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PHP OOP Question


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Hi Folks,


I am writing an PHP application that utilizes OOP. At the moment I have run in to a very simple problem I cannot seem to solve. Here is my situation:


I have two independent files -- one file called migration_logic.php and another named queue_intel.php  Inside the migration logic is a function which relies on a method inside the queue_intel file. It appears that the function inside the migration_logic file is unable to call the method inside the queue_intel.php file and I am not sure why.


Here is my code:





Function Add_To_Queue(){
        Echo "Inside migration logic add to queue function!";
            $assign = new Queue_intel;






Class Queue_intel{
  function assign_to_queue(){
/** Step 1: Determine from which location the student filed their request.
      Note: Queue assignment ONLY occurs if the student filed from within
      an RCHD office location, otherwise queue assignment occurs at ticket
      conversion time!

    $student_submission_location = $_SESSION['student_submission_location'];
        //This student is filing from outside and RCHD office!
        $_SESSION['queueposition'] = 0;
        //This student is filing from inside and RCHD location so we need to add them to the proper queue!
    /** Steps for queue assignment inside an RCHD location:
        1. Determine the RCHD location the student is currently visiting by capturing the answer to their question.
        2. Count the number of tickets currently active for the desk the student is currently visiting!
        3. Assign the student to the queue for the particular RCHD location they are visting
               $rchd_location = $_SESSION['rchd_location']; // <-- This grabs the current location of the student.

    /** Now we need to count the number of tickets currently in the queue
        add the new ticket to the bottom of the queue

        $num_tickets_in_queue = pg_query($dbh, "select * from v2_office_tickets where ticket_status='In Queue' and desk_location = '$rchd_location'");
        $num_tickets_in_queue = pg_num_rows($num_tickets_in_queue);

   //Augment the current queue value and then assign it to variable to put in to the DB.

//Setup a session variable to pass the queue position to the ticket confirmation form.
$_SESSION['queueposition'] = $initial_queue_position; 
        } // End Assign Queue Function 

} // End Class Function



In short, the function add_to_queue inside the migration_logic.php file needs to be able to be able to call the method assign_to_queue located in the queue_intel.php file.



Any help would be greatly appreciated!




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Use require instead of include. The file is likely not being found.


Having include calls scattered all through your code like that is also a really bad design choice. if you need to move anything you need to change your code accordingly, this is never a good idea.

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Hello -


After reviewing the advice provided, I have added the error reporting code to the top of both my migration_logic and queue_intel files; I receive one notice, but no errors. I have also changed the include statement to a require and everything appears to work -- the file is being found because the require statement is not outputting an error.


FYI: The notice I receive is: Notice: Undefined index: liability in /var/www/rescomp/newresticket/pages/studentfrontend/scripts/migration_logic.php  on line 24 This is from a posted variable not related to my problem.


Any other thoughts?





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I'm going to guess that your code is not even calling the Add_To_Queue() function in the first place. Your code executed as expected when I tried it with a call to the Add_To_Queue() function.


When you post a small part of your code out of context it is just about impossible to tell you why your code does not work.

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