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What do I have to do to become a trained SEO professional?


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I have been working as a content writer fro some time but am at a disadvantage when a client asks me if I am a SEO expert. I know it's not that difficult to be one but I don't know whether I have to take a course to qualify as one or just work with a SEO firm to pick up the tricks. Please help.


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I have been working as a content writer fro some time but am at a disadvantage when a client asks me if I am a SEO expert. I know it's not that difficult to be one but I don't know whether I have to take a course to qualify as one or just work with a SEO firm to pick up the tricks. Please help.



Courses are not necessary, but no one is going to write a list of things for you to learn.  Google and find out what the best practices are.


Have you read the sticky at the top of this board?



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  • 1 month later...

This is common that we all know to little some times ;-)))

To became seo expert o0r any expert you have to practice and try to make your learning curve as little as possible.

But SEO means also that you constantly have to upgrade.


Go to blogs and do some reading, from basic to expert. Join and visit some SEO meetups. They are free and will boost you with ideas.

Do some practice  pages and try not do to destroy ranking of some existing site ;-))


Analytics knowledge will help you (Sybex.Advanced.Web.Metrics.with.Google.Analytics.Mar.2008)

Finally you can also do some certification.

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  • 2 weeks later...

SEO is way complicated. You have to keep up with Google and as one of my students put it, it was like learning photo shop from scratch.


You do not just pick up a book and read it and done. Even with a one on one class like: http://www.kortia.com you will need follow up and refresher courses.


Things just just change to much and Google does not send a memo every time they make an algorithm change.


last year they did over 400 changes.

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I know it's not that difficult to be one

That is totally untrue. To keep on top of SEO, track competitors, etc is hard work. You may also need specific tools or applications writing to stay ahead of your competitors, just think if there are free SEO tools to download then everyone else is using them so how do you gain an advantage. You have to be able to invent new SEO strategies and put them into practice as search engine algorithms change frequently. Be able to create supporting websites to assist with rankings of a primary money making site. There are so many people out there who claim to be SEO specialist because they have read a book about link building and putting a few keywords in the website content. Most of them are full of shit and do not understand that SEO goes right down to the design phase of the website. If you do not design a website for search engines then it will never get ranked. You cannot just pick up any site and get it ranked number 1 for xyz.

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SEO is only a small part of of webdesign, it roughly comes down to the external links pointing to your page, and internal linking of your own pages. Of cause you can do other things to speed things up, such as keeping the content first in your source. SEO is a skill of its own, but it is by no means hard to master like many "seo specialists" will claim.


As said, its a small part of webdesign. And as such any SEO related work might as well be carried out by the designer, who would be able to make coding related changes. In other cases the SEO may work together with the designer, to have potentially suggested coding changes applied.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My offer is learn parts of seo, like web design, friendly urls, keywords analizes & etc... just one by one :) Choose yourself.

And in opinion you can't think that google is some type of good and follow him... There are yahoo, alexa, other systems.

In example take a look how much google shows links of one site, and look how much links shows google about the same site... And there is just one misunderstanding...

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  • 2 weeks later...

You should learn some web design, maybe something simple. Try penn foster, its short and cheap with web design. Then u can go to www.searchenginecollege.com and there is a load of cheap short courses that will teach you all you need to know to become a full SEO or SEM. Plus taking those will look great on a resume if u want to get hired as an SEO/SEM. and they make a good pay. a better pay than web design

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