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Heres the situation. There are 2 web pages. Web page A is where I login. Web page B is where I need to go after logging in.


I managed to get logged in, but I have no clue on how to get to Web page B. Please Help?


Code Snippet:

$url = 'http://www.website.com/webpageB.php';
$http = new HttpRequest( 'http://www.website.com/webpageA.php', HTTP_METH_POST );
$http->addPostFields( array( 'login_username' => 'username', 'login_password' => 'pass', 'remember' => '1'  ) );
$cookies = $http->getResponseCookies();
foreach( $cookies as $cookie ) {
$http->addCookies( $cookie->cookies );
echo $http->getResponseBody();


I need to get to Web page B to parse some text and retrieve it back, but it never reaches Web page B. What in the world am I doing wrong?


Please help!

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all I would say is check your login credentials and then use


header('Location: http://www.website.com/webpageB.php');


The login credentials are correct. Im not trying to load the page in my 'browser'. Im trying to login, and change the page while the php serverside code is going through in order to parse some data back and echo it to 'my' page.


I hope you understand what I mean.

You're using some XML HTTP Request object library in PHP? I'd start and use javascript, since user login -> user page can be direct


login.php -> checklogin.php

checklogin.php -> user.php


Your PHP method doesn't look like it could without header()...



Is that XML HTTP Request or am I missing something? Whats it doing in php.net?


I am not trying to redirect ANYONE anywhere. I am simply trying to keep the user in MY page. When they click on a button, I want php to 'serverside' login, go to a certain page, retrieve specific text, stick it to a variable, and ECHO back on MY page. I dont even want the user to know the page exists outside of my hosting.


Them being redirected there has nothing to do with. Now I hope you understand what i mean.

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