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store and update number without database


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I have a PHP  web form; every time a user submits the form, I want to display and update the number (like a counter) on the web page. This is for users to see how may people have submitted the form. But I don't want to use a database.


I want to have: This form was submitted 20 times, and keep updating the number each time the form is submitted.



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Firstly; why are you doing this? Are you trying to prove that you can? If you do follow through with this and store the number in a file, you're going to have to make sure that you lock the file in question while you're updating it, as you don't want two updates happening concurrently. But I have to say that I just don't see the point in what you're doing.

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There a lot of solutions to the problem. Another easy one, is to create a blank file somewhere on your server each time the submit button is pressed.  Then use something like shell_exec() to run "ls $fullpath_to_dir | wc -l" which will give you the number of files in that directory. I'm not saying this is the best method, but a database is really not required for such a task, especially since its the only thing you want to track.

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There a lot of solutions to the problem. Another easy one, is to create a blank file somewhere on your server each time the submit button is pressed.  Then use something like shell_exec() to run "ls $fullpath_to_dir | wc -l" which will give you the number of files in that directory. I'm not saying this is the best method, but a database is really not required for such a task, especially since its the only thing you want to track.


Thought of that one to...good one.

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I don't like the option to make a file for each count, eventually there will be hundreds, if not thousands, of empty files on the server.


Cardale, could you provide an example of the image example, that sounds promising.


Well honestly you wouldn't have thousands if you deleted the one before it, but in order to do this you have to create two files.


We will name this image.php

$command = "find /var/www/test/*.jpg";
$file = exec($command);

$info = pathinfo($file);
$file_name =  basename($file,'.'.$info['extension']);

$realstring = $file_name;
$useimage  = imagecreatefromjpeg($file);
$linecolor = imagecolorallocate($useimage,233,239,239);
$textcolor = imagecolorallocate($useimage, 255, 255, 255);

imagestring($useimage, 5, 20, 10, $realstring, $textcolor);

header("Content-type: image/jpeg");


$_SESSION['filename'] = $file;
$_SESSION['file'] = $file_name;


second example.php

<img src="test.php">
$file = $_SESSION['filename'];
$file_name = $_SESSION['file'];

$file_name = $file_name + 1;

rename("$file", "/var/www/test/".$file_name.".jpg");



Now create a directory name it "test" give it proper permissions.  Then get a good image to use and name it 0.jpg. and that should be it after you set all the permissions correctly.



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