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[SOLVED] PHP template


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I have been making a HTML and CSS template and just reuse that page and add different PHP files to it and whatever, but when it comes down to changing the look it takes forever since I have to edit every page. How will I go about making a single template page and than just have the other pages just PHP. I searched google but it didn't work out that great since I don't know what to search for.

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A friend and I had built a template system for one of our sites not long ago.  It's actually not all that difficult.


None of the pages you navigate to (I.E. domain.com/help.php) should have any HTML in them.  Instead all HTML and CSS should be set in external files broken into modular blocks.  So you might have header.htm, navbar.htm, body.htm, footer.htm.  Your main files like help.php will simply use the include() function to attach the html files where necessary.  Since things like your header wont be changing between pages on the site this lets you edit one HTML file and make a global change to your site.

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A friend and I had built a template system for one of our sites not long ago.  It's actually not all that difficult.


None of the pages you navigate to (I.E. domain.com/help.php) should have any HTML in them.  Instead all HTML and CSS should be set in external files broken into modular blocks.  So you might have header.htm, navbar.htm, body.htm, footer.htm.  Your main files like help.php will simply use the include() function to attach the html files where necessary.  Since things like your header wont be changing between pages on the site this lets you edit one HTML file and make a global change to your site.


Could you talk to me on aim or something and tell me a little more about it. My aim is daveoffy or you could just reply to this topic.

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Basically we built the HTML page for starters.  We then "chunked" it out, or modularized it.  Each "chunk" went into it's own .htm file in a subdirectory named "templates".  So this file:



<div>This is a header</div>
<div>This is a nav bar</div>
<div>This is the body</div>
<div>This is the footer</div>


Would be broken into four seperate files, (in this case one for each of those div tags and their content).


The PHP file would then look like:


/*Code executed before the html-headers are sent goes here*/

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

	/*Code executed before the page head is created goes here*/
	/*Code executed before the page navigation bar is created goes here*/
	/*Code executed before the page body is created goes here*/
	/*Code executed before the page footer is created goes here*/


Now when you want to change the page design you simply change header.htm, navbar.htm, body.htm, and footer.htm as needed.  Of course your site will probably be broken down differently, this was a basic example, but you get the point.

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Basically we built the HTML page for starters.  We then "chunked" it out, or modularized it.  Each "chunk" went into it's own .htm file in a subdirectory named "templates".  So this file:



<div>This is a header</div>
<div>This is a nav bar</div>
<div>This is the body</div>
<div>This is the footer</div>


Would be broken into four seperate files, (in this case one for each of those div tags and their content).


The PHP file would then look like:


/*Code executed before the html-headers are sent goes here*/

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

	/*Code executed before the page head is created goes here*/
	/*Code executed before the page navigation bar is created goes here*/
	/*Code executed before the page body is created goes here*/
	/*Code executed before the page footer is created goes here*/


Now when you want to change the page design you simply change header.htm, navbar.htm, body.htm, and footer.htm as needed.  Of course your site will probably be broken down differently, this was a basic example, but you get the point.


lol. I thought I was so smart when I figured out that trick. it's the fastest way to template. I agree with T-bird's method.

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