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Getting information about id in page


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<title>Just a title</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css\style.css">

	$info = new posts;


<div id="header">
	<?php include("include\inc_header.php")?>

<div id="menu">
	<?php include("include\inc_menu.php")?>

<div id="database">
	<p class="titel">Video</p>
	<?php $info->show_video_posts() ?>
	<p class="titel">Games</p>
	<?php $info->show_games_posts() ?>			





<title>Just a title</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css\style.css">


<div id="header">
	<?php include("include\inc_header.php")?>

<div id="menu">
	<?php include("include\inc_menu.php")?>

<div id="database">
	<p class="titel"><?php echo $rij['titel']; ?></p>
	<p> U heeft geselecteerd id <?php echo $rij['id']; ?></p>
	<p> Dit is <?php echo $rij['titel']; ?></p>





class posts
function show_video_posts(){
	$db= sqlite_open ("database\dvddb.sdb");
	$sql= "SELECT * FROM allposts WHERE category = 'video' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10;";
	$result= sqlite_query($db, $sql);

	while ($rij = sqlite_fetch_array($result)){
		echo ("<a href=\"post.php?id=". $rij['id'] ."\">".$rij['id']."|".
	return $info;
}//einde functie show_video_posts

function show_games_posts(){
	$db= sqlite_open ("database\dvddb.sdb");
	$sql= "SELECT * FROM allposts WHERE category = 'games' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10;";
	$result= sqlite_query($db, $sql);

	while ($rij = sqlite_fetch_array($result)){
		echo ($rij['id']."|".
	return $info;
}//einde functie show_games_posts

function show_video(){
	$db= sqlite_open ("database\dvddb.sdb");
	$sql= "SELECT * FROM allposts WHERE category = 'video' ORDER BY id;";
	$result= sqlite_query($db, $sql);

	while ($rij = sqlite_fetch_array($result)){
		echo ($rij['id']."|".
	return $info;
}//einde functie show_video

function show_games(){
	$db= sqlite_open ("database\dvddb.sdb");
	$sql= "SELECT * FROM allposts WHERE category = 'games' ORDER BY id;";
	$result= sqlite_query($db, $sql);
	while ($rij = sqlite_fetch_array($result)){
		echo ($rij['id']."|".
	return $info;
}//einde functie show_games

}//einde class



The header and the menu contains nothing interesting


This is what i have now:

On the index you see this:


1|record 1

2|record 2


Now i want to click on the 1|record 1 and then go to post.php and get there the info about record 1

And if i click on 2|record 2 then go to post.php but then with info about record 2


How can i do this?

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Instead of:

<div id="database">
      <p class="titel"><?php echo $rij['titel']; ?></p>
      <p> U heeft geselecteerd id <?php echo $rij['id']; ?></p>
      <p> Dit is <?php echo $rij['titel']; ?></p>


You'll need to run a query before that that pulls the data out of the database again based on the ID:


$id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id]);
$query = "SELECT * FROM allposts WHERE id = $id"; 


Does that help?  So instead of $rij, your array would be the row you pull from the database based on the ID.

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Look up SQL injection using your favourite search.  as far as I know SQLite doesn't have the same feature as mySQL in php.  As you are getting the id from a link it shouldn't be a problem, but that won't stop people from editing the URL manually to jeopodise your database.  You may want to create a function (or find one on the net) with a preg_match(REGEX) in it.

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fixed it myself


it was only this code on post.php


$db= sqlite_open ("database\dvddb.sdb");
$query= "SELECT * from allposts WHERE id=" . $_GET["id"];
$result= sqlite_query($db, $query) or die ("FOUT: " . sqlite_error());


Wasnt that hard

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