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New member/new linux user, general damsel in distress


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Hey all...was looking for some help with Linux so I thought I'd join. Now, not one to beat around the bush, I'll go straight to seeking help!


Now, I'll use all the old excuses to substitute for being quite computer illeterate; young, female, raised using Windows, yadda yadda yadda, you get the idea ;]


Basically, I'm a student with the Open University, and due to health problems, was given funding for a laptop I could use to work in bed (due to chronic illness) and settled on an Acer Aspire One netbook that seem to be so popular at the moment. Anywas, a friend of mine assured me I'd be fine with Linux, and I have been (given that I'm using the already-installed Linpus Linux Lite) however, after a bit of googling, would like to change to Ubuntu. Here's the problem - I have no idea what I'm doing :( I have tried but just end up confusing myself. So if anyone would like to give me a severely watered down, easy step by step help guide or just some advice/tips, I would be hugely grateful :]

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I'm so sorry to hear about your condition. :( :'( Can you get out of bed or do you have to stay in bed all day?


Ubuntu installations are really, really easy. One of the easiest really. It's arguably the most supported distro. You can order the CD or download the file. You can find it in www.distrowatch.com. Download the Ubuntu file and burn it into a CD. You can Google if you have trouble burning. Once you have that, pop in the CD and restart your computer on it. The installation would pretty much walk you through all aspects of it. Pretty simple. I'm sure you can find a guide on it if you Google "Ubuntu Installation".


Best of luck!


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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm actually quite embarrassed as to how long it took for me to reply. Have been hugely busy recently, which I am not used to, and thus internet usage goes out the window.


I don't actually have a CD drive on my teeny laptop, so would it be best to use a USB drive? I have a hefty external hard drive too, don't know if that would make a difference?


Also, thanks for the concern :] I'm quite lucky in that I'm not in bed all the time and can manage a very low key, unbusy, very unsocial life without it impacting my health too much. However, if my social life comes back I boom and bust as such, but that's life!

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You can easily install off of a USB drive if your computer's BIOS supports it.  (If it's a laptop made in the last couple of years [like last 2 years, maybe farther back if it was high end], then it should support it.  To check, you can restart your laptop, hit F8 or what ever key makes the boot source screen come up, then see if it has USB Drive as an option.  You'll want to have the flash drive in the computer, of course.)




You can technically install it off of the external hard drive, but the flash drive route might be better.  Getting it to install off of the external hard drive would essentially be the same process as getting it to install off of the flash drive actually, but you're more likely to have files on the external hard drive.  You could install it off an external hard drive and the data on it would be safe 99.9999999999999999999% of the time (you would have to tell it to delete the stuff before it would just magically be deleted), but you would still probably want to be careful.



To install off of a flash drive or external hard drive, you will need a boot loader on the drive that is capable of loading the Ubuntu image.  Then you will want to boot into it, go into the live version of Ubuntu (where it would be running off of the drive) and then install it.


The bootloader part can be quite difficult, but a tool has been made to help people do that.



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