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Rails, yeah, i've played about with it. Never took it any further but it is good. You can set projects up from the command line, and is quite easy to make decent systems. If you want to get into rails, join a dedicated forum. If you want something similar from php, then learn the Zend framework.


And PugJr, Ruby was in the 90's. In terms of a programming language, that is fairly new. Ruby on Rails is a framework for web development and came around in 2004. I think that is what the OP is talking about (seen as this is a forum surrounding web development and not software engineering)

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I heared about 'Ruby' ('new' programming language), but I didn't really check it out yet. Anyone used it? What do you think about it? Is it worth learning?




I would say it is definitely worth learning. imho, the ruby language is elegant.


Although I think that the 'new' has worn off of rails by now and people are starting to see that it is a resource hog when compared to python or php frameworks.

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I've still yet to find a reason to learn it.  Though I've heard nothing but good things about it.  I can't tell you exactly what it does but I'm sure it's just another server-side programming language with a different syntax.  I wouldn't so much be worried about learning the "rails" part as I would be about learning the Zend Framework.  That's where it's at nowadays.  I'm sure if you can pick that up then Ruby/Rails would be a piece of cake.


Honestly, I'd like to just hear what exactly Ruby/Rails/Zend do that's different from PHP.. not to try and thread jack.  If they all do the same thing as PHP, then what's the point in learning it/them?  Sure they're more simplified in their syntax, more structured and well.... you can actually get certified in it, but there has to be a significant reason to use it?

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If they all do the same thing as PHP, then what's the point in learning it/them?  Sure they're more simplified in their syntax, more structured and well.... you can actually get certified in it, but there has to be a significant reason to use it?


Well the first thing that comes to mind is that it is extremely easy(with skilled developers) to have a production app up and running in a short period of time. My first major project using rails was for a patent research firm(2005 or so) and even with me knowing little to no ruby and having absolutely no rails experience I was(almost single-handedly) able to have a complex production worthy app ready in under a month. Although that should be the case with nearly any web development framework.


Here are some of the advantages of using a framework(almost regardless of the language it is written it)

  • enables rapid development
  • virtually forces codding standards
  • cuts back on repetitive code


Although if I were looking to learn a high performance and easy to use framework I would use django(python)


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I've still yet to find a reason to learn it.  Though I've heard nothing but good things about it.  I can't tell you exactly what it does but I'm sure it's just another server-side programming language with a different syntax.


Ruby is a different language to PHP and it does have a different syntax. Rails is the framework for Ruby, it is not a language. There is no real difference in what it is capable of compared with PHP's Zend framework. They both offer command line project setup, MVC pattern, etc.

It was popular because it was such a good framework at the time for rapid development. The Zend Framework has come on leaps and bounds since then. There is no real reason to learn Ruby if you are happy with developing in PHP.

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