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I started messing around with my site for the hell of it...and also I need to start up my portfolio anyway.


I don't have any content up really, just a "first post".  I have no links.  I'm only asking for a critique on the layout.  What do you think of the colors?  Is it too dark? I seem to think it is a little too dark but I've been playing around with color schemes for hours.


Any critiques or suggestions?


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I can't honestly say I am a fan of the layout. While it certainly is different, the positioning of the menus / content is too far right for my taste (which of course, is completely subjective). I think the other reason I find it troublesome is the waste of left hand screen real estate. Besides the hand silhouette being a bunny, not much else comes out of it.


You have 1 error on both page validation and css.


As for the colours, it too is subjective. Many sites look good in dark themes while other in lighter ones. I personally don't mind the colours TBH.. going back to what I mentioned before, I think the layout is the more troublesome aspect (no disrespect intended).. and again, this too is subjective). I do like that it's 'different' from the typical layouts we are accustomed of seeing though. Just seems very awkward to me.


Typically, sites have footers with copyright info, additional links, etc. Perhaps adding a footer?

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So...you're being subjective eh?..lol



Yeah I realize the left side is being "wasted", but I can use it to my advantage later.  That white space is going to be there always just in case I need to to fullfill some oddball feature that I can't but into the normal "blog reel" type thing.  So I did that on purpose. I fixed the validation error but the CSS errors are rediculous.  What's a person to do when he's using -moz-border anyway or filter:alpha(opacity=x)


I'm glad you guys like the color scheme, because I've about give up on changing it.  Actually I'll probably make a color shifter/CSS theme shifter to implement into it later on.


I've been trying to add a footer, but whenever I add it to the bottom of the page (absolutely positioned, mind you) For some reason the scrollbar is activated to scroll down just a tab and the footer moves up to show the body's background color below the footer.  But that's for another thread.


Unless of course you know exactly what I'm talking about and have a direct solid one-sentence answer for it then sure...knock yourself out

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I've been trying to add a footer, but whenever I add it to the bottom of the page (absolutely positioned, mind you) For some reason the scrollbar is activated to scroll down just a tab and the footer moves up to show the body's background color below the footer.  But that's for another thread.


Unless of course you know exactly what I'm talking about and have a direct solid one-sentence answer for it then sure...knock yourself out

site look good .. nice and clean, how i like it anyways.  colour scheme is good .. like has been said, works well.


i mean, it's different (not too much), where some things aren't where they normally are on most sites .. now that can be good or bad.  for instance, you have your login / register, etc.. down the page a bit when it's usually what you would see up top somewhere .. i like it 'cause it's different.


as for keeping your footer at the bottom, try this...


add a div container id with a min-height of 100% attribute.


the padding-bottom in your #body id is actually going to be the height of your footer.


now, create a footer id .. here, i'll just show ya.


body {
#container {
#body {
padding-bottom:60px;	/* height of your footer (set to what you want; must match padding-bottom in #footer */
#footer {
height:60px;			/* height of your footer (set to what you want; must match padding-bottom in #body) */

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The puzzle pieces on the right look a little strange.  It looks like it is really low res or poor quality.  Something like that should look really sharp. The scan lines are little dated for any modern design.  The menu feels disjointed. The colors are OK, but nothing really eye catching.  Certainly not bad though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like the layout. However, the colors are a little too dark for my tastes, and nothing on the site (yet, I am sure you will have something that will) grabs my attention. I would suggest a program such as color schemer studio. You pick a color you like, and it "suggests" complimentary colors that look great.


But keep up the great work. I will def. be checking back to see the progression.


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But keep up the great work. I will def. be checking back to see the progression.


Yeah it definitely is a work in "progress" and by progress I mean...on hold.

I've been working on this



for the last few months for my class project.  I guess I should have put up a link or..."blog" for it.


Thanks for all the suggestions/comments


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