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Logging Changes


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Hello all,

I have been looking at Git & SVN for a project - but wondering on views.


Basically I want all the developers to continue accessing & directly editing the source code on our server. However I would like a mechinism of finding the changes made on a certain day - should anything go wrong!


At the moment I have tar.gz files downloading at midnight every night - and should I need them - I unzip them and WinMerge them to check the differences.





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If you have more than a few developers and you want to be able to see changes etc, SVN is definitely the way to go. I have never used GIT, but heard good things about it. I have used Windows SVN, which worked good just really slow, and I have used the Subversion SVN, which worked great as well.


If you do want to know exact changes and when they were made / by who SVN is the way to go!

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Basically I want all the developers to continue accessing & directly editing the source code on our server.


If you setup git or svn you will also won't to give each developer there own repository to work in. They could all work within the same repo, but you'll loose allot of the benefits.

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