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[SOLVED] Wondering if possible.


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Can you use/execute a php script like (echo"test";) that you $get from a mysql table?


What do you mean $get from a mysql table?


You can store file names/paths in the DB and call the scripts whenever you want.  I'm not exactly sure what you mean.

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Why should I be dissuaded from trying to use it?

To start with, it slows down your scripts.

In addition, you lose control over the code that is being executed by your scripts, especially if you allow users to write their own PHP code that you then eval() which means that joe hacker could get your script to execute malicious code.

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I don't want to use it a lot, and it wouldn't be used by players, just myself.


It's more complex then just typing blah, that was just an example.


Thanks for the help guys!


If you describe exactly what you're trying to accomplish, we can give you a better solution.

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I'd like to give ya a better description but I don't really wanna give out to much details.


Been programming for 6 years, and I did think of another way. Was just looking at my options and that came to mine, made me curious if it was possible or not.

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Was just looking at my options and that came to mine, made me curious if it was possible or not.

Well for one, why not simply have a set of include files, each of which is a block of code that you would otherwise store on the database... but executed when you do the include() rather than eval().... or dynamically created functions generated and called within your code

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