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Not keen on the pop in content, it doesn't actually show when JS is disabled either. The corners are a little too round and the gradients aren't very effective. Looks like a mix of Photoshop tutorials if I'm honest. The logo has a darker edge around it as well.


It's not optimized for search engines; the ratio of content to mark-up is very low. There's no use of text tags like <p>, <h1>, etc. It doesn't validate. There's no meta description.


The design overall isn't too bad, but I wouldn't call it 'web designer material'. The mark-up is terrible. All needs more work in my honest opinion.


Sorry if you think that's harsh, but you are claiming to have been designing websites for a combined 20 years; yet don't seem to be giving great results.

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im with the last comment....you cant say that you design great webiste and put that out there with confidence.


Im not gonna hammer you , but it shows a lack of web understanding and as a result is more likey to deter business than promote it.


Think about this...have you ever seen a print advert look like that...if not...why not?




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I would rather pay for some professional do to do my website than save thousands letting you do it. Your website is done unprofessionally. Where are the <h2> tags? Any <h#> for that fact... That javascript is cheesy. Use some old fashion icons.

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Using firefox3, some of the images are broken (the side of the rounded rectangle)...  The grey background is a terrible mix with the white text, hard to read and hurts the eyes. Your blue nav bar background color is not the same as the other grey, same goes for the logo. Maybe its just me, but i can see it.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">



change that.



Website overall looks empty, and a bad attempt at web2.0. Just trying to teach you the hardway, the green button "glow" is just weird....

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