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[SOLVED] Mouse Over Swap Image


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I have this css code that displays a small image (read more..) and as you notice, when mouse over another image is displayed to the right, it is working correct and without any problems in Internet Explorer while it appears in the middle in Firefox!


Can this code be edited to over cross this problem, or maybe i use anther code?


many thanks


<STYLE type=text/css>.right {
.next {
.next A {
DISPLAY: block; BACKGROUND: url(images/more1.gif) no-repeat 0px 0px; MARGIN-LEFT: 170px; WIDTH: 100px; HEIGHT: 16px; TEXT-DECORATION: none
.next A:hover {
BACKGROUND: url(images/more2.gif) no-repeat 0px 0px
.next1 {
HEIGHT: 16px


in body:

<DIV class=next style='width: 118px; height: 24px'>
<P style='align: right'><A class=lbOn href='index#$row[id]' rel=$row[id]></A></P></DIV>


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Don't quite understand what you're after, but

<P style='align: right'>

is wrong at the very least. There is no "align" in CSS. There is text-align: right; and there is float: right;.

Also, making all html tags and CSS uppercase is an odd practice.. although it can be valid depending on your document if it's xhtml instead of xhtml user lowercase html. (<a></a> not <A></A>).

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let me explain in another way, the above style is applied for the more1.gif button (more news), the current Style makes this button to the right as I want, this is on Internet Explprer and till here every thing is fine as we want.

But the same page if opened on fire Fox this more1.gif button comes to the middle instead of the right side.


A for <p align right> i tihnk it makes no sense i removed it.


What I want to know, if the style mentioned above correct and has no problems in firefox (is it compatible)? I mean is it the problem from centering the button on firefox or it is smthg else in the code?


thank you

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although it can be valid depending on your document if it's xhtml instead of xhtml user lowercase html. (<a></a> not <A></A>).

Did I type that gibberish?


*although it can be valid depending on your document type. If it's xhtml instead of html use lowercase html. (<a></a> not <A></A>)


And I think your problem is with the

<P style='align: right'>


That's not non existing CSS, if Internet Explorer understands that it's making up things.

Try <P style='float: right;'> instead.

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