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Character recognition


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Captcha's are there for a reason.. Writing a code to automate it kinda feels wrong to me..


The class you found requires it to learn words etc.. It was designed for reading scanned documents etc.. I am pretty sure getting it to read something a human may struggle with is going to take ALOT of work.

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This is like one of those "For a homework assignment, my computer security studies teacher wants me to be able to get into admin without pass" , It in turn, Being a 14 yearold boy who went to youtube too much. Tsk.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That sort of captcha will require a hundred thousand line OCR, preferrably in C++ to filter through. Doubt you'd want to do that now would you?


Actually this one requires a simple median filter to remove the high frequency background noise. Then just compare what's left to stored images of 10 digits. I think PHP could handle this.

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