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Does anyone know how to send hyperlinks to yahoo mail?


My site sends out an activation email. When I receive the email in msn, I can click the activate link. However the same email received in yahoo mail; the link is not click-able, all i get is the text between the <a> tags.


Here is the email sent from the php:

$msg = "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>My Message</TITLE></HEAD>
Hi $f_name $s_name, thank you for registering with mysite.<br/><br/>

This email is to confirm to us that this is your email address. 
Please click on the following link to proceed with the registration:<br/><br/>

<a href=\"www.mysite.net?102=$ID\">**Click here to confirm with mysite that this is your email address**</a><br/><br/><br/>

If you were not expecting this email then somebody has tried to register a 
<a href=\"www.mysite.net\">mysite</a> account with your email. If so, you can 
remove the attempt by clicking on the remove link below. This will ensure your email 
address is not held in our system.<br/><br/>

<a href=\"www.mysite.net?999=$ID\">**REMOVE ATTEMPT**</a><br/><br/><br/>

Please also note that this is an automated email, and cannot be replied to. If you 
need to contact mysite, please <a href=\"www.mysite.net\">click here</a> and follow 
the contactUs link.<br/><br/>
Thank You
$headers = "From: [email protected]\nReply-To: [email protected]\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1";


All of the links in yahoo mail are just coming up as text.


Any pointers here would be brilliant!

May need to send the mime type header as well.


I know html emails are often sent with PHP's mail(), but just FYI: the PHP manual says "If intending to send HTML or otherwise Complex mails, it is recommended to use the PEAR package » PEAR::Mail_Mime."

Blimey thanks for all the responses.


I've added the http:// but no change. I'm now going to find out what the mime type is and try to implement it.


Pikachu2000, you mentioned sending a multipart version. How exactly do you mean? Is it possible to determine how the email is being read by the recipient and therefore show one message or the other? (ie the html version and non html version)

I did a test with your code on my machine. When the "http://" wasn't in the URLs, I got the same results as you using both mail and PHPMailer. When I put the "http://" in, the links were clickable -- when using PHPMailer. I didn't try with regular PHP mail().


The mail client being used decides which version to show, HTML or Plain text.



Sending multipart allows the mail client to determine which version it displays. If the user has disabled html email, the text version is displayed. There's an example of the format on the mail() function page HERE.

Ken, were you receiving the mail in yahoo?


I added the MIME header as well as the http but still no clickable links. I'm going to download PHPmailer, which version did you test in, the latest?


Thanks Pikachu2000, i'm going to implement the multipart now as well.

Yes, I was sending to my Yahoo account.  I tested with the latest PHPMailer.


Here is the code I tested:

require_once('./PHPMailer/class.phpmailer.php'); // change this to where you've put the class
$mail             = new PHPMailer();
$ID = rand(10,99);
$msg = "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>My Message</TITLE></HEAD>
Hi $f_name $s_name, thank you for registering with mysite.<br/><br/>

This email is to confirm to us that this is your email address.
Please click on the following link to proceed with the registration:<br/><br/>

<a href='http://www.mysite.net?102=$ID'>**Click here to confirm with mysite that this is your email address**</a><br/><br/><br/>

If you were not expecting this email then somebody has tried to register a
<a href='http://www.mysite.net'>mysite</a> account with your email. If so, you can
remove the attempt by clicking on the remove link below. This will ensure your email
address is not held in our system.<br/><br/>

<a href='http://www.mysite.net?999=$ID'>**REMOVE ATTEMPT**</a><br/><br/><br/>

Please also note that this is an automated email, and cannot be replied to. If you
need to contact mysite, please <a href='http://www.mysite.net'>click here</a> and follow
the contactUs link.<br/><br/>
Thank You
$mail->AddReplyTo("[email protected]","Ken Robinson");

$mail->SetFrom('from.address@here', 'From Name');

$address = "to.address@herr";
$mail->AddAddress($address, "To Name");

$mail->Subject    = "PHPMailer Test";

$mail->AltBody    = "To view the message, please use an HTML compatible email viewer!"; // optional, comment out and test

if(!$mail->Send()) {
  echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
} else {
  echo "Message sent!";



oh, just one more question on the code you put up:


When I put in the http:// I had to escape the double forward slash otherwise my editor was saying it was a comment, ie

<a href=\"http:\//www.mysite.net?102=$ID_confirm\">**Click here to confirm with mysite that this is your email address**<br/>
		 					Or copy and paste into address bar: www.mysite.net?102=$ID_confirm</a><br/><br/><br/>


But i noticed that you haven't escaped anything, is this just a typo or is there no need to escape special characters on multi-lined instances like this?

I can't believe it! Using single quotes instead of double quotes and just using the mail() has solved the issue!


ie this works:

//sedning the email confirmation message and link
$to = $email;
$subject = "mysite confirmation email";
$msg = "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>My Message</TITLE></HEAD>
Hi $f_name $s_name, thank you for registering with mysite .<br/><br/>

This email is to confirm to us that this is your email address. Please click on the following link to proceed with the registration:<br/><br/>

<a href='http://www.mysite .net?102=$ID_confirm'>**Click here to confirm with mysite that this is your email address**<br/>
Or copy and paste into address bar: www.mysite .net?102=$ID_confirm</a><br/><br/><br/>

If you were not expecting this email then somebody has tried to register a <a href=\"www.mysite .net\">mysite </a> account with your email. If so, you can remove the attempt by clicking on the remove link below. This will ensure your email address is not held in our system.<br/><br/>

<a href='http://www.mysite .net?999=$ID_remove'>**REMOVE ATTEMPT**<br/>www.mysite .net?999=$ID_remove</a><br/><br/><br/>

Please also note that this is an automated email, and cannot be replied to. If you need to contact mysite , please <a href=\"www.mysite .net\">click here</a> and follow the contactUs link.<br/><br/>
Thank You
$headers = "From: accounts@mysite .net\nReply-To: no-reply@mysite .net\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\MIME-Version: 1.0";



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