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Hi, I'm new to PHP programming. I have a outdated application made with ThinkCAP and JSP and I need to migrate this program to another platform. I'm thinking of learning PHP with this opportunity.


I do alot of ASP.NET and JSP but I was wondering if PHP has something like the resource bundles in ASP and JSP. If not, how does it support multi-language in PHP applications?


How is PHP in terms of application security?

Which data access services does php use to access database?


Any useful information comparing PHP to ASP and JSP are appreciated. 

Thanks for your help,


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Seriously, theres like a million of these questions on google, do we really need another?


Because I'm a php programmer I have no idea what a resource bundle is.


As for this....


How is PHP in terms of application security?


As with any language, this entirely depends on what sort of programmer you are.


Which data access services does php use to access database?


pdo is probably the most popular.

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I'm thinking of learning PHP with this opportunity.


The more languages one knows, the better, but if this is for work or something it might not be the best time to learn a new language if you'll have to continue support of it later....  Beginners to PHP almost always write horrible code, but then again,typically they don't have previous experience with coding.  Actually, as long as you're confident in your programming logic, just ignore what I just said lol.


I do alot of ASP.NET and JSP but I was wondering if PHP has something like the resource bundles in ASP and JSP. If not, how does it support multi-language in PHP applications?



When you say multi-language, do you mean like English, Spanish, French... so on?  Or do you mean like multiple scripting languages?  PHP does not support multiple languages.  ASP.NET is a framework (well... pretty much), and JSP is (the way I understand it... no experience) an extension of Java, but PHP is the language.  PHP is a scripting language interpreted at run time instead of compiled like ASP.NET code or semi-compiled like JSP.


How is PHP in terms of application security?


PHP has a bad rap for being bad with security, but as Daniel said, it all depends on the coder.  As far as I know, there aren't any security flaws in the PHP core.  I would say PHP is just as secure as ASP.NET, JSP, C, C++... what ever.

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The bad security reputation probably comes mostly from the fact that most people who wish to dabble in web programming and have never done any programming of any kind before start out using php since it's relatively easy to learn. That means that they are pretty lost at first and this usually results in poor coding, especially when it comes to security issues. It takes less effort to learn PHP and make everything work but it takes more effort to write secure applications than it does in .NET for example.

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Security in any app is only as good as that implemented by the developer - the .net framework is no more secure than PHP as far as I am aware.


It doesn't take much effort at all to write secure code in PHP - same as other languages if you know what you are doing.

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