item_id=type.Type_id';
  $result = mysql_query($query);
  $num = mysql_num_rows($result);
//skip the html stuff ...
<form name="abrowse" action="scripts/gearbrowse.php" method="post">Author<BR><select onChange="this.form.submit()" name="Author"><option></option>
  $i = 0;
  while ($i < $num) {
     <option value="<? echo $Author; ?>"><? echo $Author; ?></option><? $i++ ; } ?></select></form></td>
//there is an entry like this for each search type (cost, type, etc)



i can no longer figure out how to show the contents of the database as:

  Name, Author, Type, Use(func), Cost, Rating(rate), Description

my showdb query used to be

select * from gear

when gear was a table containing all the info

now i am not sure how to replicate the same results

thanks for reading :)

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thanks, i checked that one out and according to that the following should return my database in the entirety i want? i may be way off lol

SELECT items.Title, items.Description, author.Author, cost.Cost, type.Type, rate.Rate, func.Func FROM items, author, cost, type, rate, func WHERE items.Author_id=author.Author_id, items.Cost_id=cost.Cost_id, items.Type_id=type.Type_id, items.Rate_id=rate.Rate_id, items.Func_id=func.Func_id

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yes but SELECT * FROM would only allow me to return all of a table, i need to return a specific set of table values from different tables and show these to the user. some tables are just possible values for the items, like cost: there are many possible price ranges but only the ones set for an item should be shown.


here is the table that the user would be shown

<table border="0" cellpadding="2">
  <th><H4>Cost <= $</H4></th>
  <th><H4>Rating X/10</H4></th>
while ($i < $num) {


   <td><? echo $Title ?></td>
   <td><? echo $Author ?></td>
   <td><? echo $Type ?></td>
   <td><? echo $Func ?></td>
   <td align="center"><? echo $Cost ?></td>
   <td align="center"><? echo $Rate ?></td>
   <td><? echo $Description ?></td>

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my current query to attempt to get the data i want from my database is as follows

$query = "SELECT items.Title, items.Description FROM items INNER JOIN items, author, cost, type, rate, func ON items.Author_id = author.Author_id AND items.Cost_id = cost.Cost_id AND items.Type_id = type.Type_id AND items.Rate_id = rate.Rate_id AND items.Func_id = func.Func_id";

it comes back as not being a valid result resource

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That's not proper syntax.


items.Title, items.Description 
FROM items 
INNER JOIN author USING (Author_id )
INNER JOIN cost USING ( Cost_id ) 
INNER JOIN type USING ( Type_id )
INNER JOIN rate USING ( Rate_id )
INNER JOIN func USING ( Func_id )


Though I don't see the need for the other tables at this point.

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strange, i'm not sure what i was thinking. i needed all the tables because i wanted to only display options which had a relationship to a complete entry. but i gave up and now have full lists but an error if there are no complete entries.


i have a new problem though :)


i am trying to now work out a feature, where a user can browse through things like type, cost etc.

i have a page wth what appears to be one form, but really there is a form for each type of value (cost, type ..)

i have one script to handle the data from whatever form is sent, i had it working with just the value 'author' but now that i have tried to add the others it doesn't want to work anymore. the handler script is this

$query = "SELECT items.Title, items.Desc, author.Author, type.Type, func.Func, cost.Cost, rate.Rate FROM items INNER JOIN author ON items.Author_id = author.Author_id INNER JOIN type ON items.Type_id = type.Type_id INNER JOIN func ON items.Func_id = func.Func_id INNER JOIN cost ON items.Cost_id = cost.Cost_id INNER JOIN rate ON items.Rate_id = rate.Rate_id WHERE ";
if ($browse=('author')) {
$var1 = "author = $author";
$query .= $var1;
if ($browse=('type')) {
$var1 = "type = $type";
$query .= $var1;
if ($browse=('use')) {
$var1 = "func = $func";
$query .= $var1;
if ($browse=('cost <=')) {
$var1 = "cost = $cost";
$query .= $var1;
if ($browse=('rating')) {
$var1 = "rate = $rate";
$query .= $var1;
else {
echo 'Sorry an error occurred, please try again';
@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");

thanks for helping :D

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it seems you only have so long to edit your post :( anyway, i have changed my script a bit, to try an else if type sequence like so

if ($browse=('author')) {
$var1 = "author = '$author'";
$query .= $var1;
elseif ($browse=('type')) {
$var1 = "type = '$type'";
$query .= $var1;
esleif ($browse=('use')) {               //**Line 24 **
$var1 = "func = '$func'";
$query .= $var1;
elseif ($browse=('cost <=')) {
$var1 = "cost = '$cost'";
$query .= $var1;
elseif ($browse=('rating')){
$var1 = "rate = '$rate'";
$query .= $var1;
echo 'Sorry an error occurred, please try again';

but  get a parse error on line 24, unexpected {

which makes no sense as the syntax on that elseif is the same as the previous which is not a parse error ... confusing stuff lol

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esleif ($browse=('use')) {  


Should be (notice the mispelling of "elseif"):


elseif ($browse == 'use') {  


1) You're assigning instead of comparing.  All the single equal signs should be double.  Example:


if ($browse=('author')) {


Should be


if ($browse == 'author') {


2) endif?  This is PHP not VB.

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