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Edit pre-built in functions


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If i make a function named "function mysql_error()" Will php allow me ?


Because mysql_error is already set up as default will it not allow me to use it or will it use my function over the pre-default one ?


OR can i just find a way to edit mysql_error() as that would save me editing alot of scripts.

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I'm not exactly sure how functions will behave if you create one that already exists, but I can tell you that you can create functions in older PHP versions that are used by newer PHP functions to achieve the same result. In example, the realpath_cache_size() function was added in PHP 5 but you can create a function in PHP 4 with that name to create a function that does the same that it would do in PHP 5 - or does something completely different. Hope this helps.

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If i make a function named "function mysql_error()" Will php allow me ?


Because mysql_error is already set up as default will it not allow me to use it or will it use my function over the pre-default one ?


OR can i just find a way to edit mysql_error() as that would save me editing alot of scripts.


APC, or source, but it is highly discouraged. Why on earth would you do this. It's the antichrist of portability.

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Because my alternative is to go through thousands of lines of codes and hundreads of scripts and replace mysql_error to my own custom function and that is going to take weeks.


I still fail to see a real scenario in which this would be needed.

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Because my alternative is to go through thousands of lines of codes and hundreads of scripts and replace mysql_error to my own custom function and that is going to take weeks.


Have yo not heard of search and replace?

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Because my alternative is to go through thousands of lines of codes and hundreads of scripts and replace mysql_error to my own custom function and that is going to take weeks.


Have yo not heard of search and replace?


I was going to mention grep/sed, but I thought I'd get lashed.

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Because my alternative is to go through thousands of lines of codes and hundreads of scripts and replace mysql_error to my own custom function and that is going to take weeks.



Have yo not heard of search and replace?


With a script :S ?

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Or with your ide if your using a decent one.


On Linux the command could be as simple as something like (not tested)....


find /path/to/php/files -name '*.php' -exec sed -i -e 's/mysql_error/custom_error_function/g' {} \;

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