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Sftp cron?


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Hi everybody, I setup a cron daily job to backup all of my databases to a folder on my server, I now wish to send the files to another server I have daily, Ive read somewhere this can be achieved via sftp only I cant seem to find any information, im unsure if im googling the wrong thing.. Has anybody any advice on this matter?

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So, he can use rsync. Am I right?


Absolutely. That's my recommendation. You can indeed copy and tar/gzip your database (If it's MySQL, because everything is just stored as a file and can be copied over to another MySQL server and run there) - but stop the database server first.


You'll need to create the correct dbuser/pwd on the other MySQL server, btw.


If you can't stop the database server, then do a dump of your database, rsync it on over, and then load the database on the other database server. Alternatively, you can write out duplicate transactions if "network" has been enabled on the other MySQL server AND, the port (TCP 3306) is open on the other server.

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