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Headaches.. whats the true cause?


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headaches in the back of the head, where the skull meets the neck, are from bad posture & muscle tension throughout the upper back and neck. situp straighter if you can, maybe get a new chair if yours isnt comfortable. i just dropped 350 on my chair. my old one was causing me lower back problems. Best investment i ever made, since i have to sit here for 4 - 8 hours a day.


the headache thats right above your eyes is usually from staring at the screen too long. take a break, look at the roof sometimes. quit staring so intensely at the screen. if that doesnt help you might wanna see a doc, could be allergies causing your eyes swell a little (or so i hear) which causes that feeling.


the headaches deep in your head toward the middle are ussually from your brain swelling and pressing your nerves into your skull. this probably isnt from coding, take some breaks, get some fresh air, cut back on caffeine (if you drink a lot). if that doesnt help might want to check with your doc.


Make sure you are getting enough water as well. dehydration can cause sever headaches. anything with caffeine dehydrates you as well. for each cup of coffee you drink you pee out 1 1/2 cups of water. I dont know how much you need to drink but i know (from my expensive ass trip to the hospital) that for a 220lb male who exersizes regularly (me) needs a minimum of gallon of water per day. Before i started drinking more water, i had headaches, grogginess, digestion problems and joint problems. Now, all gone. Feeling pretty good overall. dont even need the caffiene anymore (not that i wont drink a pot of coffee when i really wanna get sh*t done). but i drink alot of a water with it.


Just make sure you treat your body right and a lot of those little problems go away.


hope that helps. good luck with the head aches.

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Migraines (and especially headaches that are caused by lack of hydration) can be rectified by consuming atleast a small amount (a pinch) of salt per 8oz (255MLs) when you drink water. Salt helps your body retain water, And is basically what gatorade is (Those are the "electrolytes") and is a useful tool for helping hydration. It's not a good solution if you have blood pressure problems though (I do a bit) since retaining more fluids will ultimately cause your blood pressure to go up and possibly give you a headache!


By all means walking around and clearing your mind for 10 minutes is a wonder, I've had cronic headaches for quite some time, not a useful thing when computing, After seeking help many times I've recieved the good answeers that people in this thread have written as well.

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Most doctors don't associate MSG with any negative affects.  Anyways, I'm a developer.  :)


doctor and developer are quite similar as both are experts in inner workings and both diagnose a problem and prescribe/write a cure only the latter has a higher fail-rate in the actual problem-solving although the former can blame his failing on natural causes and exact numbers are therefor unknown.


A developer is a Frankenstein version of a doctor as he can create something out of nothing. Something along the lines of:


class Developer extends Doctor implements FrankensteinGene

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