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[SOLVED] SQL question - Urgent!


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Are you kidding me?

no virus in a simple txt file, or does my fact being jewish caused you report this file as a virus.

Moderator, I highly reccomend you to check the file yourself and ban this racist user.


any way, this is the content of the file:

tables structure:


Supplier(s_no, s_name, status, s_address, s_city)

Project(p_no, p_name, p_manager, p_address, p_city)

Material(m_no, m_name, unit, unit_price)

Order(o_no, p_no, s_no, m_no, units, o_date)




s_no: supplier number

p_city: project city

m_no: material number

unit: unit of mesure (e.g.: kg, gr, etc)

unit_price: price for that material


I need to find a method to find the following:

- find all the suppliers that have supplied at least 10 orders to projects taken place in a specific city, for each supplier i need to find the total amount of money he've ordered in the past (for all projects, not only the ones taken place before).

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Something like this. However I have assumed you are want suppliers who have 10 or more projects in the specified city, but you want the total of their orders irrespective of cities.


SELECT a.s_no, SUM(OrderMaterialPrice) 
FROM (SELECT supplierNo
FROM (SELECT a.s_no AS supplierNo, COUNT(*) AS ProjCount
FROM Supplier a
ON a.s_no = b.s_no
INNER JOIN Project c
ON b.p_no = c.p_no
WHERE p_city = '$SomeCity'
GROUP BY a.s_no) Deriv1
WHERE ProjCount >= 10) Deriv3
INNER JOIN Order ON Deriv3.SupplierNo = Order.s_no
INNER JOIN (SELECT OrderNo, SUM(MaterialPrice) AS OrderMaterialPrice
FROM (SELECT o.o_no AS OrderNo, m_no, (o.units * m.unit_price) AS MaterialPrice FROM Order o INNER JOIN Material m ON o.m_no = m.m_no GROUP BY o.o_no , m_no) Deriv2
GROUP BY OrderNo) Deriv4
ON Order.o_no = Deriv4.OrderNo
GROUP BY a.s_no


Probably a few typos but using SELECTs in this way is the only way I can think to do it at the moment.


All the best



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