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php function, or smart php?


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Hello everyone,


Sorry about my elusive title. I was unsure exactly what the subject would be called.

I've been trying to overhaul some of my processing code from an app that I have been working on and

while I've already come up with a solution I'm not sure if there is a better one.


Basically I am taking user input through a form and sending it to a processing page.


The processing page runs checks on the submitted data for error or proper entry.


Then Stores the the data in a session and sends the user to a final display page.


The data is then ran through some basic math calculations and displayed to the user.



On the processing page I have a main Switch method that Changes what needs to be done based on which method is being used. Heres where the coding got cumbersome.


For each case I was writing alot of repitive tasks but tasked that utlized alot of different variables.

I thought about creating a main function to handle those tasked but quickly found that My function would of had to have an outrageous number of arguments.


So I instead told php to create a new processing page to handle the data like a function but without having to pass all the variables into it.


So if your still following me.. sorry if i'm hard to understand.. i stink at explaining this.


Basically what I've got now.. is


PHP pulls in a "template" file that has all the code needed to process the data, but saved as a string to be output into a new file.


As an example of what the template php file looks like \/:

$endTag ="?>";

//Template variable to be put into fwrite() function
$template = '<?php
if($'.$Variable.' != \\'null\')
   $'.$Variable.'_Query =  "'.$SarrayQuery.' AND time=\'04:00\'";


then after this file gets written.. I turn around and pull it into php to parse the code.


But it makes we wonder if theres not an easier/more effcient way to do this.






(Some of the code was stripped out by the board's posting functions)

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i guess a better way of saying all this is i've told php to write the code for me. Then use it.

I was just wondering if anyone knew a better way to do it. Because for one, this way requires the directory to not be write protected. As its actually writting its own code to parse and creating a new file in the process.

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i guess a better way of saying all this is i've told php to write the code for me. Then use it.

I was just wondering if anyone knew a better way to do it. Because for one, this way requires the directory to not be write protected. As its actually writting its own code to parse and creating a new file in the process.


Well, that seems a bit excessive. Note you can use 'eval()' to parse PHP from a string or text or file.


$message = 'Hey!'; //Dynamic element
$template = 'require("header.php"); echo '.$message.'; require("footer.php");';
$template = '<?php'.$template.'?>';
//write new template..
$fp = fopen('newtemplate.php', 'w');
fwrite($fp, $template);

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