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[SOLVED] having trouble inserting onto mysql


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So on my game, you can purchase horses. You can select colors for your horse and I'm trying to code it so whatever color you pick, is the color of the horse image you will see. This is the code I have:



if($_POST[breed] == "none"){print "You forgot to select a breed!";include "footer.php";exit;}
$sql="INSERT INTO horsedata (Name, Owner, Height, Breed, Gender, Registrations, Exp, Points, Records, Speed, Scope, Power, Obedience, Sociability, Sire, Dam, Foals, Awards, Grading, Hay, Grain, Vet, Shoes, Exercise, Grooming, DOB, Endurance, Intelligence, Color, temperament, legs, back, neck, head, pedigree)
('$_POST[Name]','$id','$_POST[Height]','$_POST[breed]','$_POST[Gender]','Not Registered','0','0','none','15','15','15','15','15','The All Great One','The Phantom Mare','None yet','This horse has not won any awards','Not Graded','No','No','No','No','No','No','3','15','15','$_POST[Color]','$_POST[temperament]','$_POST[legs]','$_POST[back]','$_POST[neck]','$_POST[head]','$_POST[pedigree]' )";

if (!mysql_query($sql))
  die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
echo "<table class='table'><tr><td class='tablegreen'>Congratulations</td></tr><tr><td class='tabletd'><BR>Your horse has been purchased";



if($_POST[Color] == 'Bay')
$sql="INSERT INTO horsedata (Image)


This is where it's supose to insert the colors onto the horsedata table but its not:

if($_POST[Color] == 'Bay')
$sql="INSERT INTO horsedata (Image)



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You're not performing mysql_query() on the query.



if($_POST[Color] == 'Bay')
$sql="INSERT INTO horsedata (Image)
   mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_query());


I'm very inexperienced with coding :/ I bought a game not knowing php...stupid move but oh well.

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ahaha now its inserting the image but nothing else.


What do you mean?  That's the only thing you tell it to INSERT. 


Try (I cleaned up your code a bit, it's essentially the same):


if($_POST[breed] == "none")
   print "You forgot to select a breed!";
   include "footer.php";

$sql="INSERT INTO horsedata (Name, Owner, Height, Breed, Gender, Registrations, Exp, Points, Records, Speed, Scope, Power, Obedience, Sociability, Sire, Dam, Foals, Awards, Grading, Hay, Grain, Vet, Shoes, Exercise, Grooming, DOB, Endurance, Intelligence, Color, temperament, legs, back, neck, head, pedigree)
('$_POST[Name]','$id','$_POST[Height]','$_POST[breed]','$_POST[Gender]','Not Registered','0','0','none','15','15','15','15','15','The All Great One','The Phantom Mare','None yet','This horse has not won any awards','Not Graded','No','No','No','No','No','No','3','15','15','$_POST[Color]','$_POST[temperament]','$_POST[legs]','$_POST[back]','$_POST[neck]','$_POST[head]','$_POST[pedigree]' )";

mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

echo "</pre>
<table class="'table'">

Your horse has been purchased";

if($_POST[Color] == 'Bay')
   $sql="INSERT INTO horsedata (Image) VALUES ('horsecolors/Bay.jpg')";
   mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());




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ahaha now its inserting the image but nothing else.


What do you mean?  That's the only thing you tell it to INSERT. 


Try (I cleaned up your code a bit, it's essentially the same):



if($_POST[breed] == "none")
   print "You forgot to select a breed!";
   include "footer.php";

$sql="INSERT INTO horsedata (Name, Owner, Height, Breed, Gender, Registrations, Exp, Points, Records, Speed, Scope, Power, Obedience, Sociability, Sire, Dam, Foals, Awards, Grading, Hay, Grain, Vet, Shoes, Exercise, Grooming, DOB, Endurance, Intelligence, Color, temperament, legs, back, neck, head, pedigree)
('$_POST[Name]','$id','$_POST[Height]','$_POST[breed]','$_POST[Gender]','Not Registered','0','0','none','15','15','15','15','15','The All Great One','The Phantom Mare','None yet','This horse has not won any awards','Not Graded','No','No','No','No','No','No','3','15','15','$_POST[Color]','$_POST[temperament]','$_POST[legs]','$_POST[back]','$_POST[neck]','$_POST[head]','$_POST[pedigree]' )";

mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

echo "<table class='table'>
    <td class='tablegreen'>Congratulations</td>
   <td class='tabletd'>
  <br/>Your horse has been purchased";

if($_POST[Color] == 'Bay')
   $sql="INSERT INTO horsedata (Image) VALUES ('horsecolors/Bay.jpg')";
   mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());



Thank you! It looks much better.


It's supose to be inserting the color to the same table as all the other info. With the cleaned up code its essentially making 2 'horses' instead of inserting the color onto the same 'horse' as the first set of info.

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you are using the same table to store horse data and image data?


If yes, you can insert the image also in the main query where u r updating other information, u dont need seperate queries


If no, please change the table name in image query.

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you are using the same table to store horse data and image data?


If yes, you can insert the image also in the main query where u r updating other information, u dont need seperate queries


If no, please change the table name in image query.


yes im trying to get it into the main query, but i need about...30 of the if color = whatevercolor and i wasnt sure how to add that to the same query.

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something like this..not tested.


if($_POST[breed] == "none")
   print "You forgot to select a breed!";
   include "footer.php";

$color = $_POST[Color];

switch($color) {
"Bay": $img = "horsecolors/Bay.jpg";break;
"White": $img = "horsecolors/White.jpg";break;
"Black": $img = "horsecolors/Black.jpg";break;
default: $img = "";break;

$sql="INSERT INTO horsedata (Name, Owner, Height, Breed, Gender, Registrations, Exp, Points, Records, Speed, Scope, Power, Obedience, Sociability, Sire, Dam, Foals, Awards, Grading, Hay, Grain, Vet, Shoes, Exercise, Grooming, DOB, Endurance, Intelligence, Color, temperament, legs, back, neck, head, pedigree, Image)
('$_POST[Name]','$id','$_POST[Height]','$_POST[breed]','$_POST[Gender]','Not Registered','0','0','none','15','15','15','15','15','The All Great One','The Phantom Mare','None yet','This horse has not won any awards','Not Graded','No','No','No','No','No','No','3','15','15','$_POST[Color]','$_POST[temperament]','$_POST[legs]','$_POST[back]','$_POST[neck]','$_POST[head]','$_POST[pedigree]', '".$img."' )";

mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

echo "<table class='table'>
    <td class='tablegreen'>Congratulations</td>
   <td class='tabletd'>
  <br/>Your horse has been purchased";

/*if($_POST[Color] == 'Bay')
   $sql="INSERT INTO horsedata (Image) VALUES ('horsecolors/Bay.jpg')";
   mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());


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something like this..not tested.


if($_POST[breed] == "none")
   print "You forgot to select a breed!";
   include "footer.php";

$color = $_POST[Color];

switch($color) {
"Bay": $img = "horsecolors/Bay.jpg";break;
"White": $img = "horsecolors/White.jpg";break;
"Black": $img = "horsecolors/Black.jpg";break;
default: $img = "";break;

$sql="INSERT INTO horsedata (Name, Owner, Height, Breed, Gender, Registrations, Exp, Points, Records, Speed, Scope, Power, Obedience, Sociability, Sire, Dam, Foals, Awards, Grading, Hay, Grain, Vet, Shoes, Exercise, Grooming, DOB, Endurance, Intelligence, Color, temperament, legs, back, neck, head, pedigree, Image)
('$_POST[Name]','$id','$_POST[Height]','$_POST[breed]','$_POST[Gender]','Not Registered','0','0','none','15','15','15','15','15','The All Great One','The Phantom Mare','None yet','This horse has not won any awards','Not Graded','No','No','No','No','No','No','3','15','15','$_POST[Color]','$_POST[temperament]','$_POST[legs]','$_POST[back]','$_POST[neck]','$_POST[head]','$_POST[pedigree]', '".$img."' )";

mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

echo "<table class='table'>
    <td class='tablegreen'>Congratulations</td>
   <td class='tabletd'>
  <br/>Your horse has been purchased";

/*if($_POST[Color] == 'Bay')
   $sql="INSERT INTO horsedata (Image) VALUES ('horsecolors/Bay.jpg')";
   mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());




That code came up with:


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, expecting T_CASE or T_DEFAULT or '}' in /home/collegh9/public_html/one-stride/horse_reg2.php on line 17

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oops sorry forgot the case keyword...


if($_POST[breed] == "none")
   print "You forgot to select a breed!";
   include "footer.php";

$color = $_POST[Color];

switch($color) {
case "Bay": $img = "horsecolors/Bay.jpg";break;
case "White": $img = "horsecolors/White.jpg";break;
case "Black": $img = "horsecolors/Black.jpg";break;
default: $img = "";break;

$sql="INSERT INTO horsedata (Name, Owner, Height, Breed, Gender, Registrations, Exp, Points, Records, Speed, Scope, Power, Obedience, Sociability, Sire, Dam, Foals, Awards, Grading, Hay, Grain, Vet, Shoes, Exercise, Grooming, DOB, Endurance, Intelligence, Color, temperament, legs, back, neck, head, pedigree, Image)
('$_POST[Name]','$id','$_POST[Height]','$_POST[breed]','$_POST[Gender]','Not Registered','0','0','none','15','15','15','15','15','The All Great One','The Phantom Mare','None yet','This horse has not won any awards','Not Graded','No','No','No','No','No','No','3','15','15','$_POST[Color]','$_POST[temperament]','$_POST[legs]','$_POST[back]','$_POST[neck]','$_POST[head]','$_POST[pedigree]', '".$img."' )";

mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

echo "<table class='table'>
    <td class='tablegreen'>Congratulations</td>
   <td class='tabletd'>
  <br/>Your horse has been purchased";

/*if($_POST[Color] == 'Bay')
   $sql="INSERT INTO horsedata (Image) VALUES ('horsecolors/Bay.jpg')";
   mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());


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oops sorry forgot the case keyword...


if($_POST[breed] == "none")
   print "You forgot to select a breed!";
   include "footer.php";

$color = $_POST[Color];

switch($color) {
case "Bay": $img = "horsecolors/Bay.jpg";break;
case "White": $img = "horsecolors/White.jpg";break;
case "Black": $img = "horsecolors/Black.jpg";break;
default: $img = "";break;

$sql="INSERT INTO horsedata (Name, Owner, Height, Breed, Gender, Registrations, Exp, Points, Records, Speed, Scope, Power, Obedience, Sociability, Sire, Dam, Foals, Awards, Grading, Hay, Grain, Vet, Shoes, Exercise, Grooming, DOB, Endurance, Intelligence, Color, temperament, legs, back, neck, head, pedigree, Image)
('$_POST[Name]','$id','$_POST[Height]','$_POST[breed]','$_POST[Gender]','Not Registered','0','0','none','15','15','15','15','15','The All Great One','The Phantom Mare','None yet','This horse has not won any awards','Not Graded','No','No','No','No','No','No','3','15','15','$_POST[Color]','$_POST[temperament]','$_POST[legs]','$_POST[back]','$_POST[neck]','$_POST[head]','$_POST[pedigree]', '".$img."' )";

mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

echo "<table class='table'>
    <td class='tablegreen'>Congratulations</td>
   <td class='tabletd'>
  <br/>Your horse has been purchased";

/*if($_POST[Color] == 'Bay')
   $sql="INSERT INTO horsedata (Image) VALUES ('horsecolors/Bay.jpg')";
   mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());




thank you so much!


I think this quarter at my college im going to take a php class because that was a pretty basic thing i didnt know right?

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With the cleaned up code its essentially making 2 'horses' instead of inserting the color onto the same 'horse' as the first set of info.


Yes, that's because you have an unconditional INSERT and whenever $_POST == 'Bay').


Like samshel pointed out, you should do this in 1 query.


In this example if the user chose Bay it will insert "horsecolors/Bay.jpg" if they don't chose that then it will give the Image a default (horsecolors/default.jpg).  Don't forget, put 'Image' in the appropriate position in the query string.


if($_POST[breed] == "none")
   print "You forgot to select a breed!";
   include "footer.php";
} else {

$color = $_POST['Color']=="Bay" ? "horsecolors/default.jpg" : "horsecolors/{$_POST['Color']}.jpg";
$sql="INSERT INTO horsedata (Image, Name, Owner, Height, Breed, Gender, Registrations, Exp, Points, Records, Speed, Scope, Power, Obedience, Sociability, Sire, Dam, Foals, Awards, Grading, Hay, Grain, Vet, Shoes, Exercise, Grooming, DOB, Endurance, Intelligence, Color, temperament, legs, back, neck, head, pedigree)
('$color', '$_POST[Name]','$id','$_POST[Height]','$_POST[breed]','$_POST[Gender]','Not Registered','0','0','none','15','15','15','15','15','The All Great One','The Phantom Mare','None yet','This horse has not won any awards','Not Graded','No','No','No','No','No','No','3','15','15','$_POST[Color]','$_POST[temperament]','$_POST[legs]','$_POST[back]','$_POST[neck]','$_POST[head]','$_POST[pedigree]' )";

mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

echo "</pre>
<table class="'table'">
Your horse has been purchased";




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