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Hey all,


In short, I'm looking for a website crawler program.  This is what I want out of it:


- Ability to enter in a target URL as a starting point and crawl through the site, recursively grabbing links


- Ability to have it open and crawl a set of links from an existing .txt file (delimiter doesn't really matter; I can make the .txt file with whatever delimiter necessary easy enough, though traditional \n would be ideal).


- Ability to scrape each page crawled and return data from arbitrary regex pattern(s) I specify.  Ideally, being able to specify more than one pattern and having each pattern be returned as a column would be awesome.


- Ability to skip links I specify based on something it might contain (and/or conversely, only crawl links by xyz pattern).  Ability to specify a pattern with straight regex would be ideal.  Ability to create multiple "rules" like this even more ideal.


- Ability to export results into a delimited text file (the goal being to be able to import it into excel)


- It would be super awesome if this program were FREE, but I'm willing to fork over a certain amount of $$ for the right tool. 



I've been looking around at various programs out there, and so far this crawler called Xenu is what I have come up with, but Xenu does not offer a lot of what I'd like from a crawler. It can open and crawl text files.  Do standard starting url crawling shit.  But the only link filtering ability it has is letting you specify something as an internal link to be crawled if it starts with whatever (can't use regex or any regex-like function, and it has to start with it).  It does have some data/info grabbing built into it, but there's no way to have it look for something specific, much less using regex.  It does have ability to save as a delimited file, though.


So far that's about the best free solution I've come up with.  I'm fixing to start looking at what the paid solutions offer.  I might have to end up creating my own solution though, judging by my research so far...creating a php solution for this is well within my abilities as a programmer to do, but I'd rather it be a standalone executable for long and boring reasons I won't really get into. 


So... does anybody have any experience with any programs out there that offer these things? Thoughts? Recommendations?

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when i needed to dynamicaly generate google sitemaps, i used a program which was cronned it crawled my whole site and then pinged google to re read my sitemap.


these are called google site map creators there are tons out there, i cant find the one i used but thats what they are called and hopeflly that is what u can use or modify.


oh here it is http://www.sitemapbuilder.net/

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here is a crawler class

This is phpSitemapNG, a php script that creates your personal google sitemap
It can be downloaded from http://enarion.net/google/
License: GPL

Tobias Kluge, enarion.net

TODO handle getting and sending of cookies
		Format - in header: "Set-Cookie: $cookie_name=$cookie_value; path=$cookie_path"


define("PSNG_CRAWLER_MAX_FILESIZE", 100000); // only 100k data will be scanned
define("PSNG_CRAWLER_MAX_GETFILE_TIME", 5); //timeout in seconds as a float value
class Crawler {
var $host = '';
var $protocol = '';
var $forbiddenKeys = array ();
var $forbidden_dir = array ();
var $forbidden_files = array ();

var $timeout = 3;
var $fileCounter = 0;
var $url = '';
var $withWWW = FALSE;
var $cur_item = 0;
var $keys = array ();

var $files = array ();
var $visitedUrls = array ();
var $todo = array ();
var $deadline;
var $base = '';
var $cookies = array();

function Crawler($host, $deadline = 0) {
	$url = parse_url($host);
	if ($url != FALSE) {
		if ($url['scheme'] != "") {
			$this->protocol = $url['scheme'];
		} else {
			$this->protocol = "http";
		$this->host = $url['host'];
		if (substr($this->host, 0, 3) == 'www')
			$this->withWWW = TRUE;

	$this->url = $this->protocol.'://'.$this->host.'/';
	$this->todo[] = $this->url;
	$this->deadline = $deadline;

//		debug('', 'Crawler created for host '.$this->host.' with protocol '.$this->protocol);

 * crawles all files that are in the todo list
 * algorithm: breadth first search (former algorithm: dfs)
function start() {
	while (($this->deadline == 0) || (($this->deadline - $this->microtime_float()) > 0)) {
		$url = array_pop($this->todo);
		if (is_null($url) || $url == '')
	return count($this->files);

function microtime_float() {
	list ($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
	return ((float) $usec + (float) $sec);

function getTodo() {
	return $this->todo;

function getFiles() {
	return $this->files;

function getDone() {
	return $this->visitedUrls;

function setTodo($todo) {
	$this->todo = $todo;

function setFiles($files) {
	if (is_array($files))
		$this->files = $files;

function setDone($done) {
	$this->done = $done;

function setDirectory($dir) {
	$this->path = $dir;

 * returns number of files
function size() {
	return count(array_keys($this->files));

function hasFinished() {
	return (count($this->todo) == 0);
 * returns TRUE when the current item is not the last item
 * behaves like in java
function hasNext() {
	if ($this->size() > $this->cur_item)
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

 * returns the current item
 * behaves like in java
function getNext() {
	if (count($this->keys) == 0)
		$this->keys = array_keys($this->files);
	if ($this->hasNext()) {
		$tmp = $this->files[$this->keys[$this->cur_item]];
		return $tmp;
	return NULL;

 * adds list of links extracted from this file $url
function _getFilesForURL($url) {
	$this->visitedUrls[] = $url;

//		debug($url, '<b>Scanning url</b>');
	// if allready in list of files, return
	if (array_key_exists($url, $this->files)) {
//			debug($url, "File already in list of files");

	// check for non local file links that refers to another host
	if (!($this->_isLocal($url))) {
//			debug($url, 'The url does not match the current host '.$this->host.', only relative links are allowed at the moment!');

	// fetch content for given url
	$res = $this->_getURL($url);

	// extract headers
	$info = $this->_handleHeaders($res['header']);
	$res = $res['content'];

	if ($info['http_status'] >= '400' && $info['http_status'] < '499')  {
		// we have an error - webpage is not accessible, just leave it

	// if not allready in list of files, add it
	if (!array_key_exists($url, $this->files) && $info['location'] == '') {
		$info['file'] = $url;
		$this->files[$url] = $info;
//			debug($url, 'Successful added url');
	} elseif ($info['location'] == '') {
//			debug($url, "File already in list of files");
	} else {
//			debug($url, "Url is only a redirect (http 302)");

	// check location tag (when got a 302 response from webserver)
	$result = array ();
	if ($info['location'] != '') {
		$res = '<a href="'.$info['location'].'"> </a>';
	} else {
		info('Computing '.$url);

	// remove html comments
	$a_begin = 0;
	while (TRUE) {
		$a_begin = strpos($res, '<!--', $a_begin);
		if ($a_begin === FALSE) break; // no comment tag found, break

		$a_end = strpos($res, '-->', $a_begin +3);
		if ($a_end === FALSE) break; // no comment end tag found, break

		$a_end += 3;
		$res = substr_replace($res, '', $a_begin, ($a_end - $a_begin));

	// contribution by vvkov
//		preg_match_all("/<[Aa][ \r\n\t]{1}[^>]*[Hh][Rr][Ee][Ff][^=]*=[ '\"\n\r\t]*([^ \"'>]+)[^>]*>/",$res ,$urls);
	preg_match_all("/<[Aa][^>]*[Hh][Rr][Ee][Ff]=['\"]([^\"'>]+)[^>]*>/",$res ,$urls); // update by TK, 2005-07-27
    	$urls_count = count( $urls[1] );

	if (preg_match("/<[bb][Aa][ss][Ee][^>]*[Hh][Rr][Ee][Ff]=['\"]([^\"'>]+)[^>]*>/", $res, $matches)) {
		$this->base = $matches[1];

    	$ts_begin = $this->microtime_float();
    	while ((($ts_middle = ($this->microtime_float()-$ts_begin)) < PSNG_CRAWLER_MAX_GETFILE_TIME) && $urls_count > 0 ) {
        	$thisurl =  trim(str_replace('&', '&', $urls[1][--$urls_count]));
		if ($thisurl == '' || (strcasecmp(substr($thisurl, 0, strlen('javascript:')), 'javascript:') == 0))	continue;
		// filter out links to fragment ids (same resource) - added mk/2005-11-13
		if ('#' == $thisurl{0}) continue;
		// debug('_'.$thisurl.'_','Extracted url');

		$absUrl1 = $this->_absolute($thisurl, $url);
		//debug('_'.$absUrl1.'_', 'After _absolute');
		$absUrl2 = $this->_removeForbiddenKeys($absUrl1);

		// remove "//"
		$start = (strpos($absUrl2, '//') + 3);
		$end = strpos($absUrl2, '?', $start);
		if ($end === FALSE)	$end = strlen($absUrl2);
		$absUrl = substr($absUrl2, 0, $start).str_replace('//', '/', substr($absUrl2, $start, ($end - $start))).substr($absUrl2, $end);
		//debug($absUrl, "Computed absUrl");

		if ($this->_isLocal($absUrl)) {
			$result[] = $absUrl;

		// just break this loop when a timeout occurs
		if (($this->deadline != 0) && (($this->deadline - $this->microtime_float()) < 0)) {
			debug('', "global timeout");

	$result = array_unique($result);
	foreach ($result as $id => $file) {
		if (!in_array($file, $this->visitedUrls) && !array_key_exists($file, $this->files)) {
			// check forbidden files
			if ($this->checkFileName($file)) continue;
			// check forbidden directories
			if ($this->checkDirectoryName($file)) continue;
			//debug($file, 'Adding URL to todo list');

			// add file to todo list
			array_push($this->todo, $file);
		} // else: file already in list

	return TRUE;

function _isLocal($givenURL) {
	if (preg_match(',^(ftp://|mailto:|news:|javascript:|telnet:|callto:),i', $givenURL)) return FALSE;

	$url = parse_url($givenURL);

	$startDir = $this->host . $this->path;
	$curentDir = $url["host"] . $url["path"];

	$retproto = (substr($curentDir, 0, strlen($startDir)) == $startDir);

	// debug if (!$retproto) echo ($url["host"] . $url["path"] . "!=" . $this->host . $this->path . "<br>");
	return $retproto;

 * WAS: only allowed masking char: * (before and/or after search string)
 * TODO check this with more data
function checkFileName($filename) {
	$filename = substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '/') + 1);
	if (is_array($this->forbidden_files) && count($this->forbidden_files) > 0) {
		foreach ($this->forbidden_files as $id => $file) {
			if ($file == '') continue;
			$pos = strpos($filename, $file);
			/*	    		$file_search = '';
					  		if (!(($as = strpos($file, '*')) === FALSE)) {
					  			$file_search = str_replace('*', '', $file);
				  				if ($as == 0) $pos = @strpos($filename, $file_search, (strlen($filename)-strlen($file_search)));
				  				if ($as == strlen($file_search)) $pos = (@strpos($filename, $file_search) != 0);
					  		} else {
								$pos = ($filename === $file);
			if ($pos === FALSE)	continue;
			return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

function checkDirectoryName($directory) {
	$directory = substr($directory, 0, strrpos($directory, '/') + 1); // with last "/"
	if (is_array($this->forbidden_dir) && count($this->forbidden_dir) > 0) {
		foreach ($this->forbidden_dir as $id => $dir) {
			if ($dir == '')	continue;
			$pos = strpos($directory, $dir);
			/*	    		$dir_search = '';
					  		if (!(($as = strpos($dir, '*')) === FALSE)) {
					  			$dir_search = str_replace('*', '', $dir);
				  				if ($as == 0) $pos = @strpos($directory, $dir_search, (strlen($directory)-strlen($dir_search)));
				  				if ($as == strlen($dir_search)) $pos = (@strpos($directory, $dir_search) != 0);
					  		} else {
								$pos = ($directory === $dir);
			*/ // echo "directory: $directory, dir: $dir, dir_search: $dir_search, pos: $pos<br>\n";
			if ($pos === FALSE)	continue;
			return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

function _handleHeaders($header) {
	$res = array();
	$res['http_status'] = '';
	$res['lastmod'] = '';
	$res['date'] = '';
	$res['size'] = '';
	$res['location'] = '';
	// TODO what about http result? after 'HTTP/' => split(" " ...) => [1]
	if (is_array($header)) {
	foreach ($header as $key => $value) {
		if ($key == '' && substr($value, 0, strlen('HTTP/'))) {
			$s = split(" ", $value);
			$res['http_status'] = $s[1];
		} elseif ($key == "Last-Modified") {
			$res['lastmod'] = strtotime(trim($value)); // no dynamic (php/other script) generated page
		} elseif ($key == "Date") {
			$res['date'] = strtotime(trim($value));
		} elseif ($key == "Content-Length") {
			$res['size'] = trim($value);
		} elseif ($key == "Location") {
			$res['location'] = trim($value);
		} elseif ($key == 'Set-Cookie') {
			$parts = explode(";", trim($value));
			$cookie_name = '';
			$cookie = array();
			foreach ($parts as $id => $part) {
				$p = explode('=', trim($part));
				$cookie[$p[0]] = $p[1];
				if ($p[0] != 'path' && $p[0] != 'path' && strpos($p[0], 'expires') === FALSE && $p[0] != 'domain') {
					$cookie_name = $p[0];
/*				echo "got cookie: ";
			echo "<br>\n";
*/				// add cookie if not already set
			if (!isset($this->cookies[$cookie_name])) {
				$this->cookies[$cookie_name] = $cookie;
				$this->forbiddenKeys[] = $cookie_name;
		} elseif ($key == "Pragma") {
			$pragma = trim($value);
			if ($pragma == "no-cache") { // handle non-cached files -> normaly dynamic created pages
				if (!isset ($res['lastmod'])) $res['lastmod'] = $res['date'];
				$res['changefreq'] = 'always';
	if ($res['date'] != '' && $res['lastmod'] == '') $res['lastmod'] = $res['date'];
//		debug($header, 'Header');
//		debug($res, 'Extracted information from headers');
	echo "final cookies: ";
	echo "<br>\n";
	return $res;

function _removeForbiddenKeys($url) {
	$paramsStart = strpos($url, '?');
	if ($paramsStart !== FALSE)  { // url has no parameters, don't search for keys
		foreach ($this->forbiddenKeys as $id => $key) {
			if ($key == '') continue; // empty key => ignore it
			$start = strpos($url, $key, $paramsStart);
			while ($start != FALSE) {
				$end = strpos($url, '&', $start);
				if ($end !== FALSE) {
					$url = substr($url, 0, $start).substr($url, $end);
				} else {
					$url = substr($url, 0, $start);
				$start = strpos($url, $key, $paramsStart);
			} // else: does not contain key
	// remove anchor links : beginning with # to the end of the url
	// echo "$url<br>\n";
	if (strpos($url, '#') !== FALSE) {
		$url = substr($url, 0, strpos($url, '#'));
	// remove empty & and ?
	while (substr($url, strlen($url) - 1) == "&") {
		$url = substr($url, 0, strlen($url) - 1);
	while (substr($url, strlen($url) - 1) == "?") {
		$url = substr($url, 0, strlen($url) - 1);
	return $url;

function _getURL($urlString) {
	$url = parse_url($urlString);
	$url_scheme = isset($url['scheme']) ? $url['scheme'] : '';
	$url_host = isset($url['host']) ? $url['host'] : '';
	$url_port = isset($url['port']) ? $url['port'] : '';
	$url_path = isset($url['path']) ? $url['path'] : '';
	$url_path = str_replace(' ', '%20', $url_path); // replace spaces in url
	$url_query = isset($url['query']) ? $url['query'] : '';
	$cookie_string = '';
	if (count($this->cookies) > 0) {
		foreach ($this->cookies as $cookie_name => $cookie) {
			// check path - dumb approach (only check if url contains cookie path)
			if (strpos($urlString, $cookie['path'])) {
				$cookie_string .= $cookie_name . '=' . $cookie[$cookie_name] . '; ';
		if (strlen($cookie_string) > 0) {
			$cookie_string = 'Cookie: ' . $cookie_string ."\r\n";
//		echo "Sending cookie_string: $cookie_string<br>\n";

	if ($url_port == '') {
		if ($url_scheme == 'https') {
			$url_port = "443";
		} else {
			$url_port = "80";
	//		debug($url, 'Parsed URL');
	$fp = fsockopen($url_host, $url_port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout);
	if ($fp === FALSE) {
		debug($errstr, 'Could not open connection for '.$urlString.' (host: '.$url_host.', port:'.$url_port.'), Errornumber: '.$errno);
		return array('header' => array(), 'content' => '');
	$query_encoded = '';
	if ($url_query != '') {
		$query_encoded = '?';
		foreach (split('&', $url_query) as $id => $quer) {
			$v = split('=', $quer);
			if ($v[1] != '') {
				$query_encoded .= $v[0].'='.rawurlencode($v[1]).'&';
			} else {
				$query_encoded .= $v[0].'&';
		$query_encoded = substr($query_encoded, 0, strlen($query_encoded) - 1);
		$query_encoded = str_replace('%2B','+', $query_encoded);

	$get = "GET ".$url_path.$query_encoded." HTTP/1.1\r\n";
	$get .= "Host: ".$url_host."\r\n";
	$get .= "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; phpSitemapNG ".PSNG_VERSION.")\r\n";
	$get .= "Referer: ".$url_scheme.'://'.$url_host.$url_path."\r\n";
	$get .= $cookie_string;
	$get .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
	debug(str_replace("\n", "<br>\n", $get), 'GET-Query');
	socket_set_blocking($fp, TRUE);
	fwrite($fp, $get);

	$res = '';
	$head_done = FALSE;
	$ts_begin = $this->microtime_float();
	// source for chunk-decoding: http://www.phpforum.de/archiv_13065_fsockopen@end@chunked@geht@nicht_anzeigen.html

	// get headers
	$currentHeader = '';
	while ( '' != ($line=trim(fgets($fp, 1024))) ) {
		if ( FALSE !== ($pos=strpos($line, ':')) ) {
			$currentHeader = substr($line, 0, $pos);
			$header[$currentHeader] = trim(substr($line, $pos+1));
		} else {
			@$header[$currentHeader] .= $line;

	// check for chunk encoding
	if (isset($header['Transfer-Encoding']) && $header['Transfer-Encoding'] == 'chunked') {
		$chunk = hexdec(fgets($fp, 1024));
	} else {
		$chunk = -1;

	// check file size
	if (isset($header['Content-Length']) && $header['Content-Length'] > PSNG_CRAWLER_MAX_FILESIZE) {
		info($size, "File size ". $header['Content-Length'] . " of ".$urlString." exceeds file size limit of ".PSNG_CRAWLER_MAX_FILESIZE." byte!");
		return array('header' => $header, 'content' => '');

	// get content
	$res = '';
	while ($chunk != 0 && !feof($fp)) {
		// echo "chunking...<br>\n";
	    if ($chunk > 0){
	         $part = fread($fp, $chunk);
	         $chunk -= strlen($part);
	         $res .= $part;

	         if ($chunk == 0){
	             if (fgets($fp, 1024) != "\r\n") debug('Error in chunk-decoding');
	             $chunk = hexdec(fgets($fp, 1024));
	    } else {
	         $res .= fread($fp, 1024);
		// handle local timeout for fetching file
		if (($ts_middle = $this->microtime_float() - $ts_begin) > PSNG_CRAWLER_MAX_GETFILE_TIME) break;
		// handle global timeout:
		if (($this->deadline != 0) && (($this->deadline - $this->microtime_float()) < 0)) break;

	return array('header' => $header, 'content' => $res);

// based from: http://www.php-faq.de/q/q-regexp-links-absolut.html
 * Purpose: turn a link $relative found in the resource $absolute
 * (which must be a fully-qualified URI) into another fully-qualified
 * ("absolute") URI.
 * The $absolute parameter is assumed to contain a valid URI *without*
 * a fragment ID part: no checks are done; $relative can be any kind of
 * link found in this resource.
 * Modified by Marjolein Katsma to support links with only a fragment id
 * or with only GET parameters.
/*	function _absolute($relative, $absolute) {

	// Link ist schon absolut
	if (preg_match(',^(https?://|ftp://|mailto:|news:|javascript:|telnet:|callto:),i', $relative))
		// hostname is not the same (with/without www) than the one used in the link
		if (substr($relative, 0, 4) == 'http')
			$url = parse_url($relative);
			if ($url['host'] != $this->host
					&& (
						(("www.".$url['host']) == $this->host)
						&& $this->withWWW == TRUE
						|| ($url['host'] == ("www.".$this->host))
						&& $this->withWWW == FALSE
				$r = $relative;													# @@@ not used mk/2005-11-13
				$relative = str_replace($url['host'], $this->host, $relative); // replace hostname that differs from local
			// is pure hostname without path - so add a /
			if (!isset($url['path']) || ($url['path'] == '' && substr($relative, -1) != '/'))
				$relative .= '/';
		return $relative;

	// parse_url() nimmt die URL auseinander
	// @@@ does not take into account that parse_url() may return FALSE on error! mk/2005-11-13
	$url = parse_url($absolute);
	// dirname() erkennt auf / endende URLs nicht
	if ($url['path'] {(strlen($url['path'])- 1)} == '/')
		$dir = substr($url['path'], 0, strlen($url['path']) - 1);
		$dir = dirname($url['path']);

	// absoluter Link auf dem gleichen Server
	if ($relative{0} == '/') {
		$relative = substr($relative, 1);
		$dir = '';

	// set it to default host // TK
	/* - assumed $url['host'] is set - not necessarily true for all schemes! condition added
	 * - corrected tests for return value of strpos (result 0 is a match!!)
	 * mk/2005-11-13
	 * /
	if (isset($url['host']))
		if ($url['host'] != $this->host &&
			(strpos($url['host'], $this->host) !== FALSE || strpos($this->host, $url['host']) !== FALSE))
			$url['host'] = $this->host;

	/* GET-parameter links: replace any existing GET
	 * parameters or append to (sanitized) $absolute
	 * mk/2005-11-13
	 * /
	if ('?' == $relative{0})
		// prepare for building new URL
		$query = $relative;
echo 'Crawler _absolute: '.'query '.$query.'<br/>';
	/* fragment-id links: should be appended to (sanitized) $absolute
	 * mk/2005-11-13
	 * /
	elseif ('#' == $relative{0})
		// prepare for building new URL
		$fragment = $relative;
echo 'Crawler _absolute: '.'fragment '.$fragment.'<br/>';
	// other relative link: build a new path from current directory/path and $relative
		// dirname() erkennt auf / endende URLs nicht
		// assumes $url['path'] is set - not necessarily true! condition added mk/2005-11-13
		if (isset($url['path']))
			if ('/' == substr($url['path'], -1))
				$dir = substr($url['path'], 0, strlen($url['path']) - 1);
echo 'Crawler _absolute: '.'path '.$url['path'].' ends in / - dir: '.$dir.'<br/>';
				$dir = dirname($url['path']);
echo 'Crawler _absolute: '.'path '.$url['path'].' does NOT end in / - dir: '.$dir.'<br/>';
			$dir = '/';															# minimal dir to use in URL path

		// absoluter Link auf dem gleichen Server == absolute link to same server/host
		# @@@ mk/2005-11-13 no / between host and relative??
		if ($relative{0} == '/') {
echo 'Crawler _absolute: '.'absolute link to '.$relative.'<br/>';
			$relative = substr($relative, 1);
			$dir = '/';
		} else {
			// Link fängt mit ./ an
			if (substr($relative, 0, 2) == './')
				$relative = substr($relative, 2);
			// Referenzen auf höher liegende Verzeichnisse auflösen
				while (substr($relative, 0, 3) == '../') {
					$relative = substr($relative, 3);
					$dir = substr($dir, 0, strrpos($dir, '/'));

		// now construct new path mk/2005-11-13
		$path = $dir.$relative;
echo 'Crawler _absolute: '.'new path '.$path.'<br/>';

	// volle URL zurückgeben
	// did not support all parts or a URL! - corrected mk/2005-11-13
	$abs  = ('file' == $url['scheme']) ? $url['scheme'].':///' : $url['scheme'].'://';
	$abs .= (isset($url['user'])) ? $abs .= $url['user'].( (isset($url['pass'])) ? ':'.$url['pass'] : '' ).'@' : '';
	$abs .= (isset($url['host'])) ? $url['host'] : '';
	$abs .= (isset($url['port'])) ? ':'.$url['port'] : '';
	$abs .= (isset($path)) ? $path : (isset($url['path']) ? $url['path'] : '/');	# maintain existing path if we didn't build a new one; make sure we have at least a '/'
	$abs .= (isset($query)) ? $query : '';											# append specified query link
	$abs .= (isset($fragment)) ? $fragment : '';									# append specified fragment link

//mecho 'Crawler _absolute: '.'new url '.$abs.'<br/>';
	return $abs;
function _absolute($relative, $absolute) {
	// Link ist schon absolut
	if (preg_match(',^(https?://|ftp://|mailto:|news:|javascript:|telnet:|callto:),i', $relative)) {
		// hostname is not the same (with/without www) than the one used in the link
		if (substr($relative, 0, 4) == 'http') {
			$url = parse_url($relative);
			if ($url['host'] != $this->host && ((("www.".$url['host']) == $this->host) && $this->withWWW == true || ($url['host'] == ("www.".$this->host)) && $this->withWWW == false)) {
				$r = $relative;
				$relative = str_replace($url['host'], $this->host, $relative); // replace hostname that differes from local
			// is pure hostname without path - so add a /
			if (!array_key_exists('path', $url) || $url['path'] == '' && substr($relative, -1) != '/')
				$relative .= '/';
		return $relative;

	// parse_url() nimmt die URL auseinander
	$url = parse_url($absolute);

	// dirname() erkennt auf / endende URLs nicht
	if ($url['path'] { strlen($url['path']) - 1 } == '/')
		$dir = substr($url['path'], 0, strlen($url['path']) - 1);
		$dir = dirname($url['path']);

	// absoluter Link auf dem gleichen Server
	if ($relative{0} == '/') {
		$relative = substr($relative, 1);
		$dir = '';

	// set it to default host // TK
	if ($url['host'] != $this->host && (strpos($url['host'], $this->host) != FALSE || strpos($this->host, $url['host']) != FALSE)) {
		$url['host'] = $this->host;

	// Link fängt mit ./ an
	if (substr($relative, 0, 2) == './')
		$relative = substr($relative, 2);

	// Referenzen auf höher liegende Verzeichnisse auflösen
		while (substr($relative, 0, 3) == '../') {
			$relative = substr($relative, 3);
			$dir = substr($dir, 0, strrpos($dir, '/'));

	// if base is set, add it.
	if (strlen($this->base)) {
		return $this->base . urldecode($relative);

	// volle URL zurückgeben
	return sprintf('%s://%s%s/%s', $url['scheme'], $url['host'], $dir, urldecode($relative));

/* better compare function: contains */
function _fl_contains($key, $array) {
	if (is_array($array) && count($array) > 0) {
		foreach ($array as $id => $val) {
			$pos = @ strpos($key, $val);
			if ($pos === FALSE)	continue;
			return TRUE;

	return FALSE;

 * set list of forbidden directories
function setForbiddenDirectories($directories = array ()) {
	$this->forbidden_dir = $directories;

 * set list of forbidden files
function setForbiddenFiles($files = array ()) {
	$this->forbidden_files = $files;

function setForbiddenKeys($keys) {
	$this->forbiddenKeys = $keys;
	//    	if(!in_array($key, $this->forbiddenKeys)) $this->forbiddenKeys[] = $key;

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