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[SOLVED] Bottom padding firefox only


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How can I add a padding to the bottom of the div in firefox only?  I have a div that in IE and Chrome there is a white space between the footer and the main div of the page, but on firefox the main div and the footer all run together.



padding: 0 0 5px 0;


will add the padding in all browsers, and does not look good in IE and Chome.

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I dont want to use padding as it pads all browsers, I need something that will just pad firefox, not IE and Chrome.


Here is a pic of firefox and Chrome.  In Chrome there is a space between the last post and the footer, but in firefox there is no space, they run together.  I want the space in there, but without affecting the other 2 browsers if possible.


[attachment deleted by admin]

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ok, in your css, you need to reset the margins and paddings like this


* {margin-bottom:0; padding:bottom:0;}


yea, you can use a star, or if you prefer you can use the body tag the same way


then you can use


 #yourdivid {padding-bottom: 5px;}


to your div, or whatever you require


if you wanted to reset the whole site you could use


*{margin:0; padding:0;}


instead, but that might mess your layout up a bit at this stage because it will also remove the natural paddings and margins off some elements, like <h1> etc tags, <p> tags etc etc...


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just a revision to your code

* {margin-bottom:0; padding-bottom:0;}


I'm not sure if it's considered good practice or good etiquette..I'm no award winning CSS mastermind or anything like that, but I always put that line at the top of my stylesheets


maybe  it's been written in a book already somewhere and I didn't know it..but I do anyway

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all it is, is a 'fix', so there is no 'is this right or not', there is only 'is it necessary' my personal view is if its not broken don't fix it..


in other words, if I don't think I am going to need a particular 'fix' because I am not expecting a problem relating to it I wont use it as using some fixes can cause issues in themselves, making your coding heavier than it needs to be.

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Thanks.  For some reason Chrome and IE put a 10px space after you end a < p> tag, but firefox doesnt.  I dropped the p tags, and put everything in divs.


That really was the wrong way to do it. Glad it worked, but you would be good off spending time learning about CSS properly so that you don't need to wreck everything just to change one little thing that could have been fixed so many better ways.

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