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Well this is my first crack at php and I wanted something very basic to get grasp the concepts of php. My site is called dyno-charts.com. For those of you who don't know what a dyno chart is; a dyno chart is a graph showing the relation between an engines RPM (revolutions per minute) and the amount of horsepower and torque it produces. A dyno chart is relevant to engine tuners who want to find out when an engine hits it's maximum potential power and how performance add-on parts affect the power 'curve.'


As for the php, my site has a submit section where people can submit charts, a search section, and a browse section. Also, a forum from PHPBB and a section for individual dyno shops to submit their charts. It took me approx. 4 weeks to complete the site.


Some future add-ons I'd like to include would be a video section and perhaps allowing more images to be uploaded per submission (so a picture of the engine, car, etc. can be posted as well).


The art work is relaxed on the site as my main goal was php functionality. I would like any and all comments but those regarding php, security risks, and easy of use would be most valuable.


Thank you!

K. Candiotti




PS if you'd like to link any of your sites back for feedback I'd be happy to do so... thanks again.

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yourself or a mod might want to move this to the beta testing forum.


as for a website with a php emphasis. In your browse section it would be nice to be able to sort by the catagories

$qry = "SELECT * FROM `dinocharts` ORDERY BY `"mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['catagory'])"`;";


It's got an original 'old'/clean style to it. Only thing I can see negligable is the quality of some of the pictures posted, they're a bit too expanded.


Thanks. What would you recommend? Can I set a minimum file size? Although that might get heavy if I allow both gifs and jpegs. Or I could keep the original dimensions of the chart but that could get some crazy scroll baring. I'm not too keen on php's photo editing abilities so any pointers would be appreciated.



There's simply enough filesize on uploaded files. There's a nice article on image resizing here:



It'd make sense to keep all custom images such as




(It's a jpeg, so it'd lose its quality naturally on that type of expansion.)


I guess it's just personal preference, but it's nice to keep it a fair size, because a lot of pictures uploaded may/should be a suitable size for displaying rather than taking up space.

I have noticed a bug that needs to be fixed






Not only can I vote as many times as I like but I can also change the overall score by adjusting the query string.


I have noticed a bug that needs to be fixed


I was thinking of logging the IP of someone who votes to only allow them to vote once for a chart or comment. I was originally going to pass the vote score via a hidden form, but then I was stuck using the ugly JS gray buttons.. I think there's a way to edit that but at the time I was doing that section I coudn't remember. Any suggested fixes?

I would create a table to contain your votes with a structure like...





then maybe use some ajax to send a get query like




on this vote.php you need to check the the there is no row that match's with both chart and ip address in your vote table. if there is a match then do nothing else increment/decrement the charts score in your chart table.


You could also record whether they vote plus or minus in the vote table and calculate the charts score that way.


Hope this makes sense, in abit of a rush lol

I'm not too in the know about ajax or whether my server provider supports it. I was thinking tho...  I could set the score addition equal to an invisible JS form field. Then pass it that way.. therefor instead of going to .com/php?chartscore=1 i can go to .com/chartscore.php. Let me set that up now and see how it goes. The i'll tackle the IP issue.


as for a website with a php emphasis. In your browse section it would be nice to be able to sort by the catagories


I added the sort function to the site. It was a little bit difficult because of the ability to go thru multiple pages and keep the order but I think I successfully figured it out.

seems to work pretty well, you may consider making each feild required when someone adds a chart. blank spots make it feel unfinished. atleast n/a.


Nice work though, youll have a database site up and running before you know it.

I think it'd be better if you put the ability to post a comment after the comments itself. Like this, people see the textarea but then they might think it's the end of the site, also because of all the whiteness. But all in all it's a nice site!


I think it'd be better if you put the ability to post a comment after the comments itself. Like this, people see the textarea but then they might think it's the end of the site, also because of all the whiteness. But all in all it's a nice site!


Wow. Yeah, that's a really good idea. Thanks  :D

I like the first two icons (the folder and the magnifying glasses) but the rest seem a littler more rushed.

Other than that I like it. I'll pass it on to my friend. He'd be interested in having a dyno done and posted I'm sure :)

Also, I got you an ad click. That bearshare ad at the bottom blends well into your website. I thought you had some kind of audio streaming thing on it haha.


I like the first two icons (the folder and the magnifying glasses) but the rest seem a littler more rushed.


You are absolutely right on with that comment. I was making the icons as I got to coding the page, and the closer I got to completion the less time I took for the graphics. I do plan to redesign the icons though to look as good as the first 2.


Sorry the ad snagged you... i'll split a coffee with you when they send me my 11 cents =)


Thanks for the comment!



You are absolutely right on with that comment. I was making the icons as I got to coding the page, and the closer I got to completion the less time I took for the graphics. I do plan to redesign the icons though to look as good as the first 2.


Sorry the ad snagged you... i'll split a coffee with you when they send me my 11 cents =)


Thanks for the comment!



11 cents? On one PPC ad? Sign me up, I'd be making millions!

I lied  :-\ how about more like 30 cents to a dollar? ;p



msormr.com is a trial in cashing in with google that was the evolution of my dyno charts site. Not trying to plug the site tho so if you go to it don't comment that i'm 'just trying to get my clicks up'  :P


I lied  :-\ how about more like 30 cents to a dollar? ;p



msormr.com is a trial in cashing in with google that was the evolution of my dyno charts site. Not trying to plug the site tho so if you go to it don't comment that i'm 'just trying to get my clicks up'  :P


?? what are you talking about? you saying you made that site also?

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