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need serious HELP in my PHP Class!


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I've been seriously slacking in class and have a big 20% PHP Project due. Can anybody help? Here it is..


"Create a web page that stores airline surveys in a MySQL database. Include fields for the date and time of the flight, flight number, and so on. Also include on the web page groups of radio buttons that allow the user to rate the airline on the following criteria.


a. Friendliness of customer staff

b. space for luggage storage

c. comfort of seating.

d. cleanliness of aircraft

e. noise level of aircraft


The radio buttons for each question should consists of the following options: No Opinion, poor, fair, good, or Excellent. separate text files should store the results of a single survey. Include a view past survey results button on the main survey page that displays a list of past survey results.

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I am sure a lot of people can do it, but will they? Chances are slim to none. You seem like you do not even have the foundation of the code started.


Just look at it this way, if you came to me and said, "I am learning to change my brakes, here are the pads I will be back in 5 hours please have it done." Will I do it? Nope. Same scenario here, it is no skin off of my nose if you fail that course. Try it for yourself and when you get stuck post here, if you cannot do it than you deserve the grade you get for slacking, not reading your material and most importantly not talking to the professor after class and asking for help with what confused you during the lecture.

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as long as you prove that youve tried, started it at least, we can guide you.


the usages of "should" in the following

The radio buttons for each question should consists of the following options: No Opinion' date=' poor, fair, good, or Excellent. separate text files [b']should[/b] store the results of a single survey. Include a view past survey results button on the main survey page that displays a list of past survey results.


would indicate otherwise.  by saying, "this should ...", is a form of dictation.  he is explaining how it's to be done, as a professor would, so that we know exactly how to do it for him.


and sure, everyone slacked at school from time to time, but i never had the internet to bail me out, so i hardly feel sorry for the kids these days.  if he doesn't cheat on this forum, he'll move onto the 100,000 others that are out there.  boo-hoo.  i used to slack, get the bad grade, and get a smack upside the head that left me in a daze for hours.  nowadays, "it's gonna be a lengthy time-out for you, Billy."


anyways, stay in school, kids.  use the tools that are provided to you, ie., teachers, INTERNET, books, etc., and there's no way you can go wrong.

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thats a bit harsh dont you think premiso?


Nope, I do not think it is. If he wants someone to code it for him, offer to pay us to do it and post in the freelance section, if he would have at least started it and posted a specific question I am all for helping him, but this kind of post is ridiculous and I just wish I knew who his professor was so I could inform them, as if someone codes it for him, he does not deserve that grade because he slacked and it is considered cheating. I had to code my way through college and I earned my 4.0, and to have someone do this crap is a slap in the face to anyone who put effort into a class. As he obviously does not care about it, he should not get a decent grade just by posting on a forum and expecting pity for him not doing the work and not taking the time to learn the subject.


If you give a man a fish he eats for one day, if you teach how to fish he can eat for life.



If someone posted:

I have a 10-page essay due tomorrow that is worth 20% of my grade it has to be written on the Civil War with specific quotes from books, at least 10 of them and done in MLA format, please do it for me, oh and by the way I have not even started to write this essay so start from scratch.


Would you have a different outlook on this post? Either way it is cheating having someone write it for you and not help you with it.

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thats a bit harsh dont you think premiso?


everyone slacked at school in one subject or another, as long as you prove that youve tried, started it at least, we can guide you.


Asking for homework to be completed is against the rules here (see rule 11 in the DO NOTs section: http://www.phpfreaks.com/page/rules-and-terms-of-service#toc_forum_do_nots).  We're not going to just drop everything and provide the solution.  The OP needs to to their own work.  Some of us will guide and help them with questions regarding their work, but no one will do it for them wholesale.


Also, in regards to premiso's reply, we are all volunteers here.  We are under no obligation to help anyone.  We do so because we enjoy working with PHP and being a part of the greater coding community.  It is not our job to help you.  We don't get paid for this.  If the OP simply wants someone to spoon feed them code, we have a Freelance section available to them.  I'm sure they can get a ready made solution for a reasonable price.

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ok thanks for all the replies guys and I apologize if I've upset anybody or broke any rules.


You guys are completely right. I've completely slacked and am now at the end of my rope looking for any resource possible. I could try but will most likely fail at even building a foundation for this project..


im offering $20.. in gift paypal.. thanks again for your sympathy/empathy

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20 bucks? Right...

You know this saying? 'Work for free or for full price. Never for cheap.'


Seriously man... people have been coming here with similar problems as you. Some of them were willing to work and learn, they got helped, and in most cases they succeded in doing their project on time (learning quite a lot on the way). Others weren't as eager and didn't achieve much.

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ok thanks for all the replies guys and I apologize if I've upset anybody or broke any rules.


You guys are completely right. I've completely slacked and am now at the end of my rope looking for any resource possible. I could try but will most likely fail at even building a foundation for this project..


im offering $20.. in gift paypal.. thanks again for your sympathy/empathy


You should make a new thread here: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/board,8.0.html


(I'm not moving the entire thread as only the last post was truly freelance oriented)

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I honestly have no time to learn , playing too much catch up with my other classes. It's not that I don't have the desire to learn PHP, something just happened in my life during the semester.


I moved this to the freelance section, thanks again everybody for your input..

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