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linux restrict root user rights


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I have full administrator (root) rights on my Linux machine, but my employees also have the root password, because sometimes they need to do something on it.


but I want that they should not have access to a specific directory in which I keep my confidential documents.


Is it possible that I can only allow the user with my name and bar all other users including the root from seeing that directory itself or the contents of the directory if they mange to enter into the directory..

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The proper way to handle this is to add them to the sudoers list.  That way you don't have to give them the root password and you can adjust settings for each user in the list.  Google "Sudoers" and there should be some helpful results.

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But suppose I have to give them the root password, because of some reasons , is it somehow possible in that case ?


That's what sudo is for.  You assign settings for certain users to execute as root.  You can Google sudoers, like I mentioned before, and get all the information you need.

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But suppose I have to give them the root password, because of some reasons , is it somehow possible in that case ?


There are no reasons to ever need to give anyone the root password.


You could however encrypt the directory in question using a tool such as EncFS. I would however, setup your machine and permissions properly instead.

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