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where to find "most viewed" scripts?


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Noob here.  Please be gentle...


I have spent two days looking for PHP/MySQL scripts for putting a "most viewed" section on my website.  The closest I've come is a subscription service that does this, but that isn't my preference.  Searching on Google for a php most viewed script (or 'most emailed' and all other phrase variations) simply bring up a php script website's own "most viewed" sections, not the script(s) to produce them.  I'm ready to pull my hair out since I have a reputation amongst friends for "finding anything" which others cannot.  I've failed on this.  All help appreciated.  Many thanks in advance!  :)


P.S.  They don't have to be 'free' scripts; I'd be willing to pay for a good one.

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If you already keep tabs of total views for each item then a simple query can get you this information.  The rest would be relatively easy to create.  If you don't want to take this route then I'm sorry, but I don't know of any pertinent scripts.

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Well, thanks for your quick response, but I guess I failed on my question as well.  I know very little PHP, and am not a programmer and this is why my question is posted in the Miscellaneous section.  When there is something needed in php or mysql I'll search for it, look at it, figure out what it means and does, and then use or edit accordingly.  There are thousands of scripts on all sorts of php sites both free and commercial.  Some rating scripts provide a simple 'most viewed' page, but they are very simple and not customizable.  Is there truly no source where one can find a 'most viewed', 'highest rated' or 'most emailed' scripts?  That's shocking.

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Is there truly no source where one can find a 'most viewed', 'highest rated' or 'most emailed' scripts?  That's shocking.


Due to the nature of such functionality, I find it hard to believe an 'out-of-the-box' solution would work. To be of any real use, it would have to be integrated into the rest of your system, to properly record and display such statistics. This might be why you are having difficulties finding one.

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Yes, this is would be a front-end "top ten" style list which the visitor would see with a page link taking them to one of them.  I found the "Page Popularity" widget at Feedjit, (and another one at another site Foxrecord) and they provide an accurate up-to-date list, but to remove their logo is a monthly paid service, very limited in how you can customize it, and does not provide highest rated and most emailed, only most visited, which is good enough for the moment.  Trying to find a "highest rated" resulted in a couple of review and rating scripts which provide a very simple top ten, but they are not customizable, and there was no luck at all with finding any 'send to friend' (or similar) that also provided a "most emailed" list.  This, again, was after searching parts of two days for all of these things, both 'free' and commercial sources.  There are lots of counter scripts which record visitor stats for your own personal use, but nothing tied in with any of them which can display the top pages to the visitor from the MySQL database which also surprises me.

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well creating your own is pretty easy.  Just create a database table with 2 columns one called "url" another called "hits".  Then on every page on your site you would basically update your table with a basic query like



$url = "page url or specific name/title here";

query to send to db: "update tablename set hits=hits+1 where url='$url'"



and then on your "Top 10" page, you would use a query like



"select url from tablename order by hits desc limit 10"



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