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Counting Replacements in Strings


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Hi everyone!


I wondered whether there's a way of counting the number of replacements made from a string replacement.



$string="I like strings. I think they are brilliant. I will get to the bottom of this issue.";
string=preg_replace($word_to_replace, $replacement, $string);
echo $string;


That would just output:

We like strings. We think they are brilliant. We will get to the bottom of this issue.


But what I need (strange as it might seem) is this:

We1 like strings. We2 think they are brilliant. We3 will get to the bottom of this issue.


I understand loops and how to increase a counting variable, but not how to do this with a preg_replace function.


Any suggestions?


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that's straight from phps documentation.

mixed preg_replace  ( mixed $pattern  , mixed $replacement  , mixed $subject  [, int $limit = -1  [, int &$count  ]] )

If specified, this variable will be filled with the number of replacements done.


nm I just read your post all the way through.  You'll probably have to use a callback function to increment your $replacement.


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$string="I like strings. I think they are brilliant. I will get to the bottom of this issue.";
string=preg_replace($word_to_replace, $replacement, $string);
echo $string;


It didn't work because you didn't test your example code, you missed a $ from before "string" and and "I" is not a regular expression...


$string="I like strings. I think they are brilliant. I will get to the bottom of this issue.";
$string=preg_replace($word_to_replace, $replacement, $string, -1, $count);
echo '<pre>' . "\r\n";
echo 'Output:' . "\t\t\t" . $string . "\r\n";
echo 'Replacements made:' . "\t" . number_format($count, 0) . "\r\n";
echo '</pre>';


Output:			We like strings. We think they are brilliant. We will get to the bottom of this issue.
Replacements made:	3


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Baaa. I feel sheepish.


Eventually I did this as a 2 stage approach like this:

#original (case insensitive) word from database:
$pattern = array(

#Replacement highlighted phrase:	
$new_word = array(
'<span id="'.$word_all.'_nst_id_007" class="'.$style.'">'.$word.'</span>',
'<span id="'.$word_all.'_nst_id_007" class="'.$style.'">'.$uc_word.'</span>',
'<span id="'.$word_all.'_nst_id_007" class="'.$style.'">'.$upper_word.'</span>'
#now highlight the words:
$page = preg_replace($pattern, $new_word, $page);


$page=preg_replace("#nst_id_007#e", '"$replacement".$counter++', $page);

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