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remove elements in array


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hello everyone!

i have two arrays, for simplicity i have an example:


first array:
    [0] => 370
    [1] => 368
    [2] => 424
    [3] => 496
    [4] => 307

second array:
    [0] => 368
    [1] => 496

all i want is, remove the elements on the first array based from the second array, thus having:

final array:
    [0] => 370
    [2] => 424
    [4] => 307

...please help me out...thanks...

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Go with array_diff as AlexWD says.

array_intersect will return what is found that matches the values of the second array. Not what you want.

in_array will only return a single key of the found value. Not what you want.

Note on array diff. It will diff multiple values. If you have the value of say"6" in 3 separate elements you will catch them all.





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thanks for all your help! i went for MatthewJ suggestion! and now it's working perfectly just like i want it!  ;D


cheers to this forum!


wrong choice you should have gone for AlexWD's solution. It's stupid to write something that is already built-in.


thanks ignace..no need to get furious. i also did AlexWD's solution.  :)

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I wasn't furious (bare in mind I'm not a native English speaker) I just pointed out that there is no need to write a function for something that already exists like when someone writes a function to get the extension of a filename instead of using pathinfo


lol, until recently i never even knew what basename() did. I'd split my urls into arrays and reverse em and take the first element as a new string. There are such useful inbuilt functions

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lol, until recently i never even knew what basename() did. I'd split my urls into arrays and reverse em and take the first element as a new string. There are such useful inbuilt functions


Yeah like end which you clearly don't know either ;)


lol, thats also quite embarrasing XD

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