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[SOLVED] I know it's a typo - can someone help me with this?


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Hello Everyone,


I've got a snippet of code that is not resulting in what I want.


I have 2 tables.

table 1 is projects, holds project info and project_types (category ids)

table 2 is categories, hold category ids and category names


My snippet of code here is showing the category/project_type id instead of the category_name. What did I do wrong?


SELECT p.project_types, c.cat_name FROM projects p LEFT JOIN categories c ON p.project_types = c.cat_id GROUP BY p.project_types ORDER BY c.cat_name ASC

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That's impossible unless you think "project_types" is both of them...


You have:


SELECT p.project_types, c.cat_name


which will only display "project_types" and "cat_name"


but never "category_id".

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Hmm, I don't think I explained well.


the project_type in TABLE "projects" is the same as cat_id in TABLE "categories". (don't ask me why it's labeled differently)


I want to display the "cat_name" from TABLE "categories" who's "cat_id" matches the "project_type" of TABLE projects.


I hope that's clearer. (hopefully not worse)

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No, no arrays. It turns out the code worked fine - the problem was with my data. The categories were re-done, so the project_type id was a number that was no longer matching any cat_id from the other table, so I just saw the number.


Thanks everyone for the comments!

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