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[SOLVED] Gender Bender


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I really appreciate all the help you guys have given me in the past.

Today's conundrum is as follows...

My scripts grabs the "Gender" entry from a table called "Users", and depending if it's "Male" or "Female" it can make a variable say either "his" or "her" for use in a sentence. The same below it works similar, but it's "he" and "she".

It's been stumping me, and right now for test purposes it displays "Female" then "his" and "he"... totally incorrect  ;)


below is the code



require 'connect.php';
include 'header.php';
include 'headin.php';
  die('You're Not logged in, please <a href=index.php>go back</a>');
$Query="SELECT * from Users where ID='$Player'";
$Query2=mysql_query($Query) or die("Could not get user stats");

  if($_COOKIE['password'] !=$User['Password'])
  die('It seems you have an incorrect password! please <a href=index.php>go back</a>');

$gender = "$User[Gender]";
if ($gender = "Male"){$gender = "his";}
elseif ($gender = "Female"){$gender = "her";}
else ($gender = "their");

$gender2 = "$User[Gender]";
if ($gender2 = "Male"){$gender2 = "he";}
elseif ($gender2 = "Female"){$gender2 = "she";}
else ($gender2 = "they");

echo "$User[Gender]<br>";

echo "$gender";
echo "<br>";
echo "$gender2";



Any help is appreciated! Thank you :)

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Seems it was missing the \' for an escape character  (dunno what happened there, had it earlier) :shrug:


here's what it is with the syntax error fixed :P


require 'connect.php';
include 'header.php';
include 'headin.php';
  die('You\'re Not logged in, please <a href=index.php>go back</a>');
$Query="SELECT * from Users where ID='$Player'";
$Query2=mysql_query($Query) or die("Could not get user stats");

  if($_COOKIE['password'] !=$User['Password'])
  die('It seems you have an incorrect password! please <a href=index.php>go back</a>');

$gender = "$User[Gender]";
if ($gender = "Male"){$gender = "his";}
elseif ($gender = "Female"){$gender = "her";}
else ($gender = "their");

$gender2 = "$User[Gender]";
if ($gender2 = "Male"){$gender2 = "he";}
elseif ($gender2 = "Female"){$gender2 = "she";}
else ($gender2 = "they");

echo "$User[Gender]<br>";

echo "$gender";
echo "<br>";
echo "$gender2";


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Sure it's

require 'connect.php';
include 'header.php';
include 'headin.php';
  die('You\'re Not logged in, please <a href=index.php>go back</a>');
$Query="SELECT * from Users where ID='$Player'";
$Query2=mysql_query($Query) or die("Could not get user stats");

  if($_COOKIE['password'] !=$User['Password'])
  die('It seems you have an incorrect password! please <a href=index.php>go back</a>');

$gender = "$User[Gender]";
if ($gender = "Male"){$gender == "his";}
elseif ($gender == "Female"){$gender == "her";}
else ($gender == "their");

$gender2 = "$User[Gender]";
if ($gender2 == "Male"){$gender2 == "he";}
elseif ($gender2 == "Female"){$gender2 == "she";}
else ($gender2 == "they");

echo "$User[Gender]<br>";

echo "$gender";
echo "<br>";
echo "$gender2";


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Is your data in the database 'Female' and 'Male' and not 'female' and 'male' (or something similar)?


Just a quick reformat of how I'd format your current code.

require 'connect.php';
include 'header.php';
include 'headin.php';
die('You\'re Not logged in, please <a href="index.php">go back</a>');
// Escape the ID - remember I could change a cookie and could potential exploit the query
$Player = mysql_real_escape_string($_COOKIE['member_id']);

$Query = "SELECT * from Users where ID='$Player'";
$Query2 = mysql_query($Query) or die("Could not get user stats");
$User = mysql_fetch_assoc($Query2);

// I never recommend placing the password (even hashed/encrypted) into a cookie.
if($_COOKIE['password'] !=$User['Password'])
die('It seems you have an incorrect password! please <a href="index.php">go back</a>');

// I'd change it to the following switch statement, cleaner code
// and using an array - its just a lot cleaner IMO
switch($User['Gender']) {
case 'Male':
	$gender['p'] = 'his';
	$gender['s'] = 'he';
case 'Female':
	$gender['p'] = 'hers';
	$gender['s'] = 'she';
	$gender['p'] = 'theirs';
	$gender['s'] = 'they';

echo $User['Gender'].'<br>';
echo $gender['s'];		// singluar
echo '<br>';
echo $gender['p'];		// plural




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Sure it's

require 'connect.php';
include 'header.php';
include 'headin.php';
  die('You\'re Not logged in, please <a href=index.php>go back</a>');
$Query="SELECT * from Users where ID='$Player'";
$Query2=mysql_query($Query) or die("Could not get user stats");

  if($_COOKIE['password'] !=$User['Password'])
  die('It seems you have an incorrect password! please <a href=index.php>go back</a>');

$gender = "$User[Gender]";
if ($gender = "Male"){$gender == "his";}
elseif ($gender == "Female"){$gender == "her";}
else ($gender == "their");

$gender2 = "$User[Gender]";
if ($gender2 == "Male"){$gender2 == "he";}
elseif ($gender2 == "Female"){$gender2 == "she";}
else ($gender2 == "they");

echo "$User[Gender]<br>";

echo "$gender";
echo "<br>";
echo "$gender2";



if ($gender = "Male"){$gender == "his";}

Your first if statement still has just one '=', looks like you got the 2 mixed up.



if ($gender == "Male"){$gender = "his";}

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in your if statement


what you just did is that you gave the variable $gender the value male

so you $gender variable will have the value male no matter what.



what this does is check if the value  of the variable $gender equals male

the $gender variable will have the value that it had before you ran the if statement

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