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hello here is my site i want you to critique.


i am posting 2 topics in this forum because i made 2 websites

so check this one :




i know some things are yet not working correctly, but i am trying to see what is your oppinion and

if you have some things to tell me about design ?

even programming(php) is well accepted !!



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Thats dumb. So you could be losing 10% of your internet users just because you want the intro to be in flash? Make a nice little image or a .gif instead OR just make it so there is a link to proceed to the main site. Don't make flash the only option unless totally nesscary.


Thats dumb. So you could be losing 10% of your internet users just because you want the intro to be in flash? Make a nice little image or a .gif instead OR just make it so there is a link to proceed to the main site. Don't make flash the only option unless totally nesscary.


how come your flash is not working ??? dont have flash installed? it's a must for every person ... bu tthanks for the advice.


here is the link to the site then :


www.swissmusicportal.ch/zo ......

Thats your other website, not this one.


Flash is garbage and made by mostly amateurs who buy the 500$ microsoft flash kit that allows them to do extremly basic thing.


Flash lags, is buggy, and has no real benefit over a non-browser program or java. I hate flash. I hate how its also becoming a standard among the internet. Back 5 years ago, everything was text and .gifs for animations. Now its flash.


Its not a must. (By the way, this also means that you should have a link on that page that isn't in flash to bring them to the main site.)


Thats your other website, not this one.


Flash is garbage and made by mostly amateurs who buy the 500$ microsoft flash kit that allows them to do extremly basic thing.


Flash lags, is buggy, and has no real benefit over a non-browser program or java. I hate flash. I hate how its also becoming a standard among the internet. Back 5 years ago, everything was text and .gifs for animations. Now its flash.


Its not a must. (By the way, this also means that you should have a link on that page that isn't in flash to bring them to the main site.)


it's another site. i linked the lorenzoorr.com to go on my server !

Okay that site looks like there is another thing made in flash. Its the center thing, but thats not as bad as the site isn't ruined because I don't have flash.


Okay, the counter is very unprofessional looking. The one at the bottom left. Besides that, I guess it looks decent. I'm not too picky about little things.

Just on the topic of "splash" pages, they are generally a bad idea. People know they've come to your website and don't need to be reminded again. They chew up precious time when people are picking at your site. They come to get some information or have a quick read, and don't want to sit around for 10-20 seconds waiting for something to load. If it's not informational, they don't want it (generally XD)


Unless your site warns that content may not be suitable for underage people, or requires some kind of terms and conditions to be met or offers people a choice between flash and HTML (which again begs the question of relevance) then it's best not to have a splash page at all.


Overall your site is coming along. I agree with PugJr in getting rid of the counter. It seems like bragging a little, even if that's not your intention. If it's there to let people know how popular your site / services are, then you're marketing it all wrong because measure of a good business / site is based on word of mouth and clients, not some easily adjustable numbers at the bottom of the page :)


The flash containing images on the main page is alright, but the spinning is distracting. Perhaps some subtle fading in and out would look better. You might even be able to do this in Javascript using Mootools or something. Well worth looking in to because most browsers have Javascript and not everyone has Flash. Plus if written well, the images would degrade nicely in browsers that don't have Javascript either.


The horizontal line between your header and content is rather distracting too. A simple <hr noshade='noshade' /> would work just as well and not break or look strange if you have an odd resolution or widescreen / tall monitor. I'd also remove the two basketball player silhouettes from the header. They're not a part of your logo and don't really contribute anything.


Other than that, you're off to a great start and with a few more refinements, will be a great site. And sorry if I sounded too harsh, they say criticism is the best way to improve ;)

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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