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trust cheap hosts?


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i know there's a topic already for suggesting hosts.


I'm just wondering what your experience has been with cheapers hosts....


3ix.com has a plan for $3 a month that i like.....but i heard in forums theres really no such thing  as "unlimited bandwidth"


your thoughts?



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Them cheap hosts will give u unlimited bandwidth.

As Much info ya can shove thru a straw tho.


They are wut ya pay for.

They are good only for developing a site (pure html, as your site will be sharing the server with 100's of others) so scripts will lag a lot.


So if ya dun mind the slow load times or the slow processing time of scripts. Than shure ya cant beat them cheap hosts.


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I concur with laffin. It's funny this topic has been cropping up alot as of late where ever I go online (with regards to web development of course.. pr0n sites don't count)... Is spring a time for ditching one provider for another?


In anycase, there was an article recently over at Smashing Magazine discussing aspects of being happy with your provider.


Your question brings point#1 and point#7 to light.


As for the unlimited bandwidth thing, have a look at Dan's blog. The homepage topic discusses the 'realities' of unlimited bandwidth through an entertaining exchange of dialogue between Dan and DreamHost. Apparently, this thread is what prompted Dan to check into this matter ;)


If the topic of unlimited bandwidth was a topic for Mythbusters, it would be myth busted!

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If the topic of unlimited bandwidth was a topic for Mythbusters, it would be myth busted!


Well, consider this. Imagine a hotel with an infinite number of rooms that are all occupied, i.e. the room number range is N1 (i.e. all positive integers). We'll use n to denote the current room number of an individual. Now someone comes into the hotel asking for a room, so the hotel manager rings a bell and asks all the other guests to move to room number n+1, shifting all of them one room upwards. This makes room number 1 available. Now a party of infinite people wants a room. The hotel manager rings the bell once more and asks everybody to move to room number 2n. This leaves all the odd room numbers free, and there are an infinite number of odd, positive integers. So even though he had used all of his infinite number of rooms, he can still make room for an infinite amount of new guests, and again, and again.


This is Hilbert's Paradox of the Hotel for you. It's supposed to illustrate that having or reaching infinity is not possible using a technique called reductio ad absurdum. We first assume it is possible, but it turns out that if it is, then reality contradicts that, so the initial assumption must be false, which makes the opposite case (that reaching infinity is not possible) true. It should be easily understandable for everybody, probably even DreamHost's support/sales reps (though I didn't try).

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Nice analogy (the hotel with infinite rooms - [i gotta get me one of those.. I can make a killing!]).


There have been dicussions on other sites questioning why it would even be legal to advertise unlimited bandwidth to begin with (from what I gather, the reasoning is that one would not likely reach the actual hard limit, as it is much more than even heavy sites would make use of)... yet people have reportedly gotten the boot due to hogging server resources and whatnot. I can only shake my head at it all and be glad I'm not caught up in that mess.


If I ever launch that niche market 'alien abducted lesbian eskimos convicts' pr0n site I always wanted, I might have to weight my options carefully  :P

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I'm not necessarily opposed to their advertising word games, anymore than any other advertising word games out there.  That's nothing new, and has been around long before the internet.  My main opposition is when they turn around and blast people for trying to make good on it.  It's like a fat guy getting kicked out of an all-you-can-eat buffet for eating too much food.  If you wanna build a business based on gambling on average use, that's fine.  But it's not fine to turn around and kick a guy out for using "too much."    I don't necessarily consider it false advertising to say it in and of itself.  I consider it false advertising to turn around and say "..but you can't actually use that...or even a finite amount past N..." in the fine print.

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I trust my cheap host.  I've never received one complaint from them for any bandwidth usage, never had a single DB go down, for the past 5 years.


Well, you gotta think though...you'd have to be using a lot of bandwidth and showing up on the top of the charts of usage for them to even notice you. 



I do agree though that we should be able to know our limits...other than unlimited.


But still, unless you are using your server to host 4GB files or 100s of 100 Meg files then most likely no one will say anything to you.  If you were to write a script that was a massive server loading hog, then I'd imagine they'd be pissed seeing as how you're screwing with other customers as well.

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I have had hosts who have requested I remove sites because of the amount of traffic. Also had one site that some bastard launched a DDOS attack on. Took down the whole server and the hosting company got a bit upset as they did not have the hardware to deal with it. Utter crap!

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