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critique our new app site


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It looks quite professional. I can't see anything wrong with it. I'm actually downloading War Rock right now. :P


The only thing I noticed is that the "policy" in "privacy policy" goes outside of the box. Besides that, looks good to me.


Edit: http://www.digizal.com/userimage/583/ is an image and if you view it, it is an invalid image and might be secruity comprimising.

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Seems to be having some font issues using Firefox 3.5 beta on openSUSE 11.2 milestone 2.

The "Discover applications for any occasion on any device " text is over the searchbox and the links next to it.

Although enough is showing for me read a nice typo. "Reigster".

http://www.digizal.com/product/Twitterific/all/ text in the menu is overlapping there again.

Same with the links at the bottom, some links are falling outside of the image background.


You skipped a couple of levels on the headings. There is a <h1>, but no <h2><h3> and then all of a sudden <h4> does show up.

http://www.digizal.com/product/Twitterific/all/ The one ul/li combination would make much more sense as a definition list (<dl><dt><dd>) and the empty <p>'s shouldnt' be needed, just add some bottom margin.

Don't forget tables have the <th> tag for tableheaders.


I do like the looks, although on some pages it gets a bit too crowded with a ton of images and text all close to eachother. Might be rather heavy with all those images.. but the images do add a nice touch.




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Looks nice. I think I would like to see a little more contrast though.  The colors are all pretty light.  To me it seems heavily inspired by apple, which is a good thing because Apple does a great job with their website. It would be nice if the links in the columns had a background color change on hover. I prefer the button feel.


Everything is nice and contained and then you have "Discover applications for any occasion on any device" just floating.  I think this can be done better.  Not sure exactly how, but it feels out of place.


I think the "Browse Categories" column should probably extend the same height as the content area.  Overall, looks pretty good.

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