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Maintenance Mode


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Ok, i am making a website and i need a maintenance mode option like, i am the webmaster i go to the staff panal and there is an option like two radio buttons 1 for on and 1 for off and when it is on i want it to display a page like my splash page http://tpnrpg.awardspace.biz but on the top of the splash it says:


[sorry The Pokemon Nightmare is currently in maintenance mode]


[the reason in here]


and them have like have an area where the webmaster has a password where he/she types it in and he can have access to the website ONLY him


Please walk me through this thanks  :D



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yes, I am.  The not nice version would be more like this:


Dude, nobody is going to hold your hand from square one to only the way where you need to be to do what you want to do.  Nobody is going to bother investing any kind of time or charity in someone who cannot be bothered to even learn the basics by themselves, much less what you are asking for.  If you are really serious about doing this, go buy a book.  Read tutorials starting with "hello world," as you go, if you have a specific question, ask.  But not if you're gonna ask something like this.



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