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Help with paging


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Hello all,


I am stuck with creating a function that creates paging for categories of my gallery. Please help, this is what I have:

//this file is the one that generates the categories in the layout


the error i'm getting is this:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getcatslist() in /home/javivi2/public_html/wsgallery/gallery.php on line 15


this is what gallery.php looks like:



$ws = $_GET['ws'];





include ("header.php");




global $database;

$p = new wsCore;



foreach($p->getcatslist as $cval){

$listc .= '<br><a href="?cid='.$cval['c_id'].'">'.$cval['c_name'].'</a> ';





$cid = intval($_GET['cid']);




if(count($p->latestimgcat) >0){


//get all thumbs for this cat


//this is line 15



any suggestions?




// ws_core.php has the function called Paging

This is the ws_Core.class.php

this is where the $limit is declared:






class wsCore{


var $values = array();


function GetPics($limit1, $limit2){

global $database;


$q = "SELECT *"

."FROM ".TBL_PICTURE." ORDER BY p_name LIMIT ".(int)$limit1.", ".(int)$limit2."";

$result = $database->query($q);


if($nrows = $database->sql_numrows($result) >0){

$c =0;

while($row = $database->sql_fetchrow($result)){

foreach($row as $key => $val) {

$this->getpics[$c][$key] = $val;




return true;


return false;






function GetPic($pid){

global $database;


$q = "SELECT * "

."FROM ".TBL_PICTURE." WHERE p_id='".(int)$pid."'";

$result = $database->query($q);


if($nrows = $database->sql_numrows($result) >0){

$c =0;

while($row = $database->sql_fetchrow($result)){

foreach($row as $key => $val) {

$this->getpic[$c][$key] = $val;




return true;


return false;






function GetCats($limit1, $limit2){

global $database;


$q = "SELECT *"

."FROM ".TBL_CATEGORY." ORDER BY c_name LIMIT ".(int)$limit1.", ".(int)$limit2."";

$result = $database->query($q);


if($nrows = $database->sql_numrows($result) >0){

$c =0;

$this->getcatsnbr = 1;

while($row = $database->sql_fetchrow($result)){

foreach($row as $key => $val) {

$this->getcats[$c][$key] = $val;




return true;


return false;





function Paging(){

global $database;

$sql = "SELECT count(c_id) FROM ws_category ";

$retval = mysql_query( $sql );

if(! $retval )


die('Could not get data: ' . mysql_error());


$row = mysql_fetch_array($retval, MYSQL_NUM );

$rec_count = $row[0];


if( isset($_GET{'page'} ) )


$page = $_GET{'page'} + 1;





$page = 0;

$offset = 0;


$left_rec = $rec_count - ($page * $rec_limit);


$sql = "SELECT c_id".

"FROM ws_category ".

"LIMIT $offset, $rec_limit";


$retval = mysql_query( $sql, $conn );

if(! $retval )


die('Could not get data: ' . mysql_error());


while($row = mysql_fetch_array($retval, MYSQL_ASSOC))


echo "EMP ID :{$row['cp_id']} <br>";



if( $page > 0 )


$last = $page - 2;

echo "<a href=\"$_PHP_SELF?page=$last\">Last 10 Records</a> |";

echo "<a href=\"$_PHP_SELF?page=$page\">Next 10 Records</a>";


else if( $page == 0 )


echo "<a href=\"$_PHP_SELF?page=$page\">Next 10 Records</a>";


else if( $left_rec < $rec_limit )


$last = $page - 2;

echo "<a href=\"$_PHP_SELF?page=$last\">Last 10 Records</a>";





function GetCatsList(){

global $database;


$q = "SELECT *"


$result = $database->query($q);


if($nrows = $database->sql_numrows($result) >0){

$c =0;

while($row = $database->sql_fetchrow($result)){

foreach($row as $key => $val) {

$this->getcatslist[$c][$key] = $val;




return true;


return false;





function GetCat($cid){

global $database;


$sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE c_id='%d'",

TBL_CATEGORY, (int)$cid);

$result = $database->query($sql);

if($nrows = $database->sql_numrows($result) >0){

$c =0;

while($row = $database->sql_fetchrow($result)){

foreach($row as $key => $val) {

$this->getcat[$c][$key] = $val;




return true;


return false;





function RandomCat(){

global $database;


$sql = sprintf("SELECT s.*, t.* FROM %s s, %s t WHERE s.c_id=t.c_id ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1",


$result = $database->query($sql);

if($nrows = $database->sql_numrows($result) >0){

$c =0;

while($row = $database->sql_fetchrow($result)){

foreach($row as $key => $val) {

$this->randomcat[$c][$key] = $val;




return true;


return false;





function RandomPic($cid){

global $database;


$q = "SELECT *"

."FROM ".TBL_PICTURE." WHERE c_id='".(int)$cid."' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1";

$result = $database->query($q);


if($nrows = $database->sql_numrows($result) >0){

$c =0;

while($row = $database->sql_fetchrow($result)){

foreach($row as $key => $val) {

$this->randompic[$c][$key] = $val;




return true;


return false;






function GetThumbs($cid){

global $database;

$q = "SELECT p_id, p_name, thumb_url "

."FROM ".TBL_PICTURE." WHERE c_id='".(int)$cid."' ORDER BY p_name ASC";

$result = $database->query($q);


if($nrows = $database->sql_numrows($result) >0){

$c =0;

while($row = $database->sql_fetchrow($result)){

foreach($row as $key => $val) {

$this->getthumbs[$c][$key] = $val;




return true;


return false;





function LatestImgCat($cid){

global $database;



$andwhere ="";


$andwhere = "AND t.c_id='".(int)$cid."'";



$sql = sprintf("SELECT s.*, t.* FROM %s s, %s t WHERE s.c_id=t.c_id ".$andwhere." ORDER BY t.time DESC LIMIT 0,1",


$result = $database->query($sql);

if($nrows = $database->sql_numrows($result) >0){

$c =0;

while($row = $database->sql_fetchrow($result)){

foreach($row as $key => $val) {

$this->latestimgcat[$c][$key] = $val;




return true;


return false;





function Paging($page, $totalcount, $perpage, $start){



$eu = ($start - 0);

$this1 = $eu + $perpage;

$back = $eu - $perpage;

$next = $eu + $perpage;



$paging ='';

$showeachside = 10;

$eitherside = ($showeachside * $perpage);

if($start+1 > $eitherside)$paging .="<a href='".$page."'>[First]</a> .... ";

$y =0;





if(($y > ($start - $eitherside)) && ($y < ($start + $eitherside)))


if($y <> $eu){


$paging .= '<a href="'.$page.'&start='.$y.'" class="'.$class.'" ><span class="paging">'.$pg.'</span></a>';




$paging .= '<b>'.$pg.'</b>';





if(($start+$eitherside)<$totalcount)$paging .=" .... ";


if($this1 < $totalcount) {

$paging .= "<a href='".$page."&start=$next'>Next</a>";}


if($back >=0) {

$paging .= "<a href='".$page."&start=$back'>Prev</a>";



$this->ws_page = $eu;

$this->ws_paging = $paging;





function shortenTxt($wstxt, $chars=125) {


$wstxt = $wstxt." ";

$wstxt = substr($wstxt,0,$chars);

$wstxt = substr($wstxt,0,strrpos($wstxt,' '));


return $wstxt;








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Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CASE in /home/javivi2/public_html/wsgallery/gallery.php on line 119


line 119: case "viewpic":


include ("header.php");




global $database;

$p = new wsCore;




foreach($p->getcatslist as $cval){

$listc .= '<a href="?cid='.$cval['c_id'].'">'.$cval['c_name'].'</a> | ';




$pid = intval($_REQUEST['pid']);



//get all thumbs for this cat



if(count($p->getthumbs) >0){


foreach($p->getthumbs as $pval){

if($pval['p_id'] == $p->getpic[0]['p_id']){

$elsel = 'ws-thumbs-sel';


$elsel = 'ws-thumbs';


  $thumbs .= '<a href="?ws=viewpic&pid='.$pval['p_id'].'" title="View details"><div class="'.$elsel.'"><img src="pictures/'.$pval['thumb_url'].'" border="0"></div></a>';


line:151:  }



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this is the section that throws the error when I place the function to the gallery.php

case "viewpic":
include ("header.php");

global $database;
$p = new wsCore;

foreach($p->getcatslist as $cval){
$listc .= '<a href="?cid='.$cval['c_id'].'">'.$cval['c_name'].'</a> | ';

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And you're positive GetCatsList() is a method of the class wsCore?


Are you properly using the switch statement, breaking in and out?  You may want to read switch.


Besides that I'm not really sure, cause you're giving us 2 separate errors with different code.

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thank you for responding..

this is the function I have to create pages of my categories:

function Paging($page, $totalcount, $perpage, $start){

$eu = ($start - 0);
$this1 = $eu + $perpage;
$back = $eu - $perpage;
$next = $eu + $perpage;

$paging ='';
$showeachside = 10;
$eitherside = ($showeachside * $perpage);
if($start+1 > $eitherside)$paging .="<a href='".$page."'>[First]</a> .... ";
$y =0;
if(($y > ($start - $eitherside)) && ($y < ($start + $eitherside)))
if($y <> $eu){

$paging .= '<a href="'.$page.'&start='.$y.'" class="'.$class.'" ><span class="paging">'.$pg.'</span></a>';

$paging .= '<b>'.$pg.'</b>';
if(($start+$eitherside)<$totalcount)$paging .=" .... ";

if($this1 < $totalcount) {
$paging .= "<a href='".$page."&start=$next'>Next</a>";}

if($back >=0) {
$paging .= "<a href='".$page."&start=$back'>Prev</a>";

$this->ws_page = $eu;
$this->ws_paging = $paging;



how do I incorporate this to my gallery.php where I use switch case.?



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