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u, ppl, and missing spaces will not give the impression of professionalism. Use proper English and the search engines will like you more too.


On the software page, re-size the picture using Photoshop and save it as a JPG or GIF. BMPs aren't the best for web.


Is there a header for the site? Maybe it just didn't load for me.


The site is still a bit rough, keep at it.

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- Use of language is bad

- The design reminds me more of a teenagers gaming blog, rather than a professional portal for resources

- I don't care how many visitors your site has has (probably going to be bots anyway), and it doesn't even work


Here's is my KO conclusion, it would appear as if you're trying top provide a solution to absolutely every programming requirement I have, and that is nigh on impossible. I have Google Search in my tool bar (as all programmers) and if I want anything I know exactly where I can get it.


that said if you make your design friendly (not black and red :() and sorted out your use of language you might get a few people bookmark it.

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Agree with the points above. Also think you can tell you've used a template a mile-off. I know you said you did, but it's obvious with the difference between the content you've done and what was with the tutorial. Your content is very small, hard to read and not well thought out. The word to describe it won't come to mind but it's very "line-by-line" / Word like, if that makes sense? As apposed to a gridded / multi-column|row layout where the content floats to the side of each other and makes full use of space.


Personally I think you should drop the template. It's very distracting and kind of feels like it gets in the way. Don't really know what it has to do with the theme of the content anyway?

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Thanks of the tip about the image

Header is there but in past 3-4 days its loading slower for some reason..i am making other one which should be done soon better one and easier to load


"u, ppl, and missing spaces will not give the impression of professionalism"

i don't quite understand what u mean can u be more specific and explain me more




"Use of language is bad" u mean in way of grammar errors or in other way ?

"I don't care how many visitors your site has has (probably going to be bots anyway), and it doesn't even work" what does that mean,man am not a bontnet master lol if i were i wouldnt be asking for opinions here at all

"it would appear as if you're trying top provide a solution to absolutely every programming requirement " i know its impossible for me to know everything and provide all solutions by myself but there are alot ppl helping me on that task:and this i not mainly programing site but rather security related site helping ppl to protect and thats why its like black and red.

Btw what do u think would be apropriate template for "profesional portal"?

And maybe privide all solutions from my brain but i want my site to be a place where ppl wiil ask for help and if needed i would be doing research for them and helping them untill i get some good members that will help ppl also




i see u agree with them about template.Any sugestions for template ?


"The word to describe it won't come to mind but it's very "line-by-line" / Word like, if that makes sense? As apposed to a gridded / multi-column|row layout where the content floats to the side of each other and makes full use of space." can u link me to some example to see exactly on what do u mean(example of how u mean i should do it )

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"Use of language is bad" u mean in way of grammar errors or in other way ?

- Grammar, spelling, use of words


"I don't care how many visitors your site has has (probably going to be bots anyway), and it doesn't even work" what does that mean,man am not a bontnet master lol if i were i wouldnt be asking for opinions here at all

- It means that I don't need to know how many visitors you have, it's taking up space no the screen when it isn't required.


"it would appear as if you're trying top provide a solution to absolutely every programming requirement " i know its impossible for me to know everything and provide all solutions by myself but there are alot ppl helping me on that task:and this i not mainly programing site but rather security related site helping ppl to protect and thats why its like black and red.

1) Fine you can get many people contributing, but again you could have a million monkeys finding links for your site and you will be nowhere near as powerful as Google.

2) In my opinion I would say it doesn't matter what subject you are specifying in it is more important to choose a colour scheme that is inviting and non invasive, plus I don't think red + black signifies security is signifies hacking, which is the wrong message to send.

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I am not planing to be powerfull as google lol no site can do to that am just trying to get my site be there to help ppl and in return those ppl get me trafic back and fill my addsense account by clicking on my adds.that is what i am trying to get,and that is why i submited here for review to get some advices.i don't mind critiques no mater how bad they are they are always helpfull,but here u are telling me to change my color scheme or template for example but to what.give me some advice what would be good color combination what kinda of template would be good.That is what am looking for give me example of that what u think is inviting color scheme

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Well the problem with black and red is that the contrast between the two is very weak, this makes it harder to read.


If you take a look at Smashing Magazine (of which is one of the most popular blogs / resources) it uses a white colour scheme with red, green and grey.


Now you can use tools such as kuler.adobe.com and colorblender.com to help come up with a colour scheme, but do not undrestimate how powerful the colour white is.


White as a background colour and some complimentary colours that pop in contrast (reds, greens, blues etc), perhaps you can investigate this.




Here is the killer, and you need to remember this statement for as long as you make websites:


"You need to make your design invisible"


What this means is that is should be so well designed that the user should only ever notice the content, yes the design can look good but the point is puitting all the focus on the content. A design that is obtrusive will distract me from viewing your content, this will mean I won't click on any of your ads and you won't make any cash. Oh, and believe me, Smashing Magazine make sh*t loads of cash from advertising.


If you have a spare 5 minutes take a look at the slides of a chap called Dan Rubin, he talked about invisible designs at a developer conference earlier in the year. (

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Now u gave me some good advices and directions which way should i go in future.Will try to correct all mistakes i did on my site and will submit it here on review again when done :D


as for that blog i would be happy if i manage to get my site earning up to 5k i don't need anything more altough would be nice to have profit like they do but its still not possible for me


anyway thanks for help :)

Now i know what should i do :)

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