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Need Help on this! Reward for solution.


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Ok I have had this problem all day with mysql for my Admin Panel. I get this error.


Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/bortix/public_html/lockerzinv.com/admin/index.php on line 93


This is the php. Code


I will mark which is line 93. With 93. If you solve this I will reward.



$con = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password") or die(mysql_error());

mysql_select_db("database", $con) or die(mysql_error());

if ($_POST['newurl'] != '')


$url = $_POST['url'];

mysql_query("INSERT INTO urls (url) VALUES ('$url')");

$new_url = true;


else if ($_GET['delete'] != "")


$del = $_GET['delete'];

mysql_query("DELETE FROM urls WHERE id='$del'");

$url_delete = true;





<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="../main.css" />

<title>Lockerz Invites - Admin Panel</title>




<? if ($add_new) { echo '<div class="success"><center>New URL added successfully!</center></div>'; } ?>

<? if ($url_delete) { echo '<div class="success"><center>URL Deleted successfully!</center></div>'; } ?>

<form name="addurl" action="" method="post">

<input type="hidden" name="newurl" value="1">

<table class='alternate'>

<tr bgcolor="b96e00">

<td><font color="ffffff"><center>URL</center></font></td><td></td>


<tr bgcolor="555555">

<td><center><input type="text" name="url" value="" maxlength="1024" size="90%"></center></td>

<td><center><input type="submit" value="Add"></center></td>





<table class='alternate'>

<tr bgcolor="b96e00">

<td><font color="ffffff"><center>URL List</center></font></td><td></td>



$searchresult = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM urls");

93.while($row = mysql_fetch_array($searchresult));


echo '<tr bgcolor="555555">';

echo '<td><center><input type="text" name="url" value="' . $row['url'] . '" readonly></center></td>';

echo '<td><center><input type="button" value="Delete" onclick="window.location.href=\'index.php?delete=' . $row['id'] . '\'" alt="Delete"></center></td></tr>';








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I've looked for 20 minutes and can't find line 93. Regardless, switch all your <? shorthands to <?php. Many servers I've come across don't read them and don't parse the code, throwing it away.


Woops! Ok I put 93. before the line. It should be like 93.while ...

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Ok I have had this problem all day with mysql for my Admin Panel. I get this error.


Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/bortix/public_html/lockerzinv.com/admin/index.php on line 93


This is the php. Code


I will mark which is line 93. With 93. If you solve this I will reward.



$con = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password") or die(mysql_error());

mysql_select_db("database", $con) or die(mysql_error());

if ($_POST['newurl'] != '')


$url = $_POST['url'];

mysql_query("INSERT INTO urls (url) VALUES ('$url')");

$new_url = true;


else if ($_GET['delete'] != "")


$del = $_GET['delete'];

mysql_query("DELETE FROM urls WHERE id='$del'");

$url_delete = true;





<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="../main.css" />

<title>Lockerz Invites - Admin Panel</title>




<? if ($add_new) { echo '<div class="success"><center>New URL added successfully!</center></div>'; } ?>

<? if ($url_delete) { echo '<div class="success"><center>URL Deleted successfully!</center></div>'; } ?>

<form name="addurl" action="" method="post">

<input type="hidden" name="newurl" value="1">

<table class='alternate'>

<tr bgcolor="b96e00">

<td><font color="ffffff"><center>URL</center></font></td><td></td>


<tr bgcolor="555555">

<td><center><input type="text" name="url" value="" maxlength="1024" size="90%"></center></td>

<td><center><input type="submit" value="Add"></center></td>





<table class='alternate'>

<tr bgcolor="b96e00">

<td><font color="ffffff"><center>URL List</center></font></td><td></td>



$searchresult = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM urls");

93.while($row = mysql_fetch_array($searchresult));


echo '<tr bgcolor="555555">';

echo '<td><center><input type="text" name="url" value="' . $row['url'] . '" readonly></center></td>';

echo '<td><center><input type="button" value="Delete" onclick="window.location.href=\'index.php?delete=' . $row['id'] . '\'" alt="Delete"></center></td></tr>';








Maybe you should connect to the database in line 92 too?


$searchresult = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM urls", $con);

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Here try this, fixed shorthands and rewrote your while loop.. might be worth a try.


$con = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password") or die(mysql_error());

mysql_select_db("database", $con) or die(mysql_error());

if ($_POST['newurl'] != '')


   $url = $_POST['url'];

   mysql_query("INSERT INTO urls (url) VALUES ('$url')");

   $new_url = true;


else if ($_GET['delete'] != "")


   $del = $_GET['delete'];

   mysql_query("DELETE FROM urls WHERE id='$del'");

   $url_delete = true;





<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="../main.css" />

<title>Lockerz Invites - Admin Panel</title>




<?php if ($add_new) { echo '<div class="success"><center>New URL added successfully!</center></div>'; } ?>

<?php if ($url_delete) { echo '<div class="success"><center>URL Deleted successfully!</center></div>'; } ?>

<form name="addurl" action="" method="post">

<input type="hidden" name="newurl" value="1">

<table class='alternate'>

<tr bgcolor="b96e00">

<td><font color="ffffff"><center>URL</center></font></td><td></td>


<tr bgcolor="555555">

<td><center><input type="text" name="url" value="" maxlength="1024" size="90%"></center></td>

<td><center><input type="submit" value="Add"></center></td>





<table class='alternate'>

<tr bgcolor="b96e00">

<td><font color="ffffff"><center>URL List</center></font></td><td></td>



$searchresult = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM urls");

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($searchresult));


   echo '<tr bgcolor="555555">';

   echo '<td><center><input type="text" name="url" value=" ' . $row['url'] . ' " readonly></center></td>';

   echo '<td><center><input type="button" value="Delete" onclick="window.location.href=\"index.php?delete=' . $row['id'].'\" "alt="Delete"></center></td></tr>';







Edit: And a string escape misplaced

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Niether of those worked.


oni-kun, something was wrong with


 echo '<td><center><input type="button" value="Delete" onclick="window.location.href=\'index.php?delete=\' . $row['id'].''"alt="Delete"></center></td></tr>';


Fixed it, try it again and see if it works.

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If it comes up with "supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource", that means your query failed.


You need to echo mysql_error(); on the line after your query to see why it is failing.


Can you change what I need for me? I'm kinda a noob at this.

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